she forgets your birthday (requested)

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"Good morning, angel!" Chaeryeong greeted you as you opened your eyes.

You groaned as the bright sunshine hit your eyes and Chaeryeong giggled as she watched you bury your face in your pillow.

"Don't go back to sleep." She said as she climbed into bed with you. "Today is a very special day."

Your eyes opened and a grin tugged at your lips.

You never thought of your birthday as something extremely special but you know that she does and that warms your heart so much.

It makes you believe that, perhaps, your birthday is something more than just another day.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's that special but," You said as you turned on your back. "If you think so, then it must be."

"It is, baby!" She said as she kissed your lips. "It's the first day that the girls and I start filming our new video!"

Your heart sank a little.

That was what was so special about today?

"What?" You asked and the sadness was evident in your voice.

"Yeah, for our new song. The concept is so cool and fun, it's going to be our best video yet."

She pecked your lips softly before she got out of bed.

"Oh. That's what's so special."

"Yeah!" She said as she brushed her hair. "Why do you seem so down about that, baby?"

"No reason, I guess."

"Are you sure? You seem sad." She frowned and made her way back over to you.

You didn't want to have to remind her about your birthday; that's something she should know all on her own.

So you kept quiet about it.

"I'm fine." You said, faking a smile.

"Okay. I have to go in a few minutes. Is there anything you need before I go?"

You shook your head wordlessly as you toyed with the sleeve of your sweater.

You didn't expect much for your birthday but a birthday wish from your girl would be nice.

Seeing that she forgot about your birthday made you feel saddened as the only thing you wanted today was to be with her.

"You don't remember what today is, do you, Chaeryeong?"

"Uh..." She paused and tried to think, only to shake her head. "Is it something important?"

"No. It's not important." You quietly said.

"Okay. Well, I have to go but I'll be back soon, okay? I love you."

She kissed your forehead softly.

"Yeah." You replied and watched her leave the room before you heard the front door open and close downstairs a second later. "Happy birthday to me, I guess."

You put your head back on the pillow and closed your eyes to go back to sleep.

If you couldn't celebrate with Chaeryeong, you didn't feel like celebrating at all.

You just wanted to lay in bed and sleep for the day.

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