Jordan henderson - parenting fail

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Being a mum was one of the most rewarding jobs a person could do , but it's fair to say it is extremely exhausting

Today was a long awaited one , and thats because I was leaving the kids with Jordan so that I could have a much needed spa day with the girls to relax .
The only draw back of today was that I'm barely ever away from the kids , seeing as I still hadn't returned to work after the birth of our most recent baby , so I feel slightly uneasy about all of this .
Of course Jordan is perfectly capable of looking after our two little ones alone , but it's just a rarity because of our schedules.

" god I needed this" I sigh as I sink into the jacuzzi , feeling my muscles instantly relax in the steamy water .

" I can tell , your forehead wrinkles are insane"  My friend teases me .

I laughed and splash her with the warm water , finally forgetting the nerves that I'd felt about my family ; after all , Jordan is a great dad and I know he wouldn't let anything bad happen .

Hours pass as we enjoy the most extravagant and relaxing treatments whilst giving each other the run down of our lives lately , it was everything I needed and more .

That was until we were rudely interrupted by an irritating wringing noise .
A phone . My phone .

So to the protests of my friends I reluctantly get out of my deck chair to see who exactly is calling , frowning to myself when I realise it's my husband .

" oh it's jordan , what could he want ?" I announced as I put the phone up to my ear .

" hey babe , you okay ?"  I asked , bewildered as to why he's call me when he knows full well I'll be busy all day long

" I'm sorry , I really am but you need to come home" he spoke in a panicked tone.

" Jordan what are you on about ?"  I reply , very confused.

"It was a complete accident- I only took my eyes off him for one minute" I hear him stress .

I make eyes at my friends in hopes of communicating that there was clearly something wrong on the other end of the phone.

" Jordan slow down . What's happening ?"

"I took the kids to the park because Henry wouldn't stop pestering me about it and it seemed like a good idea ,"
he begins , part of me already fearing the worst which is not helped by what sounds like our sons whimpers in the background.

"Jordan seriously stop waffling what the hell is going on ? Are the kids alright ?"

" I took my eyes of him for one second to make sure Ella was okay and the next minute he was on the floor ." He said , still not elaborating .

" right so what happened next Jordan seriously I'm loosing my patience."

" he fell from pretty high... and he's broken his arm ."

" he's WHAT ?" I scream .
How could he have let this happen?

" Jordan Brian Henderson you better be fucking joking"  I say , completely irate now , which earns a few questioning looks from the girls who still had no clue what was going on .

" I'm sorry okay ? We're in the hospital now and he's alright. He's actually quite happy to be getting a cast"

" pass the phone to him . I don't want to talk to you right now ." I say bluntly and quickly hear shuffling , meaning he's done what I've asked .

" hey darling , how are you feeling ?" I asked , my tone a lot more comforting and sweet than it had been a minute before.

" I'm alright mummy , my arm just hurts" Henry groans .

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