Got a sense i'd been betrayed - part 2

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At the sound of my voice my boyfriends head snaps in my direction - meaning the kiss he had been sharing with none other than Mia was suddenly broken .

Oh .

"no no - this isn't what it looks like , I promise you !" He splutters in a daze of complete panic .

"I mean , it kinda is" Mia snarled from where she sat on the bed .

"Get the fuck out . Now !" Jude ordered . For a moment I believed him to have been talking to me , but I soon catch the enraged expression on his face as he glares in Mia's direction .

Oh so now you want her gone ?

She rises to her feet with an irritated persona , but leaves the room wordlessly - slamming the door as she goes .

I let out a sigh of relief knowing half of the problem had removed itself ; but
the silence that engulfed us after her departure was insufferable .

"baby -" Jude stepped towards me , his arms outstretched . However , I was already backing away and soon became pressed against the door .

"no Jude , stop ! Don't come near me right now - I can't even look at you" I say , my voice wavering .

"oh , yeah of course ." He raised his hands in the air as if he were surrendering , a look of complete despair written over every feature .

Usually when we have a row , I leave - mostly because I can't stand to be around Jude . But not today . The latter was true , at this moment in time there's nothing more I want than to be rid of his guilt ridden stares ... but tonight it certainly won't be me leaving .

In a complete fit of rage , I begin scanning the room for any of his belongings that immediately catch the eye . Then , I bundle them all together , creating a large pile in my arms .

"what are you doing ? Can you calm down and talk this through with me ?" He pleads to no avail .

I stride to the window and slam it open , completely seeing red .

"I . Have . Nothing . To . Say . To . You!"I practically scream ,dumping an item of his from the great height with each word.

" wha - oh my god will you stop ?!" He stresses , running a hand over his hair .

I swear I can see tears pricking his eyes and halt my movements - not that there wash much left to throw .

"get out Jude ." I say , calmly .

"no , no . I'm not leaving until we talk . You have to understand -" he rants , but now I stand in silence only pointing to the exit .

"Please Jude . I don't want to hear whatever excuse it is you've got . I've had a horrible day and I need to be alone." I admit , exhaustion oozing from every crevice of my body .

" yeah ... if that's what you need . I'll stay with Gio . But please , you have to remember that I love you . I need you to at least hear me out ." He's almost begging now .

" tomorrow ." I nod , acknowledging his words but needing him to leave .

With that he sends one last dejected look my way and follows suit of Mia . The second the door closes I break , bringing my knees to my chest and heaving out sobs.

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