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Haneefah, Ameera, and Akeela's father watched Akeela's closed eyes on the hospital bed, in silence.

Mr. Rabiu's arms were folded while Ameera was pacing up and down the room. The doctor had instructed them all to wait outside but they wouldn't budge. They wanted to see her open her eyes before they can rest assured that there was still hope.

Mr. Rabiu's mind was in turmoil. He was remembering all that happened before the wedding and how Akeela had kicked against it at first because she didn't want to go into a loveless marriage.

Her mother, on the other hand, was beginning to blame herself for everything. She was blaming herself for forcing her daughter to marry the swine.

They had given him another chance but he had misused it. She felt like tearing Jamal apart if only she could see him right away but she knew her daughter's survival was her priority at that moment.

She felt Akeela's pain and for once in 20 years, she shed tears. Her husband was amazed to see her crying. He could barely remember the last time he saw her in tears.

She wanted Akeela's pain to end, she was feeling it deep inside her and she was ready to let Akeela do whatever she wanted at that moment. She couldn't bear to lose her like she lost her first child, and that was before Akeem came.

Haneefah kept looking at Akeela and the creases over her forehead as she slept soundly. She wished things were different. She blamed herself for not picking up Akeela's calls for some days and she blamed herself for not picking up her calls that day, on time.

Maybe if she had gone earlier, she would have been able to save one of them, she thought.

Suddenly, Haneefah felt Akeela's hand tighten around hers, and Haneefah jolted up in her seat. Akeela fluttered her eyes open and stared into space at first before turning her head to meet Haneefah's gaze.

"Akeela!" She exclaimed with joy. It notified the worried couples and they rushed to her bedside. Her mother grabbed her other hand while her father caressed her face. She was looking at them in confusion.

"What happened?" She demanded with furrowed brows. She was trying to remember what happened and why she was in a hospital bed.

"You lost consciousness", Haneefah offered to tell her. Akeela looked away and then she remembered everything, all that happened and how she was in severe pain before she lost consciousness. She remembered there were traces of blood and she wanted to ask Haneefah with curiosity what that meant when the door opened and Jamal hurried in.

Akeela turned to the door and their eyes met. She saw his tear-stained face and his unbuttoned shirt. Akeela knew Jamal to be meticulous in his doings and it was unlike him to leave two buttons undone.

She saw the sadness lurking behind his expression and the worry. She realized he truly loved her for him to be that worried but he had lost his chances. She knew it was too early but it was better to have a peaceful life than being in a marriage because of love when there is no happiness.

What is love without happiness and peace?

She turned her face away and he tried to move closer but she stopped him with her hands.

"You told him, right?" She questioned Haneefah. Haneefah looked away guiltily. Akeela had pleaded with her not to tell Jamal of her whereabouts but she did the opposite.

"Is it because he is your brother or this is your way of revenging what I did to you by telling your parents that you are pregnant for Oye?" She asked Haneefah again.

Haneefah shook her head. She wasn't doing it because of that. She was doing it because she felt they both deserved each other. She wanted the best for her best friend and her brother because she wanted them to sort out their difference and learn to live in peace without giving the interference of a third party a chance.

Ameera threw Jamal a cold glare and he looked down in shame.

"Tell him to go out", Akeela said softly.

"Akeela, he...." Haneefah wanted to defend but was cut short by Akeela's loud shout that got her mother right on her feet in fear.

"Tell him to get the hell out of here!" She shouted with blazing eyes and Jamal scurried out without hesitation.

He was ambivalent, nervous, angry, relieved, and sad. Nervous because he had no idea what happened to Akeela and why she was bleeding.

Is she dying? Had she been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease? He knew the bleeding wasn't a good one and it signifies bad news. He was scared he was going to lose her.

He was angry with himself for being stupid and irrational. His anger had ruined everything, jeopardizing his wife's life. He blamed himself for everything. He should have acted differently but the deed was done.

He was relieved that Akeela was talking. He was relieved to see her face, even though it wasn't bright and cheerful. He was relieved to see her alive.

He was sad for everything, wishing he could turn back the hands of the clock but that was impossible. Fate had taken its course and things could not be undone.

The only thing left to do was to make amends by asking for the last chance. He had ruined his first and second chance and he doubted if Akeela would even hear him out but he wanted a last chance to make amends, wipe her silent tears, make her the happiest woman on the earth to make up for the times we have been living in nothing but sadness and troubled heart all for nothing.

He no longer cared if she was a virgin or not. All he wanted was his wife. She was enough for him. He wanted her to be the mother of his unborn kids so their children can be raised rightly. He wanted her despite everything that had happened. The interview had lifted the veil off his face and made the reality hit him hard.

He was restless as he paced the parking lot after texting Haneefah to come out. He didn't want to leave yet. He was ready to stay till Akeela was ready to listen to him. He didn't care if it would take days or months or years. He wanted a last chance and with God's help, he knew he would get it.

He realized he had not been fervent in prayers since the incident of the wedding night and he felt guilty, becoming determined to get back on track and serve his God wholeheartedly, to beg for forgiveness and for another chance to be with Akeela.

Haneefah hurried out and he rushed to meet up with her.

"Haneefah", he held her hands. Haneefah stared at him. Before he could say anything, she hugged him and burst into tears.

Jamal became emotional all of a sudden too and a wave of guilt washed through him all over again.

He was guilty of what he did to Haneefah and Oye. He was a bad brother, for not being enough for Haneefah to confide in. He felt guilty for beating Oye up instead of sitting and talking things out.

Haneefah pulled away. "I'm sorry."

She let out a light chuckle to mask her sadness. Jamal wondered if she was apologizing for hugging him unexpectantly or for dating Oye without his consent.

"What happened?" He asked, referring to Akeela.

Haneefah looked down and remained silent. Jamal's curiosity got the better of him and he tapped her with his finger.

"Haneefah, what happened to my wife? Please talk to me", his voice was laced with worry and tiredness.

Haneefah shook her head as more tears spilled. Jamal was afraid of Haneefah's actions and he pondered over the reason why she was crying.

Is Akeela going to die and leave me alone in this world without getting her forgiveness and a chance to make things work again?

"Haneefah, please talk!" His voice was raised as he shook her.

Haneefah's sob increased and she answered in a loud voice. "Akeela had a miscarriage."

The announcement came as news and shock to Jamal and he furrowed his brows in confusion. "What? Akeela was pregnant?!"

Akeela just lost a baby she had no idea of her existence. May Allah console every woman out there who has been through this phase.

Sorry for not updating yesterday. Don't forget to vote and comment. See you tomorrow, In Sha Allah.

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