Mason mount - friends ( part 3 )

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I've never felt confusion like this in my life .

In our eighteen years of friendship I'd never seen her that upset and I just can't imagine what caused it . She seemed totally fine literally seconds before I took that phone call from Kendall , I mean she even had something she wanted to talk about . So what on earth could have flipped her whole day so dramatically upside down ?

My heart felt as if it was being wrenched from my body as I watch her break down in her car , clinging onto her steering wheel for support that she'd usually allow me to give .

It was only once I was sure there was no way of catching her that I decided I needed to leave as well ; so I said goodbye to my parents and got into my car ... ignoring the chore of explaining my absence to the blonde that I'd brought with me today .

I thought of where she might have gone and decide to start with her place . So I make the drive there , only to find her drive way abandoned and her house empty.
God I'm so worried ; Where was she ?

" dec mate , have you heard from y/n ? Something happened at the game today and I need to find her ."  I say to Declan when he finally answers his phone after a few tries . 

" bro , you fucked up ." He states calmly but with some attitude behind his voice .

How could I have fucked up ?

" mate what did I do ? I don't understand we were talking and then she left with no warning and I find her crying in her car." I explain.

" god the pair of you are so oblivious." He said in a fed up tone , before continuing
" she likes you mate , a lot ."

No . There was no way she liked me back .
I couldn't bring myself to respond so I just waited for him to continue .

" she had planned to tell you today , but you made a right idiot of yourself and decided you'd bring some random blonde along and start eating her face in front of the poor girl ." Dec ranted .

I let this information wash over me as we sit in silence for a moment . She finally liked me in the way that I'd always craved her to and I'd already managed to mess things up . If I had known I never would have invited Kendall , she's just some random girl that I'd got with on a night out and since then had been pestering me non stop ; I thought by inviting her it would help me to get over the girl that I actually wanted but instead it only pushed us apart.

" mason , I care about you both ... so if I tell you were she is right now you have to swear that you'll make up with her and not mess things up the second time round ."

" god Declan just tell me where she is mate , I need to be with her, I love her ." I begged .

" alright mate , chill out and save the soppy talk for her yeah ?" He laughed but I just rolled my eyes , now was not the time for his jokes .

" Declan . Where is she ?" I said bluntly now .

" she's at mine . and DO NOT tell Lauren that I told you were y/n was." He warned , god he's so whipped - but then again , I guess I can't speak .

" Declan you are a lifesaver ." I say before finally hanging up the phone and rushing towards his place ; making the most of the half hour drive to prepare what I was going to say to her .

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