Jude bellingham - got a sense I'd been betrayed

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I sighed dramatically to myself , failing miserably to disregard any feelings of guilt as I stare towards the T.V .

Dortmund had lost against Manchester City- which in this particular instance , meant they were knocked from the champions league .

I studied Jude's face as the cameras panned to him , he looked utterly wrecked . I wanted nothing more than to head over there and comfort my boyfriend ; to tell him that there would be other games and other opportunities .

But that's just not the case tonight

It's ironic really , I'd jumped at the opportunity to visit England together .Edin Terzić had cleared for Jude to return to Germany alone a few days later , rather than to travel with the team come morning .

We were planning to visit our families over here and just have the chance to revel in each others company without the constant interruption of training or matches .

A few days alone to just be a couple .

That's until Jude threw a spanner in the works ...

- Earlier that day -

"So what's the plan for the next few days ?" I asked , making no effort to hide the excitement clear on my face .

Jude was busy unpacking his suitcase and organising everything he would need for the day ahead - the hotel room was already looking like a war zone despite his best claims .

"Umm , well obviously today is pretty packed . I have to be ready in reception by four to leave for the match with everybody else . And then if we win , I'm sure some celebrations will be in order".

" mhm . What kind of celebrations mr Bellingham ?" I tease as I sling my arms around him and ease into one of our hugs .

" every kind" he winks , but I can tell he's cringing inwardly at our cheesiness ."on a real one though , we'll probably head out drinking . You okay with that ?" He double checks .

" of course . And then tomorrow and Friday ?" I continue to probe .

" well tomorrow we'll do something , obviously . Maybe head down to Birmingham and have lunch with my family ?"

" sounds perfect."

" and Friday I'm probably going to meet Mia for dinner and hang with her before we head back to Germany . Is that cool ?"

My face dropped at his words . Mia . As in his self proclaimed 'girl best friend' ? Hell . No .

" Mia ? You know how I feel about her Jude ." I said , any joy present in my tone merely second earlier had now vanished

" oh please - Mia is harmless . We're mates , and she specifically asked to see me when I was next back home" he tried to defend himself but to no avail .

I have absolutely no issue with Jude having friends ; female friends more specifically . But this girl was different . She had bad intentions , she's been horrible to me on multiple instances and even tried to lay it on Jude the last time they were together . I was there and I saw him quickly shrug her off - and she of course had put it down to the booze . But I didn't miss the malicious looks she sent my way , or the embarrassment written over her every feature .

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