Jesse lingard - christmas

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Jesse and I had been together for almost two years now , meaning I was obviously very in love with both him ... and his beautiful daughter hope .

This year we would be having hope on Christmas day , which meant Jesse and I were going the extra mile to make this Christmas a special one .

Eventually after weeks of waiting , Christmas Eve rolled around ; Hope was practically bouncing off the walls in pure joy and excitement for the day to follow so it was definitely difficult to get her into bed .

" babe , why don't you head up and read her a story to calm her down and I'll grab us some drinks so we're ready to get started once she's settled?" I suggest to Jesse in a whisper so the little girl doesn't hear .

" yeah okay , I'll be ten minutes." He says kissing my cheek before picking up his daughter and heading upstairs.

And sure enough , ten minutes later , my boyfriend tiptoed down the stairs and into the lounge so that we could get started on making the house ready for Christmas morning.

" ok I've filled her stocking so can you hang it up please ?" I whisper to him .

" yeah ok , give it here" he says , taking it from my hands before attempting to hang it above the fireplace.

... I use the word 'attempting' because of course , knowing Jesse , this didn't go to plan ; I watched in almost slow motion as he slipped on a stray piece of wrapping paper and toppled to the ground , making a racket as he fell .

For a moment we both simply stared at one another in shock of what had just happened, before bursting out into a fit of giggles at our poor try of being stealthy.

" Jesus Jesse ! you are gonna wake her up." I wheezed out , almost unable to talk due to my constant laughter .

" sorry , sorry." He giggled , holding his hands up in surrender .

Once we were sure she hadn't woken up from all of the noise , we continued with our jobs until it was almost time for Bed .

"Ok , who's doing the honours ?" I say , gesturing to the plate that held a carrot and a glass of milk.

" I mean she could have at least put some beer out instead of milk." Jesse jokes but is cut of when I playfully slap him on the arm .

" Jesse lingard ! She's three ." I laugh in disbelief.

" yeah , yeah."

" ok so you eat the carrot , I'll drink the milk." I decide .

" fine."
He says before we both dig in . I finish my milk just fine ... but Jesse however begins to profusely spit the carrot out .

" Oi , what are you doing idiot ?"

" there's like something on the carrot." He moans , scratching at his tongue to get whatever it was off .

"Oh ... yeah sorry I forgot to mention-" I say but cut myself off with laughter .

" we'll spit it out then , what ?" He pestered .

" you already did." I joke

" ha ha , so funny." He rolls his eyes .

" well hope thought the reindeer might like the carrots better with glitter on." I choked out .

" uh sorry what ? Glitter ?" He asked me before we both burst into another round of giggles .

Yeah we certainly wouldn't be elf's any time soon ; we're not what you might call ... quiet

The next morning we're awoken to hope bouncing up and down on our bed .

" y/n , daddy , Wake up it's Christmas!" She screeched

" we're up kiddo." Jesse says to stop her from bouncing.

" hope ... should we go and see if Santa visited last night ?" I ask and watch as her little face lights up .

" yes ! Yes ! Yes !" She says clapping her hands together excitedly .

So we head down stairs , with Jesse behind us recording this sweet memory. There was nothing better than watching the little girls face widen with shock at the sight of a pile of presents and a full to the brim stocking just for her .

" he came , he came !" She said .

" yeah he did sweetheart." Jesse said .

" ok are we having breakfast now or later ?" I ask the pair but obviously with one being a child and the other a child at heart , they both dismissed me and sat down to open presents.

"Wait !" Hope said jumping up .

" what's up ?"

" we didn't check to see if he ate the milk and carrot !" She said , causing Jesse and I to make eye contact and internally laugh at the chaos that this caused us last night .

We follow hope into the kitchen and watch as her joy builds yet again when she sees both the carrot and the milk is gone .

" wow they left carrot crumbs everywhere!" She said in shock .

" yeah , I think they liked the glitter !" I add watching as my boyfriends face drops to a scowl.

Christmas truly was the best time of year .


I wrote this late Christmas Eve and finished it this morning so sorry I know it isn't the best but I wanted to get something Christmasy out : )

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