Phil foden -Enemies to lovers

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They'd never got on , the only looks they shared were ones of disgust or annoyance. Nobody knew when their hatred for one another had began , but it was obvious to the whole team that there was tension between the both of them .

She had tried to get along with Phil , but he'd only ever showed her the cold shoulder. On her very first day as the teams physiotherapist , he'd come to her with complaints of a pain in his knee . Of course, she had made small talk with him but she'd only received short or no replies in return . It hurt her to know that someone she'd never had a full conversation with had such an obvious dislike for her , but the rest of the boys reassured her that it was nothing she'd done , Phil was just 'like that' .

" how's the shoulder feeling big man ?" She asked , greeting Marcus with a hug as he entered the office .

" not too bad , I've been doing all of the exercises you gave me." He grinned .

" well done ! obviously there's only so much we can do before you're surgery , but at least it's in the best condition it can be for now." I said .

" and I owe it all to you" he said kissing my hand sweetly , before we both burst into fits of laughter ; only to be interrupted by a scoff .

Both of our heads turned in the direction of an annoyed looking Phil , who was stood at my door clutching his arm .

" I need help with my arm ." He said bluntly, like he was telling me rather than asking .

" right then ... I'll leave you two to it . Don't be too harsh on her philly." Marcus said as he headed out of the office , leaving me and Phil alone .

" what seems to be the problem?" I ask as nicely as I could , not seeking an argument today .

" well it hurts . So fix it." He said , just as rudely as always .

" please don't speak to me like that , I'm just trying to help ."

" I speak to you however I want , I'm the player and you're the staff . Fix my arm or there's gonna be an issue ." He has some nerve .

" no ."

" what was that ?" He questions almost in disbelief.

" I don't feel comfortable treating someone with this attitude, I can't stand people like you . You're not better than me just because you earn more money or work in a different way . I'm still a person , with feelings." I rant .

" so what , you're just going to let me stay injured?" He says , disregarding everything else I had just said .

" I'm not sure if you realise Phil , but there are about five other physio's on shift today that are just as capable of helping you . I don't even know why you continue to come to me when you have made it very clear that you dislike me ."

He didn't reply this time , instead he just stared blankly at the wall behind my head .

" I'll go and get one of them now . I hope your arm gets better Phil , I really do ." I say leaving him alone with his thoughts .

It had been a few hours since I had finally had enough of Phil's attitude . I was still in a bad mood because of it , despite the boys best efforts to cheer me up . Jack had promised to have a word with Phil but I didn't hold out many hopes of improvement .

" ignore him , honestly. He just has a bad temper." Ben said , in hopes of reassuring me .

" what , only with me ? Because I definitely don't see him speaking to anyone else like that."

The team are lost for words when they know that I'm right , so instead I exchange a few hugs and high fives , before calling it a night . I needed a good nights sleep before their match tomorrow anyways.

I was just climbing into bed when I heard a knock at my door , I open it to find the last person I would ever expect to be standing there .

"Phil ? What do you want ?"  I say coldly to the man infront of me as he nervously rocked back and forth on his heels.

" I wanted to talk to you." He says .

" about what ? Because this is a first ; usually I talk and you ignore."  I expect him to roll his eyes or send me a dirty glare , but am surprised when he lets out a small laugh at my words .

" I wanted to explain things , i don't know."

" well hurry up , I want to get some sleep."
I say , stepping aside to allow him into my hotel room .

He takes a seat on the bed and begins to explain ,

"I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier , Jack spoke to me and told me you were upset ."

" yeah well it's not exactly a pleasant experience to be spoken to like a piece of shit in your place of work ."  I say , growing aggravated .

" I know , I'm sorry okay ? I want to be able to explain it to you but I just can't ." He says , as if he's frustrated.

" surely you have a reason for the way you act ? Or did I do something wrong , Give you a bad first impression or something?" I question , completely bewildered by this whole situation.

" the opposite." He said under his breath .

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and asked , " what was that?"

And for the first time so far , he made eye contact with me . He suddenly seemed sure of himself as he spoke again .

" the opposite ."

" what do you mean Phil ? I'm completely lost ."

" you made the opposite of a bad impression. To be brutally honest , I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you for the first time . You drive me fucking crazy."

The last words I would ever expect to hear from him had just left his lips . Phil had a thing for me this whole time ? Phil ?

" oh . Um I don't know what to say ."

" tell me you like me back , I know I'm not the only one that feels something ... please just say you like me ." He said softly, suddenly seeming vulnerable.

"Phil , I don't even know you . I know somebody who's angry and rude , and now I'm faced with a completely different man ."

" I know , I know . But you can get to know me . I know you felt it too , when you first helped me with my shoulder. I know you did ." He was desperate now .

"Maybe I did . But this doesn't just go away over night , you have been nothing but a prick to me for the past few months ."

" I know , but now you know why . I had to distance myself , I don't do relationships . But for some reason you were different."

We both remain in silence for a second , consumed by questions .

" just let me take you out . One date . It's all I need , I'll prove to you that your more than just some girl . I like you , a lot ."

" fine , that sounds like a plan ." I grin .

" now mr , go to bed . Big day tomorrow." I remind him .

" yeah , yeah . I'm going now ." He smirks .

As he stands he leans in to you quickly and pecks you on the cheek , leaving you a blushing mess.

" Goodnight Phil."

" goodnight y/n"

Who would have guessed , the same man who I hated this time yesterday had just left me grinning ear to ear .


Hope you guys like this one , sorry if it felt rushed I know it's not the best story line lmao <3

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