you're the sixth member and get a lot of hate (requested)

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"Where's y/n?" Yuna asked as she and the girls sat around the living room together, doing whatever they wanted as the hours of your first day off in so long went by.

It's nearing noon now and you haven't been out of yours' and Chaeryeong's dorm room quite yet.

You said you weren't feeling well, deciding to spend the day catching up on some sleep.

But Chaeryeong has a feeling that it's not a physical kind of sick that you're feeling.

She made her way into Twitter, wanting to see what MIDZY was all up to, and she was crushed when she saw all of the negative comments and hurtful words directed to you.

"I'll go see how she's doing." Chaeryeong offered and the girls nodded, focusing back on each other.

Chaeryeong walked past Lia and Yuna's dorm room and then Ryujin and Yeji's before she finally reached the one you share.

The door was open just a crack and she could hear the heartbreaking sound of your cries coming from inside.

She froze on her feet and hung her head.

As a group of not just idols but best friends, you always look out for one another. You have from the very first day that you became ITZY.

All the girls have seen it; the way you seem to be the least favorite of the group, the one member that takes the most from people.

They've all felt so helpless, unsure of how to make it any better when they really weren't allowed to say much of anything publicly.

Of course, they always console you and hold you throughout the darkest days you face when it's only the six of you.

But they know saying things publicly would help the most.

That's where it was all out of their hands.

Chaeryeong blinked away the tears in her eyes before opening the door and walking inside. She didn't even bother to close it. The only thing on her mind was to get to you.

She sat on your bed beside you and wrapped her arms around you, hugging you tightly as you continued to cry.

She noticed that you had your phone unlocked and that Twitter was open, the cruel and disgusting words coming from people online right there for her to see you.

She pulled your phone from your hands and locked it before putting it aside. You wanted to reach for it again but she shook her head and held you tighter.

A minute went by without either of you saying anything before you spoke some words that broke her heart.

"They hate me..."

She swallowed thickly.

"Everyone hates me."

"Not everyone, y/n. The people that matter love and adore you. Those people that hate you don't even know you. They are just cowards that hide behind a screen as say things out of jealousy or anger. They don't matter."

You lowered your head, a shaky breath falling from your lips.

"I don't know what I did to deserve this."

"You didn't do anything." She said. "These people don't matter, y/n."

You sniffled.

"They keep saying things, Chaeryeong. They keep saying how awful and weak I am compared to all of you. How I'm not good enough to be in ITZY."

"Y/N, you are perfect just the way you are." She promised and continued to hug you tightly as you continued to cry. "You're talented and you're kind. You're funny. You're beautiful. You worked hard to get to where you are today. You deserve to be here."

You turned around to face her, throwing your arms around her for a big hug. Your cries were loud and heartbreaking, one's of true pain and heartache.

They were loud enough to get the attention of the other members who were just walking down the hall, making their way to check on you.

They walked inside and over to you, all of them joining in on the hug.

"The hate is getting bad again." You explained through your tears but they just shushed you softly and hugged you right.

Chaeryeong couldn't sit there and see you cry anymore. She was frustrated and tired of seeing all the unnecessary hatred against you.

So she grabbed her phone from her pocket and went to the official ITZY account, logging in to angrily type out some words that needed to be said.

She hit send and you all looked at her in confusion while you sniffled, your eyes still teary.

"What'd you do?"

"Something that has needed to be done since this all started!"

"But the company-" Lia tried to say, only for Chaeryeong to argue.

"I don't care. Y/N is just as needed and important in ITZY as everyone else. I made that clear. I said that anyone who doesn't like her shouldn't listen to us anymore. They were never fans in the first place."

And they all just stared at each other and nodded, knowing she was right.

They all hugged you tighter, promising everything was going to be okay and for the first time in so long you believed it just might.

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