you're the sixth member and get hurt filming a music video (requested)

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You sipped on your cold drink as you finished getting ready to film the next scene of the new video you and the girls will be releasing soon when you have your comeback.

It's quickly approaching and the excitement you and the girls feel is only growing every day that you spend working hard on everything.

Although you're feeling tired due to your lack of sleep because you've been so busy these last few weeks, you know that it'll all be worth it in the end, and you can't wait to share everything you and the girls are doing with MIDZY, knowing they'll be oh so supportive as always.

"Girls, are you ready?" The director asked and you all looked at each other before nodding.

You took a few more sips of your drink before handing it to a staff member, who kindly took it from your hand and put it safely aside for you so you can drink on it some more next break that you have.

You got back into your places, knowing that the next scene would be one of the hardest, as it included the huge dance break.

"Alright, here we go," he said before the music began to play and you all started to perform the choreography.

You know it like the back of your hand.

You all do.

You spent weeks preparing it, practicing several hours a day to nail every single step perfectly.

But today would be the day that something went wrong.

As you followed every step to every beat of the song, you ended up moving your ankle the wrong way, causing it to roll and you were met with intense pain instantly.

It was so bad that you ended up falling to the floor, feeling so much pain that you couldn't help but groan.

"Y/N? What happened?" Chaeryeong asked as the music stopped playing and the cameras stopped filming.

Everyone was worried as the girls crowded around you, trying to comfort you through the pain you felt.

"I hurt my ankle." You whimpered. "It rolled. It hurts badly."

It only took a couple of minutes for a medic to be by your side and look over your ankle.

"Sprained." He said and your eyes went wide as you looked at the girls.

You felt horrible. Not just from the pain you were in but also from the guilt and anxiety you felt.

There's not much time before the video has to be finished so you can move on to preparing a few other things for the comeback. You know how important this is and you feel like you're letting the girls down.

"You need to rest it. Put some ice on it and take it easy for a few days."

"No, I can't do that."

Your words shocked the girls.

"Y/N, be realistic. You're hurt." Yeji said.

She wasn't trying to be mean as she said it, she was just concerned and wanted the best for you, as do the other girls.

"I am being realistic. We only have so much time. I don't want to let anyone down." You mumbled sadly and Chaeryeong put her hand on your knee as Lia put her hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N, it's okay. Everyone will understand. Besides, it's only this scene and one other that we have left to film. We still have time. It won't kill you to take some time to rest." Chaeryeong said.

You looked at her and then the other members in sadness.

"Your health comes first, no matter what. You know if this were any of us, you'd say the same things we are. Be kinder to yourself. You can take a few days to rest and heal and it won't change anything." Ryujin said.

"Everything will be fine, y/n. Please go back to the dorms and rest." Yuna pleaded and you sighed heavily before agreeing.

"Come on." Chaeryeong softly spoke as she and Yeji helped you stand up and then helped you out of the building and to a car.

Chaeryeong got in with you and the girls promised they'd be back at the dorms in a while, after taking care of a few things.

You still felt guilty, Chaeryeong could tell.

"How do you feel?"


"That's why you need to rest." She said as you put your head on her shoulder. "You're so hard on yourself, y/n. I know, as an idol, there's always so much pressure to be perfect. But, at the end of the day, we're all just people too. You have to be more gentle. You have your limits and you've reached them now. You have to relax and take it easy for a few days, so it doesn't get worse."

"I know. I promise I'll try and take it easy."

"There won't be any trying." Chaeryeong chuckled. "You've got all five of us to take care of you and look after you. Trust me, we won't let you lift a finger over these next few days. You will rest as much as possible and before you know it, that ankle of yours will be healed."

You couldn't help but smile a little.

"That sounds nice, actually."

She chuckled and hugged you close.

"Good. I've got you, y/n. We all do. We're here for you. You'll be better in no time."

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