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"The foundation of love and marriage is built upon compassion and mercy." The officiating Imam emphasized once again, staring pointedly at Jamal.

"Jamal, be compassionate to your bride and show her mercy. Mercy is when she offends you and you forgive easily without having the intention of punishing her for her misdeeds. Compassion is when you understand what she is going through and you try to understand her silence." He adds before shifting his gaze to Akeela.

"The foundation of marriage is built also on trust and faithfulness", he remarks. "Akeela, be faithful, trustful, and loyal to your husband. Let him trust you in your absence and be submissive to him."

"Lastly, marriage should be a collective responsibility for both of you and from both of you", he pointed his index finger at the couple whose head was bent.

The hall was extremely silent except for the sermon of the Imam. His sermon was not only for the newlyweds but also for the audience who have been married for years and have no idea of what their religion demands of them when it comes to marriage and the responsibilities that comes with it.

Jamal was learning, Akeela was learning and the audience were learning new things too.

The officiating Imam was speaking into the microphone passionately. He was aware of the rate of divorce in today's world and he was always doing his best to give words of advice to every couple he was asked to join together in marriage. Akeela and Jamal were one of those people and he wanted them to stick to each other till the end, no matter how thorny the journey of marriage is.

"As they say, marriage is not a bed of roses, be prepared for the realities that come with it. Some people say marriage can be thorny but I call marriage a sweet thing. Marriage is one of the sweetest things that can ever happen to an individual, the same way it can be one of the worst things that can happen. It all depends on your partner. Having a good partner will determine how good your marriage will turn out."

"Patience does it all, Akeela and Jamal. Be patient with each other, be tolerant and have perseverance."

"Jamal, Akeela is a good woman, hold onto her tightly. Akeela, Jamal is a good man, hold onto him tightly. How your marriage turns out will depend on you both. It is left to you now to determine whether to make your marriage a bed of roses or a bed of thorns", he shuttles his gaze between them.

"Marriage can be a bed of roses if you are committed and determined to make it one. But the ugly realities of life will not endeavor to show up. Your marriage will continue being rosy as long as you want it, depending on how you handle the ugly realities stretching to take a peek at your happy home."

The Imam falls silent again. He wanted to say more. The rate of divorce and unlawful separation was irking the old man's heart and he was wishing his sermon alone was enough to put a stop to that trend.

His sermons were always heart-touching but we are humans and humans are forgetful. We are humans, we tend to let go of whatever advice we hear from other people who have more experienced, just to satisfy our pride and ego. We are humans, we are faulty, we are imperfect.

"Now", he utters softly, after clearing his throat. The AC in the hall was making it a little chilly and one wouldn't have guessed there was a wedding ceremony going on in the hall because of the long silence.

"We will move to tie the knot", the cleric adjust his seat, and Ameera's mother did the same in anticipation. She was sitting beside her husband who was wearing a white agbada dress.

Ameera's mother and Jamal's mother were wearing headgear and a veil around their shoulder on their white expensive lace.

Akeela was still in her white wedding gown with embroidered brown designs in the front of the dress. Another veil was covering her face and she was beginning to feel emotional.

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