Jack grealish - gold digger ?

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Jack and I had been together for nearly a year now , and although Our relationship is going well it's fair to say the media and I don't share the same love .

From the very first time I was spotted at jack's side the hideous headlines rolled in ; I was immediately accused of being all sorts of things but the name that really seemed to stick was 'gold digger.'

Of course I liked to believe that nobody that I cared about payed any attention to these story's ... but on days like these I'm reminded that no matter how much I choose to block them from my mind , they are still there for everyone to read .

Jack and I had decided to throw a small party tonight to celebrate the boys World Cup qualification ; which meant that the whole England team plus their partners and friends were going to be there .

It was going smoothly until Jack and I decided to wonder over to the group of young players from the team . I felt eyes on me and more specifically my cleavage as soon as we had even stepped foot in their direction , and don't get me wrong I'm friends with the whole England team and the younger ones even more so , but this definitely made me a tad uncomfortable . And I was not the only one it seemed , as I felt jacks arm tighten defensively around my waist .

" Oi oi , looking good as always." Jadon directed at me when we joined the group.

" thanks sanch." I blush shyly as all of their eyes burn into me .

" yeah she looks great doesn't she ?" Jack said , not expecting or more so wanting a response.

" yeah ... I do sometimes wonder what she's even doing with you mate." Jadon continued to poke , clearly having had a bit to drink already.

"Shut up ." I groan and playfully slap him on the arm in hopes of ending the awkward encounter.

" I'm going to get a drink , You have fun." Jack said , somewhat bitterly as he brushed past my shoulder and left me standing alone with his friends .

" ignore him." Marcus said sympathetically when he could sense my unease at jacks sudden grumpiness.

Marcus was definitely one of my closest friends , we'd of course met through jack but I'd hit it off with both him and Jesse almost instantly, and since then the three of us were the best of pals .

" yeah I will , Where's Jesse ?" I ask .

" he's ill so I forced him to stay at home ." He explains and we both laugh at our friends burning need to party which meant that even if he was ill he might still attempt to leave the house .

" anyways why don't we go dance ?" He suggests .

" yeah , okay ." I agree following him into the crowd.

I'm with Marcus for at least an hour before I start to really question jacks absence, so I excuse myself to search for him.

" oh there you are." I say , poking my head into on of our guest rooms to find him talking with Tyrone , looking almost frantic about something.

" oh , yeah here I am." He said dryly , but before I could question his tone , Tyrone had jumped up .

" um , I'll leave you two to talk ." He said somewhat awkwardly before slipping out of the room the head back downstairs , leaving me even more bewildered then ever .

Talk about what ?

"Where is it ?" Jack spoke up .

"Where is what ? Jack you guys are really confusing me ." I nervously laugh , completely clueless to the situation .

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