Mason mount - call out my name

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Tw : slight mentions of assault

"I don't love you anymore"

At a moments glance , such a phrase can do no such harm . But if you were to read between the lines of such an agonisingly untimely statement , You may begin to share her gut wrenching ache .

It was embarrassing really - that Masons words had such an affect on her . It was pitifully easy for syllables strung together in such a way to halt her every day life .

She had adored him , in every way someone should adore a partner . Every muscle , every bone , every fragment of her heart was dedicated to Chelsea's star boy .  But that was her mistake .

Those five lonely words had completely warped her sense of reality . Her days consisted of merely waking up , completing her uni work  , attending some classes and finally crying her self to sleep . She was utterly consumed by self pity and loathing - and anyone close enough to her could see that as clear as day .

"come on ! It will be fun ... and it could also be a chance to get your mind of you know who" her roommate Aria pleaded . She'd spent the past twenty minuets attempting to persuade her friend to join herself and some others on a much needed night out .


"right , that it ." She proclaimed and strode towards the sulking girl .

" this is an intervention . I'm not taking no as an answer . Put on you're sluttiest dress , take a damn shower and make yourself presentable ." Aria instructed .

Begrudgingly , this meant an hour or so later , she found herself in the Uber amongst her other friends for the first time since the breakup .

" first round on me !" One of the lads - who had already gone too hard on pres - yelled over the noise upon arrival.

The night continued in a similar fashion . Her friends spent much of their time attempting to distract the girl with alcohol - not that she was complaining .

Her vision became blurred and her mind less busy which could only be a positive to someone like herself .

" you alright darlin' ?" A strangers voice could be heard as he leant close to her ear .

She was at the bar , stood alone for possibly the first time this entire evening .

" I'm good Thank you" she gave a tight lip smile as to be polite before grabbing her drink and making a bid to leave the situation . She wasn't ready to entertain another boy , not now and maybe not ever . He wasn't mason .

She was quickly halted however , when a firm grip clutched at her arm rather painfully ." not so fast baby , don't be rude" he slurred .

"Piss off" she snapped at him .

" come on , just give me a chance" he said , moving his filthy hands to her ass now .

She continued to writhe under his touch , looking frantically in every direction for help .

" why don't we take this to the bathroom eh" he grins slimily , pulling her roughly away from the bar now .

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