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Akeela stood up from the bed around 4 am when she couldn't find sleep. She needed to prepare for her first day at work.

She moved to her closet and search for a perfect dress to wear. Her eyes fell on one of the dresses her mother got for her when she went shopping. She got her both official and casual dresses and the one she wore the day before, for their so-called introduction ceremony.

She was reminiscing throughout the night of the good times with Fred. He always makes her laugh. He brought her out of her shell. He keeps her company and sends her boredom away. He began to make her boring life interesting.

She missed his cuddles and kisses. She missed his scent. She missed seeing his smiling face and she missed hearing his voice already. She was tempted to call him, cry to him over the phone to help stop the ache in her heart but she knew she had to let go.

She brought out a plain straight skirt with a top. The top was sky blue and the skirt was black. She looked through the shoe section to search for a matching shoe. She felt like wearing heels to boost her confidence. She brought it out and place it in front of her bed.

As she ironed the clothes, she wondered in her mind why men cheat. Society views women who cheat as whores, whereas they see male cheating as normal.

How unfair are the things in this society of ours?

Why do men cheat?

Why do they condemn female cheating?

How sure am I that Jamal is also not a cheat like Fred? She asked herself

She couldn't find any answers to the questions so she made up her mind to see her dad when she is back from work.

She needed answers and she was sure to get some from her father. Her father was mostly around because he was close to his retirement age.

She was glad she would have time to spend with her dad before she will be married off to Mr. Jamal.

After ironing, she went to the bathroom to take her bath and brush her teeth. She took her time in the bathroom, thinking about what she needed to do before she is eventually married.

After bathing, she washed herself up for prayer. She went back to her room to observe the morning prayer. She prayed for grace and guidance from God.

When she was done, she was hoping for a good first day at work. It was already past 6 am.

Akeela's father gave her the keys to his BMW X5, telling her to use it for the main time till he gets her own. She drove it to work.

She was dressed modestly in her veil tied around her head and neck region. Her hair wasn't out, nor was any part of her body, except her face, hand, and feet. That was different from the way she used to dress in England.

This is Nigeria, she thought and move to enter the company's front door after the security at the gate had allowed her to drive in.

SalesPush Limited was boldly written in front of the entrance and Akeela was awed by the beauty of the place the moment she entered.

She saw a lobby leading to an elevator. There was a lady at the front desk directing people to the elevator. Akeela didn't bother to approach her. She walked towards the elevator instead. The elevator was at the far end of the lobby, leaving the front desk receptionist in the middle, looking isolated.

Akeela's heels were making the clacking sound and it wasn't making her walk faster. She was taking her steps carefully. She got to the company at exactly 7:30 am. She wanted to make a good impression on her first day at work.

HER WEDDING NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now