toothaches (requested)

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"Is it getting worse, my love?" Chaeryeong asked as she rubbed her tired eyes, watching you in sadness.

The lamp was on because it was the only thing to light up the room right now.

The sun is still down but soon, it will begin to rise, as it's a little after seven am now.

You barely slept at all though, finding yourself awake off and on throughout the night due to how terrible the ache in your mouth was.

"Yeah." You whined and Chaeryeong reached for her phone, unplugging it from the charger.

"Okay. The dentist will open in about two hours. I'll call and make you an appointment as soon as they open. That way, we can get you feeling better very soon."

You nodded tiredly and watched as she locked her phone before scooting as close as she could get to you.

"I know the pain is intense, baby. I'm sorry." She softly spoke before kissing your forehead. "I know you haven't had many problems with your teeth but, by chance, do you know or think you might know what it is?"

"A cavity." You replied. "I take such great care of my teeth that I don't even remember the last time I had one."

She knows that's true.

You always take such wonderful care of your teeth.

You brush your teeth often, at least twice a day if not more, depending on what you eat and drink that day.

You always floss and you always get your teeth cleaned every six months as you're supposed to.

You never miss an appointment.

You always find comfort in taking care of your teeth.

So to see you complain of your teeth hurting is a first for Chaeryeong and she hated it.

Seeing you in such an intense amount of awful pain broke her heart.

"It just hurts so much."

"I'm so sorry, darling. I'd take it all away from you if I could." She softly spoke.

"Chaer? Do we happen to have any Orajel left?"

"Actually, I think we do." She said before getting out of bed.

Entering the bathroom, you could hear from the bed as she dug through drawers and opened and closed cupboards in an attempt to find some Orajel.

"I found it!"

You breathed out a sigh of relief over her announcement and when she sat down beside you again, she waved it in front of you with a smile.

"This should help bring you some relief. Do you want to do it? Or do you want me to?"

"You, please."

She nodded and put some Orajel on her finger before putting it up to your mouth.

"Top or bottom."

"Bottom, back tooth." You groaned and when you felt the gel touch your teeth, it instantly became numb and the pain faded.

Just like that, you felt immense and inexpressible relief and comfort.

Chaeryeong quickly washed her hands to get the gel off and then returned to your side once more, kissing your head.

"How's that, sweet girl? Better?"

You nodded and she smiled, so happy to hear that.

"Want to watch a movie?"

You nodded and she turned on your favorite before pulling you close, hoping your toothache would disappear for good in just a few hours.

Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ