open your eyes (requested)

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Chaeryeong felt a rush of relief come over her as she walked through the front door.

She closed it as quietly as she could, afraid that if she was too loud she might wake you from your sleep, and with how sick you are right now you need all the sleep you can get.

She figures that's why you haven't replied to any of her messages today.

She's spent the last couple of hours in the studio, doing some last-minute things with the girls in preparation for their comeback.

She's almost certain you've got the flu.

You've got quite a few symptoms of it, such as vomiting and running a fever, and feeling quite fatigued.

The last thing she wanted was to leave your side, but she had absolutely no choice but to do that due to everything going on with the group right now.

But she can't deny that she's worried about you.

There's that little voice in the back of her head that keeps telling her that something just isn't right.

Until now, she hasn't had the chance to turn it off.

But she's home now and she can go right upstairs to check on you, where she hoped she'd find you safe and sound.

She put her bag on the floor before rushing up the steps.

"Y/N? Baby?" She called out for you as she approached the bedroom, hoping that if you weren't in too deep of a sleep, you'd call out for her.

But her heart sank when she walked into the bedroom and found that you weren't in bed.

You were feeling dizzy and weak when she left but you promised her that you'd only get up to get some water or use the bathroom.

"Babe?" She spoke as she slowly walked further into the room.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She felt extremely nervous, feeling as though something wasn't right.

The bathroom door was open and the light was on.

A few seconds later, she walked into the bathroom, and the sight she was met with terrified her.

You were on the bathroom floor, unconscious.

"Y/N!" She said as she rushed to your side. "Baby? Are you okay? Can you open your eyes for me?" She asked as tears started to blur her vision.

She shook you a little and tried everything to get you to open your eyes... but you didn't.

She rushed back into the bedroom and grabbed your phone off of the bed before returning to your side.

She dialed emergency services and pressed your phone to her ear and her hands shook so badly she almost dropped it a few times.

"I need help. My girlfriend is sick and I came home and she's unconscious. I don't know how long she's been here for. Please, send someone!" She pleaded through the tears in her eyes before the phone slipped from her shaky hand and onto the floor.

She turned her attention to you and began to stroke your cheek. You felt hot. Your fever was much higher than it was when she left just a couple of hours ago.

"Please open your eyes, my love. Please be okay." She pleaded and held your hand as the ambulance hurried to you.

She didn't know what was wrong but she just hoped you'd be okay.

She needed you to be.

Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now