you have a nightmare (requested)

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The whimpers escaping your lips made Chaeryeong open her eyes in concern.

"Y/N? Baby, are you okay?" She mumbled sleepily as she sat up and turned on the lamp before blinking a few times to adjust to the light.

Placing her hand on yours, she noticed your eyebrows were furrowed and you were moving around a little, whimpers still escaping your lips.

"Are you having a bad dream?" She moved her hand to your shoulder and put her other hand on your other shoulder before she started to try to get you to wake up. "Y/N? Baby, wake up!"

She shook your shoulders for another few seconds before your eyes flew open.

You sat up and lowered your head, your eyes closing as you tried your hardest to catch your breath. You were panting and your heart was pounding as you remembered the terrible dream that you'd had.

"Are you okay?" Chaeryeong asked as she put her hand on your back.

"Yeah." You said as you tried to catch your breath. "I just had a bad dream. A really bad dream."

"It was only a nightmare, my love." She said as she pulled you into her arms, giving you the biggest and warmest hug she could.

"I didn't wake you, did I? I'm sorry if I did." You said as you looked into her big brown eyes and Chaeryeong shook her head, fibbing a little so you wouldn't feel guilty.

"No, baby. Don't worry." She said and kissed your head softly. "Are you okay? Do you want to tell me what your terrible dream was about? Maybe it'll help make you feel better."

You took a deep breath before exhaling shakily and telling her what had scared you so badly.

"All of my teeth fell out."

She rubbed your shoulders comfortingly before  kissing both of them.

"I can promise you that all of your teeth are still there."

You chuckled a little which made her smile in response.

"I need a little water."

"I'll go get you some." She said and before you could protest and tell her that you'd do it yourself, she was getting out of bed and going downstairs to get you some cold water.

She returned a moment later and handed you the glass, letting you take a few sips before she put it on your nightstand for you.

"Do you think you'll fall back asleep soon?"

"Maybe. Can you cuddle me?"

"Happily." She said, kissing your head.

"And sing to me?"

"Okay, my love." She chuckled and made sure you were cozy under the covers with her before she tangled her legs with yours and started to sing your favorite song to you.

"Thank you," You interrupted and she shook her head with a smile.

"It's what I'm here for, baby." She whispered in your ear and then kissed the shell before kissing below it and then continuing where she left off with your favorite song.

Her voice was soothing, as was her touch as she brushed her nails softly against your arms.

"I love you." You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep, your head on her shoulder.

Once she knew you were asleep, just a moment later, she finished up the song and then kissed your forehead.

Her lips lingered on your skin and she repeated the words back to you with a smile on her face.

"I love you, y/n. So very much. Sleep tight and have sweet dreams." She whispered before she laid her head on yours and held you a little tighter as she fell asleep with you, happy that she was able to make you feel a little better and help you fall back asleep.

Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now