Jack grealish - brothers best friend

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He had always fascinated me . From the very first words he uttered to me , I was hooked . maybe it was something about the way he was so confident in himself as he told me his name " jack , jack grealish"  or perhaps it was the sheer excitement of it all that enticed me , for jack was strictly out of bounds , along with all of bens friends .

" hey little one" Ben says , as he walked past me into his kitchen .

" Ben , I'm two years younger than you , don't call me that."

" yeah ok , whatever you say ... little one"
I jump out of my chair and chase him down the hall and just as I go to pinch him ( my legendary move) he grabs my arm to stop me .

" ah ah ah , you might not want to do that ."

" and why is that ?"

" because if you're nice to me , you can come to a party with me tonight."

" who's party ?"

" masons" I tried to hide the disappointment that overcame me as the wrong name left his lips . Masons a lovely guy , but he's not him.

" and who will be there ?"

" you know the usual , Dec , rashy , Jesse , madders , luke , jack.."  I stop listening to the Ben when he says that name . He's going to be there . Shit .

This all feels quite foreign to be honest . I haven't had a 'crush' since I was about thirteen . Of course I have had my fair share of boyfriends but I almost forgot the giddiness that accompanied this weird stage .

"Helloooo , are you even listening?" Ben said waving a hand infront of my face to gain my full attention.

"What , oh yeah sorry . What did you say ?"

" I asked if you want a lift there ?"

" oh yes please"

" great be ready at seven"  he says as I make my way towards the door to go home and get ready .


"Woah masons got a nice place" I saw in awe as we pull up on his driveway.

" yeah I know , now cmon everyone is already here."

"Chillyyyy" mason said making his way over to Ben and I as we entered his home .

"Hey mase" Ben said giving him a 'bro hug'

" ahh you brought chilly 2.0 along did you ?"

" shut up mase" I say as I return the hug he was offering me .

" right then let's go say hi to everyone"  mason says leading me and Ben towards a large group of people playing beer pong on his table

" chilly !" The boys exclaim as we near them .

I left Ben talking to some of the lads and went to go and find rashy and Jesse , my favourite of bens friends , excluding him of course .

" Oi Oi , if it isn't little chilly" Jesse cheered as I neared the two boys

" hey guys." I say sitting down in between them .

We chatted for a while until I heard a familiar voice call my name . Turning in my seat I saw jack standing there looking directly at me .

" come be my partner will ya ?" He said in his thick brummie accent , gesturing towards the beer pong table . Instantly nerves consumed my stomach . He wanted me to be his partner ?

" go on then" Marcus said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I cautiously get to my feet and make my way over to jack to take my place at the table opposite Dec and mase .

" you any good at this then ?" He says , referring to beer pong .

" Um not sure , I guess I'm ok ." I said , knowing full well I suck at this game but fearing he may regret his choice in partner .

Something about his presence filled me with confidence however , so I agreed to go first . And what do you know , I missed.

The game continued this way , jack aiming accurately every time , and me failing miserably. until the final round . I threw the ball directly into the last lonely cup , winning us the game .

I felt myself being lifted off my feet and spun around in jacks arms . " well done darling"
Darling . This doesn't feel real .

After the excitement of the game had worn off I quietly slipped away from the group to go and grab another drink . As I was pouring one however, I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind . His cologne overwhelms my senses.

" hey" I say sheepishly .

" hey , can I talk to you ?"  He says seeming   nervous

" uh yeah sure ."

" ok let's just go in one of masons rooms yeah?" He says grabbing my hand and leading me away from the buzz of the party .

We sit down and face each other on a bed in one of masons many spare rooms , before he grabbed my hand and started talking .

" listen this might sound completely random , but I need to tell you something , something that I have been thinking about for a while now ." He says , rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I nod , signalling him to continue .

" ok I don't know where to start really but , I have always felt a certain way whenever I'm near you . Your perfect . your beautiful, funny , smart , basically everything I have ever wanted . But I have to stop myself whenever I'm around you , I mean your bens little sister , he might literally kill me ." He rants.

I blush deeply, what does this mean ? " Jack what are you trying to say ?" I ask hopefully .

" y/n chillwell , I like you . A lot ." He says

" you do ?"

" of course I do."

" I um , I have liked you for a really long time too Jack , but what about Ben?"

"Screw Ben"

and before I get the chance to reply he inched his face closer to mine and brings me into a kiss .

This is all I have ever wanted

The moment is short lived however when the door to the bedroom bursts open , revealing an angry looking Ben .

" what the actual FUCK."

... to be continued


Okay this is kinda bad but I will do a part two if u guys are interested so lmk ->

Also I know I sound annoying but pls vote , otherwise it feels like I'm writing these for nothing lmao and I can't tell if people are actually enjoying it <3


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