hardheaded (requested)

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"So, I have the results back," The emergency room doctor said as she entered the room. "So, it looks like you have appendicitis."

"How do we treat it?" You asked as you uncomfortably shifted around on the hospital bed.


"Surgery?" You repeated with an anxious tremble in your voice.

"Unfortunately, it's our only option. I know it's scary but it's what needs to be done. I'll go contact the surgeon and he'll get everything set up so we can get you feeling better?"

"Wait, what? The surgery is going to be right away?"

Chaeryeong could tell that you were terrified so she squeezed your hand in comfort, hoping it would help, at least somewhat.

"Not right this minute. But soon, for certain. I'd say an hour, maybe two. Appendicitis is very serious and it can be fatal. We need to take action as soon as possible to help."

You clutched Chaeryeong's hand tightly as the doctor sent you both a sad smile.

"I'll be back shortly."

You watched the doctor leave the room before Chaeryeong began to brush her fingers across your hand.

"It won't be too much longer until you're out of pain and feeling better." She said as she kissed your cheek.

"What pain?" You asked as you started to unhook the wires and pulled the IV out of your hand.


"I'm not in any pain."

"Yes, you are. That's why you have appendicitis!" She said as she watched in disbelief. "What are you doing? Get your butt back into that bed!"

"I'm fine! I don't need surgery, I'm okay. I'll just go home and when I wake up in the morning, I'll feel much better!" You said as you attempted to get up and walk out.

"Stop being so damn hardheaded and get back into that bed right now!" Chaeryeong demanded.

You were taken aback because you hadn't ever heard her yell like that.

"You know you need help. You heard what the doctor said. I'm not letting you out of this hospital until you are discharged by them. I don't want to lose you, Y/N."

You let out a shaky breath, trying to hide how scared you were and how intense the pain that you were in was.

"I'm scared, Chae,"

She sighed as she walked to you.

"I don't want surgery. I'm scared of it."

"That's normal, baby. But you'll be alright, I promise. You're going to be out of pain and I know that these doctors won't let anything bad happen to you. You're in safe hands."

You sniffled and let her pull you in for a little hug.

"Please get back into bed." She pleaded.

You did as she said, caving in despite how terrified you felt.

Chaeryeong notified a nurse about what happened so he could come and hook everything back up for you to continue to keep an eye on you.

"I'll be right here until you have to go into surgery. If they let me, I'll even hold your hand as you go under. I'll be right here when you open your eyes when you're out of surgery. I'll be right here with you through everything. I promise you'll be okay."

"I know." You said as you put your head back against the pillows. "I love you. Thank you for calling me out for being hardheaded. It gets the best of me sometimes."

"I know it does but there's no way you're going home until after surgery and you're in the all-clear. I love you too." She said as she kissed your temple, promising you that you'll be alright.

Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now