Phil foden - reunited at last

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Two weeks prior

" what don't you understand rose ? I'm a busy guy , I can't see you all day every day." He said , sounding exasperated now .They had been arguing like this for at least half an hour .

" you know that's not what I mean , You are never home anymore . When was the last time you had dinner with me or even told me you loved me huh ? Because I sure don't remember."

" I don't have time for you , okay !" He finally cracked , he let his frustration get the better of him and those words he didn't mean left his mouth so effortlessly.

" well that settles it then." She said bluntly , trying to sound harsh but in reality he wouldn't have been surprised if she had crumpled up on the spot and began to cry , her eyes held no emotion other than hurt .

" settles what ?" He said , already regretting his words and fearing her next .

" that settles it . We shouldn't be together."

" wha- no no no , that's not how I meant it okay ? I need you I'm just overwhelmed right now." He began to plead .

" I don't have it in me any more Phil . I'm sorry ." She said , she pecked his cheek and left that night .

And any hopes he had of her return were crushed the next morning when a conflicted jack came to collect her belongings.


Present day ( two weeks later )

Phil was all over the place , he was late to training , he was drinking too much and he was all off his game . Anyone who knew him could see that without her he couldn't cope .

She was the same ; She hadn't been eating properly, she had been running off of little to no sleep ... she was just so sad .

" cmon get up." Her step brothers voice rang through the room.

" no." She said and rolled back over in bed .

" you're coming to my game today , so yes get up."

" I don't want to go. Phil will be there." She said , remaining adamant to stay in bed .

" you and I both know that you miss Phil , so don't give me that excuse ."

" fine . But I'm not speaking to him so don't try and play Cupid jack ." She warned

"I wouldn't dare ." He said , clutching at his chest to feign offence .

She just rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour , even if he did try to get her and Phil to talk again , it was too late . They were well and truly over .


Nerves consumed every inch of her as she made her way into the etihad stadium. Only weeks ago she had walked these same steps with the name foden proudly displayed on her back , and the fact that the name grealish now sat in its place felt almost wrong .
She took her place on the sidelines with Sasha as the game began . It was so bittersweet to be back here , because whilst she loved to support jack ... she missed being here for Phil ; and although she knew she shouldn't be , she would always be his number one fan .

As the game continued she became less and less able to hide her excitement whenever Phil had hold of the ball . She would jump up and down just like anyone else when city scored , and at times she even found herself joining in on the creative chants about the boys .

It was safe to say that by the end of the game she had lowered her guard , in fact she found herself longing to speak to the boy that had been the reason for her misery these past weeks .

" I might go over there , to speak to him." She said unsurely to Sasha .

" no need."

" what ? I thought you guys wanted us back toge-" she stopped talking mid sentence when someone poked her shoulder . she slowly turned around only to be faced with a grinning Phil .

" you came." He said , still slightly breathless from the match .

" yeah , for jack." She said , rather coldly .

" oh ... right ." He replied , scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
" anyways , I um ... I was wondering if you might want to come back to mine for a bit ? I thought we might be able to talk." He said .

" yeah I'd like that" she answered, putting the boy at ease .

And sure enough she had soon said her goodbyes to jack and Sasha and was on her way to phil's . In all honesty the conversation they were about to have was not one that either of them were particularly looking forward too , but they both had their silent hopes that something might rekindle tonight.

They silently made their way into his house and sat on his sofa , much further away from each other than the pair are used to . It seemed as if they were both equally as nervous to be the first to talk , but eventually Phil broke the silence.

" I miss us , I miss you ."

She looked up and made eye contact with the boy who sat opposite her , she had missed him too .

" yeah , same here." She replied .

" but Phil ... you said a lot of stuff that you can't just take back . I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't make time for me."

" I didn't mean anything I said that night , you're my main priority okay ?" He said , urging her to believe him .

" I want to believe that Phil , I really do , but what if it happens again ? I can't relive that."

" it won't happen again , I promise . I just got too caught up in my career and hanging out with the boys , but these weeks without you were the hardest of my life ."

She stayed silent a minute to take in his words , it was true to her aswell , these past two weeks had been hell .

" I want to try again ." Phil spoke for the both of them .

" yeah , I'd really like that." She said in agreement .
They closed the space between them , and kissed each other deeply , something they had both been longing to do all day .

" god , I missed that." He breathed out once they broke apart .

" yeah me too ." She grinned
" and jack will be pleased"

" yeah I'm sure he will , he's been bugging me to try and fix it with you all week."

They both laugh at her brothers antics , but in all honesty maybe just this once she was glad he had meddled .

Request for @greysandfootball

Sorry this took so long to write , I accidentally deleted it half way through 😭
But I hope you like it and keep the suggestions coming guys <3 x

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