Mason mount - friends ? (Part 2)

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It had been four days since I'd overheard mason's conversation and I hadn't spoken a word to him since , apart from a brief  thank you after he had sent through my tickets for Sunday's match .

He'd carried me up to bed that night after I'd been to scared to ' wake back up' and left with only a kiss on my forehead .

I was the most confused I'd ever been , this had to mean that he had feelings for me right ? And if that was the case I needed to tell him that I felt the same ; I always had .

Today was the game that I'd promised to be at and if I'm honest I'm completely and utterly dreading it . I don't know how to act around him right now which is so unfamiliar to me .
There was no way I'd ever confess my feelings to him without being one hundred percent sure so I had a plan ... I called dec .

" um dec ?" I ask as I hear him pick up .

" yeah , what's up ?"

" does mason have feelings for me ?" I hear him harshly take in a breath at the unexpected question.

" uh ... uh , um i don't know really uh -" he stuttered.

" dec I heard you guys talking the other day , I wasn't asleep ."


" yeah , oh ."

" well then yes , yes he does like you . Now what are you going to do about it ?" I felt myself ready to burst with joy at his confirmation.

" I'm going to tell him that I feel the same of course."

" yes ! This is great , you guys don't know how long we've been wanting you to get together" he cheered .

" yeah , same here dec ." I laughed .

We talked through my plan for a little longer before I ended the call and made my way to Stanford bridge to meet mason's family .

I have never felt nerves like this in my life .

" Debbie , tony , hey !" I great the couple as I near them in the family stand .

" oh my goodness , hello darling ! How have you been ? You haven't been over in a while ."

" yeah I'm sorry , I have been busy here in London as well . But yeah I'm doing ok , how are you guys ?"

" we're doing well , it's good to be back watching mason." Tony said .

I loved masons parents as my own , so it was great to see them again after not being over for a few months .

We chatted throughout the whole game , which to me was a very eventful one . Being the Manchester United supporter that I am , it was hard to hold in my cheers when Jadon sancho scored , but at the same time I shared masons disappointment.

So when the game ended at an even score of 1-1 , I couldn't really complain ; I was just excited to see mason and tell him everything that I've been holding in all these years.

" common then hun , we're going to go meet mase by the pitch." Debbie said , jolting me out of my thoughts .

" yeah ok , let's go." I say , following them down to the grounds .

And there he was , he walked towards us almost frustrated looking but smiling all the less .

" hey guys." He said embracing his parents before turning to me .

" hey you." He smiled before hugging me also

" hey mase , good game."  I grin up at him

"Not really but hey , could have gone worse." He laughs .

After chatting for a while , Debbie and Tony leave for to go and grab some drinks and get out of the hustle of bustle of the post game environment ; leaving mason and I to chat for a minute before I decide it's time to bring it up .

"Uh mase , I've been thinking and I want to talk to you about something-" I start but am interrupted when he gets a call .

" oh hang on a min I have to take this." He said before walking away to talk to this mystery person .

He's only on the phone for a second before he returns
" who was that ?" I say as he joins me again .

I'm answered however when a beautiful blonde girl wearing masons shirt walks out of a crowd and joins us , being greeted by mason with a hug ... and then a kiss .


" this is Kendall ." He says,introducing the girl that I just couldn't bring myself to look at.

I thought he liked me .

" hey girl , it's great to meet you ! Masey talks about you non-stop" she says in a voice that I just can't stand

I mean 'masey' ?

" yeah hi ." I said quietly , before continuing,
" anyways Um I have to go , I'll see you around mason."

" wait , where are you going ? I thought you wanted to talk about something."

" yeah I did . Not anymore though ." I said ignoring his calls and walking away .

As soon as I found my car I burst into tears , I had gotten my hopes up only for them to come crashing down within seconds .
In this state I shouldn't even be driving , but I just needed to leave . I feel so stupid right now .

And of course , as if my day couldn't get any worse , as I drive out I see mason jog out of the stadium , alone .

We make eye contact and just for a second I see how his face twists up in concern at the sight of my devastated one . I could see as a million questions rushed through his mind but I obviously don't stick around to answer them ; by the time he starts to make his way towards my car ... I'm gone .

I don't want to go home , that's the first place he'll look , so instead I drive to dec and Lauren's place .

It's Lauren that opens the door , and I watch as her face drops to match my own . I don't speak I just let her embrace me as I sob into her shoulder .

" who is it ?" Dec yells from the lounge .

" y/n" Lauren reply's shortly , silently trying to convey to Declan my mood .

" oh really , I would have thought you'd be at mason's place by now if you know what I mea-" he says but stops talking when he turns the corner and is met with my state .

" oh my god , what happened?" He rushed out , taking over Lauren's hug .

" he doesn't like me dec . You lied ." I said , my voice braking at every word .

" I swear to you , that boy has only had eyes for you since age ten ."

" we'll explain why he was at the same game he'd invited me to with another girl ."

" shit . That's such a dick move , I swear to god I don't know what got into him ."

" yeah well neither do I ."


Ok so this is part 2 , part 3 might not be until tomorrow but I hope you guys are enjoying this

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