she gets jealous when the girls flirt with you (requested)

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"Y/N! Are you almost ready to go?" Chaeryeong yelled as she stood outside of the bedroom.

"Yeah, just a moment!" You answered and she yelled back an okay before going back downstairs, returning to the living room where the girls were.

"She'll be ready in a minute."

"Okay, no problem," Ryujin said before Lia pulled her into a conversation.

The girls are all waiting on you to head out to the restaurant where you'll be sharing a nice dinner.

It's the first one you'll be getting to have together, all six of you, so it's very special.

With that being said, since the restaurant is pretty fancy, you decided to dress up a bit so you were taking just a little longer to get ready.

But, true to your word, as Chaeryeong was joking around with Yeji, you came down the stairs only a moment after Chaeryeong knocked on the door.

"Ready to go, baby?" Chaeryeong asked before looking at you.

Her eyes went huge.

You were all dressed up and you looked stunning.

Chaeryeong wasn't the only one that was in awe of you.

The girls all were as well.

"Whoa, y/n," Yuna whispered as she stared at you.

"What?" You asked as you ran your fingers through your hair.

"You look incredible," Lia said, biting her lip a little.

"You think so?"

"Uh, yeah," Ryujin agreed. "Damn, girl. Chaeryeong, you are so lucky."

Chaeryeong clenched her jaw.

Oh, she knows how lucky she is.

But she wasn't enjoying the fact that all of her friends were flirting with you.

"Red is so your color, y/n. You look so good." Yeji said as she and the girls gazed at you in amazement.

You couldn't help but lower your head as your cheeks turned red.

"Thank you! You all look very nice, too."

"Yeah? You think so?" Lia asked as she played with the hem of her dress a little.


"Okay. That's enough flirting." Chaeryeong said before she came to you.

Without a word, she pulled you in for a passionate kiss, and you melted immediately, as you always do.

"They're not wrong, baby girl. You look hot." Chaeryeong said as she bit her lip, looking you up and down. "And I'm so very lucky to be able to say that you're mine. All mine."

She looked back at the girls, smirking at them as they all looked a little embarrassed about watching that steamy kiss and the things they said.

"Okay, jealous," you chuckled before pecking her lips. "I'm yours. So don't be embarrassing your friends and let's go enjoy a nice dinner together."

"Okay." She agreed and pecked your lips a few times. "Let's go."

"We're sorry for flirting with your girl," Yuna said as you all exited the house.

"As long as you know she's mine, that's all I care about," Chaeryeong said, smirking a little as she kept her arm around you as you made your way to the car.

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