Jude bellingham - first love (pt 2)

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Five months .

He left five months ago , and still to this day , nothing had been the same since .

I was a mess , I had been for months , and what hurt the most was that the one person who I'd trust to comfort me ; was this time the cause of my pain .

In any other situation, I might be able to convince myself that Jude was struggling just like I was ; but unfortunately when you're ex is in the public eye you can't go long without seeing pictures or news of them ... and in everything I spotted of Jude , he was happy and succeeding.

I also heard news of him through his younger brother Jobe , who still lives here in Birmingham . I'd obviously known him for years now and he was like a little brother to me also . 
I guess you could say that in Jude's absence, we grew even closer ; he was each of our favourite person and he left a dramatic gap and both of our live's  , although only mine was by choice .

" hey little man" I say to jobe as he climbs in my car after football training .

" hey , I thought dad was picking me up ?"

" nah he had to go to work last minute so he asked me to come , want to go to maccies on the way home?" I ask the young boy .

" ah yeah please." He grins at me from the passenger seat as we begin to drive off .

We were chatting about what he'd been up to since I'd last seen him when he suddenly received a bunch of messages , making his phone go crazy .

" who's that ? You got a girlfriend?" I tease .

" what ? Uh ... it's no one ." He said , seeming awkward , which told me who it really was .

" Jobe , he's you're brother it's ok to be messaging him . Im over it , honestly."
I lie through my teeth ,
I missed him more than anything.

" you're definitely not over him , I'm not stupid." He laughed .

" oh shut it you ." I rolled my eyes at the boy who knew me to well .

" it's ok ... he's not over you either." Jobe said , trailing of slightly near the end of his sentence as if he regretted speaking .

" what ?" I say in shock at his words .

" ugh , I'm not supposed to be telling you this , but ... Jude is still like in love with you." He admits .

" Jobe that's not funny , don't mess with me about this." I say as we pulled up to the McDonald's drive through.

" I'm not messin , he talks about you all the time , he's like miserable without you ."

" no he's not , I see photos of him . He's living his best life without me."

" you idiot , of course he's happy when he's playing football , but have you thought about what he's like the rest of the time ?"  He asked , furrowing his eyebrows .

" I mean no but-"

" on a day off , he wants to hang out with you , but can't . And after a hard game all he wants is to come home to you , but he can't ."

" yeah well he chose that ." I say bitterly , he had no right to be upset but it was weirdly comforting to know he felt the same .

" he thought that's what was necessary for you guys and his career, but he still loves you y/n."

" can we talk about something else now please." I groan as we collect our food .

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