Mason mount - homie hopper

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I hated that I'd never be able to take back the relationship I shared with Ross . Well perhaps hate is a strong word , of course there were times throughout the year or so that we spent together that I loved nothing and no one more than I did Ross , but things change ... people change .

Ross had never treated me right , and everybody knew that .
He was out with the boys whenever he wasn't training or away for matches , and in the end we spent next to no time together. And let's just say the time we did spend together wasn't always the most pleasant.

But , no ... the thing I hated the most was the fact that , although I was with mason now , in many peoples eyes I'd always be Ross's girl . No matter how poorly he'd treated me when we were together , or the fact that I'd been with mase for nearly six months people just couldn't let it go .

" your dating his friend now ? That's low"

" his teammate , really ?"

I tried my hardest to ignore people's comments , for the best of myself and mason . I could tell it bothered him when people teased us about our relationship, or more specifically the circumstances of it .

But today ignoring the situation would be difficult , due to the fact that I was going to watch the Chelsea match . This meant although I'd see our friends , Ben , Kai etc and of course mason ... I might also see Ross .

This was daunting because since the breakup Nearly a year ago , I'd done my best to avoid Ross in every possible way . I didn't go out with mason if I knew Ross would be there and I barely ever went and watched mason train , all out of fears of what the boys might say .

'come see me before the game xx' 

I smiled as his name illuminated my phone as I finished getting ready for the match , but that quickly dropped at the realisation I'd finally have to see Ross again .

As I drove towards Stamford bridge and eventually made my way inside  , I could only hope Ross had changed already , meaning he would have left the changing rooms before I get the chance to share an awkward encounter with him .

" hey darling , how you doing ?" Mason asks , as he brings me into a tight hug followed by a kiss to the cheek upon my arrival .

" yeah I'm all good , what about you ? Any nerves ?" I reply .

" nah , it's only Norwich" he smirks cockily .

" you never know , they could pull a blinder on ya"
I tease as I hear voices approach .
My nerves are settled however , when I realise it's only chilly and Reece .

" Oi oi , what are you doing here ?" Ben asks , slinging an arm around my shoulder.

" oh I'm just here to support Norwich" I laugh .

" not in that shirt your not" mason says sassily , referring to my Chelsea jersey with his name displayed on the back .

" you got me there" I say , as I begin to give him a kiss goodbye and wish the others good luck before they are called back into the changing room by tuchel.

... It was , as mason had suggested, a seemingly easy match for the blues . They won at an impressive seven to nil , mason having scored three of which .
Proudness rushed through every vein in my body as my boyfriend finally came into sight , sweaty and holding the match ball due to his hat rick .

" well done mase" I say , pushing up onto my tippy toes in order to give him a well deserved kiss.

" Thank you my love" he replied before swiftly pulling me back in for another kiss ...

That was until we heard an awkward cough from behind us , causing us to come to a halt and break apart .
I turn only to see an awkward looking kai havertz stood with non other than Ross .

" sorry for breaking up that little moment there but we kinda need to get past" Ross said , venom laced through every word he spoke .

" mate , no need to take that tone with her okay ?" Mason said , out stretching his arm in-front of me to shield me from Ross .

" mate ? You lost that title when you fucked my bird." He spat .

" and that's exactly why she's not with you anymore Ross . She's not a 'bird' and she certainly isn't yours. Now fuck off and leave us alone" mason said , anger getting the best of him but in this instance I was glad for it .

" thanks mase" I said in appreciation once my ex had finally shoved his way past us and into the dressing room , leaving only mason , Kai and myself .

"He shouldn't be able to speak to you like that just because your with me now . It's his fault he lost you . Prick" Mase said , still visibly heated from the situation.

" if it means anything , me and all the others agree that Ross is a bit of a dick when it comes to you . He wasn't nice when you were dating and he's till not nice now so it makes sense that you've moved on ." Kai interjects .

" really ? Thanks Kai it means a lot , I guess I'm just worried about what you all think of me now that I've dated two of the team members ."

" nobody would ever judge you for that . Ross was an idiot, which lead you to money mase over here . Now you're happy and so's mason so what's there to be judgy about ?" Kai said , shaking his head as if my worries were ridiculous.

And truthfully his words did calm me , because at the end of the day there was nothing wrong with mine and mason's relationship; as Kai said someone negative happened to lead me to the love of my life ... so what if I'm a homie hopper .


Hey guys ! I'm sorry it's been so long I've been super busy with mocks but I'm back for good now <3

I hope you all enjoyed this one , I've had lots of mason Mount requests recently so I'm hoping it lives up to your expectations. ( p.s : I'm sure Ross Barkley isn't like this in real life it's just for the story lol )

Hope your all well : )

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