Phil foden - injury

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"Torn ligament"

" out for at least two months."

The words that the doctor had spoken echoed around phil's mind. And injury like this was the worst thing that could possibly happen to an athlete , it would set him back loads .

It had happened when the boys had been playing a champions league game against Paris saint Germain ; just after half time he had taken a nasty fall and it was then that he immediately knew something was wrong.

Her heart felt heavy for him as she watched him in agony on the television. she knew how hard he'd always worked and something as small as this would set him back both physically and mentally ; and not being there to help made her hurt for him ten times more.

She immediately reached for her phone and messaged him

" how bad is it : ( "

" not good . I'm out for at least two months."

" I'm so sorry Phil , I love you ❤️"

He didn't reply so she simply chose to go to bed and wait for him to arrive home the next day .


She jumped to her feet at the sound of his Keyes rustling in the door , and was met with the sight of her boyfriend struggling to get inside , looking a mess .

" hey baby , how are you doing." She asked as she attempted to take the bags from his hands as he wobbled on the crutches he'd been supplied with .

" Well obviously I'm not doing great ." He said , rolling his eyes but reluctantly handing over his things and limping into their home .

" ok , we'll why don't you sit down and I'll grab your dinner and bring it in ."

" don't bother , I've already eaten ." He said coldly , causing her expression to drop slightly seeing as she had gone to the effort to make his favourite in hopes of cheering him up on his arrival home .

" oh , Are you sure ?"

" yes , Jesus , either stop fussing or leave me alone ." He snapped .

"Oh . um , okay sorry." She said quietly , taking a seat on the sofa and remaining quiet for a while .

This behaviour continued all evening , he was just in a terrible mood . It seemed to her like he was taking his frustration out on her .

It wasn't until it was time for bed that the two exchanged any words again . she had noticed him struggling to get upstairs on his crutches so rushed to help him .

" hey , do you want to lean on me ?" She offered .

"Yeah ok ." He said shortly , but did as She said until they reached the bedroom .

They dressed for bed in some what of an awkward silence , she didn't dare to speak when he was in a mood like this and he simply wanted to sleep and forget the issues that he was currently faced with .

She attempted to cuddle into the boys side but was met with his back when he only rolled over , refusing her touch .

She felt so confused as to where his cold behaviour was coming from ; obviously she knew he would be devastated about the injury but all she'd done today was try her hardest to be there for him , and he simply didn't want her help .

Tears began to unwillingly trail down the girls cheeks , as she tried her hardest to keep the noise muffled in her pillow , but failing to do so as Phil found a frown on his face in the spot next to her . Before he could question her sudden outburst of tears , a quiet voice finally broke the silence.

" do you want me to sleep in the guest room or something?" She questioned .

" what ? Why on earth would I want you to do that ?" He asked bewildered.

" Phil , you have been horrible all day . I know how hard this must be for you but god you are not making this easy on me . I just want you to let me be there ." She said , starting to crumble under his watchful glare .

" got I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry" he said as he brought the smaller girl into his side and caressed his hand gently up and down her back in hopes of comforting her .

" I didn't even think about how my mood might be affecting you . I know that sounds bad but it's true , I just feel so shit."

" I know Phil , I know . But all I want to do is help you and I'm faced with this moody side of you instead."

" I know darling , I'm sorry ."

" me too . For everything , you shouldn't have to be dealing with this ." She said empathy laced in her voice .

" I could say the same." He laughs .

Things like this made the two of them realise that no matter how many times they might try to fight it ; they would always need one another.

Kind of hated this and it's super short so sorry about that but I'll do more Phil foden ones in the future for sure : ) x

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