Jordan pickford - forgive but not forget

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'Jordan Pickford , clearly not a keeper'

The headline of the article alone felt like a sharp slap to the face ; I had yet to read ahead but I was already humiliated beyond belief.

Is this really what people thought of our relationship ?

Even as my vision began to cloud , I read every word that this journalist had to say . I felt my heart physically twinge at every photo or supposed text that had surfaced , entailing more and more proof that my boyfriend of four years was cheating on me .

By the time I finally found the will power to draw my eyes away from the screen in front of me , I felt myself slip into denial at the whole situation.

There was no way on earth that Jordan would do such a thing . He just wouldn't .

I brought my knees close to my chest in search of comfort and buried my face in my hands ... and then I cried .

I cried for the relationship that I'd grown to depend on .

I cried for the man that I thought I loved .

I cried for the man who I'd thought loved me .

And that's the position I stayed in for minutes on end , hours even , contemplating anything and everything that had ever happened in our relationship. How could I not ? How could I believe anything that left that mans mouth ever again ?

Reality struck hard however when I heard the distinct sound of Jordan's Keyes rattling in the lock , signifying his return home from training .

" hey babe I'm home , where are you ?" His voice rang through the house .

" um , I'm just up here." I said , my voice wavering in an attempt to hold it together , until I've questioned him at least .

And before long , I heard as he dragged himself up the stairs and entered the bedroom , clearly taken back to find me with tear stained cheeks that I'd been unable to hide .

" woah , what's wrong ?" He asked and rushing to my side to brush a falling tear from my cheek .

" you tell me Jordan." I spat , causing him to look up , in not only shock but fear this time .

" what ? What are you going on about ?" He asked pathetically.

" oh really Jordan , you don't know ? I'm sorry for asking then." I said , feigning sympathy for the disgrace of a man that stood in front of me .

I quickly got the article up on my IPad and held it up for him to see .
" does this jog your memory ?" I ask , bitterly

" uh - I" he began to trip on his words .

" you cheated on me Jordan" I choked out , still in disbelief myself .

" no - no I would never -"

He was a deer in headlights ; there was no way out of this situation for him and we both knew it .

" baby , I'm not going to try and sugar coat it but it's true . I think you already know that though ." He said , after a long moment of silence .

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