mason mount - friends ?

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I'm convinced that everybody has a person .

somebody that they can always rely on , someone that no matter what is by your side through thick and thin almost as if the universe wanted your two souls to be a pair . for some its their partner , for others its a sibling and to me its a best friend ... mason is my person .

At five years old , me and my family moved from Manchester to Portsmouth ; it was a change from the bustle of a big city but I don't think its something that we'll ever regret . our new neighbourhood was lovely and everything my parents had dreamed of . little did I know that my life was also about to change for the better , because luck would have it that the boy next door would grow to be mason mount , my best friend .

To this day I still remember our first conversation so clearly ; I had gone outside to play with my brand new bike , and had found the small boy repeatedly kicking a football against the wall that separated our houses .

"what are you doing ?" I asked,confused as to why he was attempting to play a game with a brick wall .

" playing footy , what does it look like" he scoffed

" well you need two people for that" I said

"well why don't you come play then" he offered .

And since that moment we had been inseparable , the only thing we ever disagreed on was whether Chelsea was better than man united , which to this day I was adamant they were not .

And believe it or not ,even eighteen years on , mason and I still did everything together . we both lived in London now , although I must admit masons house was a tad nicer than mine . we shared the same group of friends and the same passion for football ; because whilst mason went on to become the sensational footballer that he is today , I became a sports journalist - I have even interviewed mase once or twice .

Anyways , tonight was Wednesday , which meant it was movie night . The boys and Lauren were all coming over just like they do most weeks . To this day I don't know why we made my house the movie night spot seeing as it's ten times smaller than all of theirs but I guess it's cozy .

" Oi oi , what are we watching then ?" Ben said as he and mason made their way through my door after being first to arrive .

" I don't know mate , it's dec's turn to choose." I say , causing them both to groan ... let's just say dec has a weird taste in movies .

" right then , that will mean we're watching minions for the 200th time then." Ben said , sadly not joking but we all laugh either way .

We made our way into the lounge and within twenty minutes everyone had arrived . Sure enough dec had lined up 'despicable me' once again , despite our best efforts to convince him to put something normal on .

" ok don't press play , I'm gonna go and grab some snacks" I announce before making my way into the kitchen .

I'm on my tip - toes attempting to reach the popcorn that I hide from myself in the top cupboard when I feel his warm hands slip round my waist.

" need help with that ?" He smirks as he leans past me to grab the popcorn .

" shut up , I could of got it myself." I defend but grin at his presence all the same .

"Yeah whatever" he scoffs
" anyways , how have you been ?" He continues as I work on the snacks .

" yeah I've been good mase , what about you ?" I ask .

" I'm good , I'd be better if I saw you more ." He pouts .

" you saw me this time last week you big baby ." I laugh

" yeah well it's not enough , we used to spend every day together ."

" well that was when we were both unemployed unfortunately mase."

" well maybe if you came to more of my games ..." he sulked .

" ok jeez , if there's any left get me a ticket for your next game and I'll be there ." I smiled up at him ; It was true that I needed to go and see him in action more often .

" yessss ! Ok , I'm on it ." He smile , knowing he'd won this time .

" but I'll sit in the away stand , you'll never catch me supporting Chelsea !" I tease him before grabbing the popcorn and scurrying away before he could get me .

Eventually we all settled and began the movie ; dec and Lauren shared a chair  , whilst mason and myself were cuddled together on another ... with ben huddled in the corner .

And just like I do every week , I began to drift off . It was a week point really , I could never stay awake through a whole movie . I saw nothing weird about the fact that I was sleeping on mase , I mean I've done it for years . But I felt myself wake up a little at the sound of their conversation.

" Mase mate , when are you going to tell her ?" Dec spoke up .

" tell her what ?"

" that your madly in love with her." What ? Who was he talking about ?

" Declan if you don't shut you're mouth right now -" mase was cut off when dec spoke again .

" oh mase common , I'd be surprised if she doesn't move in soon , don't be a pussy." I hear what I think is a slap on the arm from Lauren after that sentence but am to focused on staying still to let a laugh slip from my lips .

" dec I'll tell her when I'm ready ok ? I'm not willing to throw away a friendship of 18 years ."

18 years .
But im the only friend he's had for that long ?
No way on earth did mason like me back .


Ok so this was part one , I'm planning on this being at least three parts long so hopefully you all liked this ! I love friends to lovers and was actually thinking about making a book based on this so lmk if anyone would be interested in that <3

Fun fact : this is based on a true story , I moved from Manchester to Portsmouth at age two and met my best friend :) so Yh that's cute ( I'm not in love with this one tho lmao 😭)

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