Marcus rashford - the argument

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Guys pls vote + comment I always used to ignore this to but it's like the only way to tell if people actually like what I write lmao


"Where have you been ?" I ask him as he stumbles through the door .

" out."

" out with who ? We had plans tonight , remember?"

" who are you , my fucking mum ?" He slurs . Great, drunk Marcus was not always a pleasure.

" Marcus , you were supposed to take me out tonight . I got all dressed up only for you to go out drinking with god knows who"

" yeah well the boys wanted a quick drink after training." He says growing aggravated

" you call that a quick drink ? You said you'd be home hours ago ! you could have at least messaged to let me know."

" yeah well maybe I would of been more inclined to come home if you weren't such a clingy , controlling bitch ." He yells .

I backed into the wall suddenly scared of the side of him that I'd never had to see before . Tears prick my eyes as I watch him glare at me with almost hatred .

" you DO NOT get to talk to me like that Marcus Rashford , You absolute prick ! You're the one that stood me up to go and get pissed with your mates and then have the nerve to come back here to our home and raise your voice ?"

" OUR home ? Last time I checked I pay 99% of the bills."

" oh don't you dare . You know full well that I only have a part time job because YOU wanted me to be available so that I could follow you around. We both know I have the qualifications to be more."

" whatever , piss of and sleep in the guest room or something" he says , stomping of to our bedroom.

He's never talked to me like that before , and I just can't be around someone like that right now . So I wait until he's definitely asleep , which didn't take long because of his alcohol intake , before creeping into our room to grab a small bag full of things.
And Without even leaving a note I get in my car and drive to Sasha's praying they are still awake.

"Hey sash , can I stay here for a couple of nights ? Me and Marcus had a row" I said as she opened the door to her and jacks home .

" oh , of course babe ! What's going on ?" She says pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back as I sob into her shoulder .

" yo babe , who was at the door ?" Jack says strolling into view .

" y/n ? What the matter?" He says also rushing to embrace me .

" oh it's just Marcus-"

" what's he done now ? Need me to go beat him up?" He says only slightly joking .

" no , no . He just came home drunk after he had stood me up and said all this awful shit . He called me a 'clingy , controlling bitch' and then made a dig about the fact that he pays most of the bills . And then tried to get me to sleep in a guest room so I left ."

" shit I'm sorry , that's rough . does he know that you're here ?" Jack asks

" no . And please don't tell him . I need space just for a couple days . I can stay in a hotel if you guys want , this was just the first place I thought of"

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