Marcus rashford - Lover

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Summery : the one in which he proposes to his childhood best friend .

Every now and then , we are lucky enough to cross paths with somebody that completely changes our lives for the better .

Marcus is that person for me ; from the moment we met I had been sure that he was someone I'd never allow to become a stranger .

We'd met at a young age - the beginning of year seven to be precise . I cringe remembering the awkward stage I'd surely been in at that point in time , thankfully Marcus hadn't seemed to notice that though .

I'd always been a busy body in school , someone who valued their education and strived for high grades . Marcus on the other hand had been just the opposite - loud , cheeky and extremely disruptive . In fact if it had been anybody else ripping the jokes he did at eight a.m on a Monday morning , it's quite possible I'd have hated their guts .

... But for some reason , when it was Marcus doing the talking it never bothered me . Instead I would grin to myself whilst completing my work - only half focusing on the paper in front of me whilst simultaneously listening to his antics .

We talked for the first time on a Tuesday morning , during second period. The reason I remember that I hear you ask ; Is because by that point I'd developed a serious crush on the boy . 

"You alright ?" He had asked , nodding his head in greeting , and pulling up a chair beside me .

Our teacher had quickly left the room to discipline one of Marcus' friends in the hallway , probably because of yet another inappropriate joke revolving around her coffee breath .

"yeah I'm okay , you?" I'd tried by best to act cool , but probably appeared terrified of his presence .

"I'm chill . Listen , I've completely forgotten to do the homework that's due in a min . Any chance you've done it ? I could use the help." He pleads , unfolding the homework sheet that has clearly been scrunched in the depths of his bag since it was first handed out .

"yeah I've done it , you can just copy I don't mind." I smiled sweetly , handing over my work for him to see .

Whilst he jots down the same answers I've got on my page , we engage in small talk .

I think that day we were both presently surprised by the laughs we had exchanged during that short moment - we had definitely been an unlikely friendship . I'm okay with that though , 'opposites attract' and all .

After that encounter , the two of us were soon good friends . We sat beside each other in a few classes and even shared a friend group by the end of the year .

It continued this way until year ten ; Marcus and I had been closer than ever and come Friday night I was around his house yet again . It had become our routine , at the start of each weekend we'd alternate house and have a sleepover , the the next morning I'd walk with him to football practise . We slept in separate beds of course , not because of our parents but because the two of us were convinced that sharing a bed was disgusting and people may get the wrong idea . It was perhaps too late for that though - now that we're older , it's become clear that those close to us were only biding their time and waiting for us to make it official.

"what do you wanna watch ?" Marcus had asked as we were huddled on his sofa

"The office ?" I suggested

"Nah I was only being polite , United is playing tonight and I basically need to put it on." He admitted , causing us both to laugh .

"I'm going to be one of them soon y'know." He said , pointing at those wearing red on the screen .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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