"our babies are coming" (requested)

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"Are you enjoying your food?"

"Yeah, thank you for asking, my love." You told Chaeryeong, only to receive a frown in response.

"I wasn't talking to you, babe. I was talking to our babies!" She said before she lovingly caressed your bump.

You rolled your eyes at her only to hear giggles in response coming from the girls, who were all sitting around you as you enjoyed lunch together.

You're out at one of your favorite spots, somewhere you begged Chaeryeong to take you to today because you craved something from there so badly.

Of course, she happily gave in, and she's happy to see you enjoying every bite of food that you eat.

"Very funny."

"So how are you feeling Y/N? You're getting close now. I bet you're both beyond excited to meet them." Yeji said as she shoved some food into her mouth.

"We are." You said. "Honestly, I've felt better. I feel pretty crummy right now. But it won't be too long until they come."

"Could be any time now!" Chaeryeong excitedly said.

You felt just as excited, though you dreaded certain parts of meeting your babies, such as being the one that had to actually bring them into the world.

But you tried not to think too hard about that because you thought it was still a few weeks away.

However, you were wrong.

As Chaeryeong and Lia talked about the new album that they've been working hard on, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach.

You quietly placed your fork onto your plate and waited a moment to see if it appeared again, which it did.

And that's when you realized it - your babies were on the way.

There was no denying that your babies were coming as the pain was too strong to be anything else and the realization made you panic.


Chaeryeong turned away from Lia to look at you as you said her name and when she saw the look of panic in your eyes, she immediately knew what was happening.

"You're serious?"

"What? What's happening? Is Y/N okay?" Yuna asked as she noticed you scrunching your face in pain and Chaeryeong's excited look in her eyes.

"She'll be alright, don't worry. But our babies are coming!"

The girls gasped and watched as Chaeryeong held her hand out for you to grip when you felt the pain.

"Okay, forget lunch, we have to go to the hospital!" She said and stood up.

Ryujin was quick to stand up and offer you her hand to help you stand up as Chaeryeong helped you, too.

"It's happening, Chae." You said, feeling nervous yet beyond excited. "We're going to meet our babies tonight."

"We are, darling. It's happening." She said with a grin before kissing your forehead. "Let's go to the hospital. We've got two little babies on the way."

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