Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I kept my head down as I walked over to my locker. I was clutching my backpack straps so tight my knuckles were whiter than usual. The pops had now decided that it would be fun to try and steal my journal away from me. I could never let that happen. All of my ideas, dreams, and secrets were in there!

I stopped by my locker and shakily spun the combination on my lock. I opened my locker and put my stuff inside. Any minute now Miley might come up with her boorish friends and....

"Hey, freak," someone sneered behind me and I squeaked as my long hair was yanked. My head lashed back and my hand grabbed at my hair, trying to ease the pain. I spun around.

The pops. Miley was there with her boyfriend Keith and her idiotic friends. My heart fluttered when my eyes lay on Keith. My crush. Another reason why Miley could never get my journal. I wanted to grow up and marry that boy, and have dozens of kids with him. Happily ever after.

Keith had almost-shoulder length brown hair. His eyes were a dark blue. He had no pimples at all, something I found very impressive. He's not the most handsome or tallest or strongest boy in school. No, his best friend Josh has all those qualities. But I wanted Keith like I wanted the ability to speak. And that's a lot of wanting.

"Where's your diary?" Miley jeered. "I'm sure the school would just love to know what goes on in that deranged mind of Snow White's, right Veronica?" Her right hand man. Or woman. Queen of the stupids. Veronica nodded vigorously. "Deranged," she giggled.

I frowned. I was not deranged! I opened my mouth indignantly. "Oh, look girls!" Miley squealed. "The retard is about to speak!" I tried to force the words out. I really wanted to tell Miley off and make her leave. But I really wanted to impress Keith, to show him I was strong. He was staring at me, and I think he kind of looked sympathetic. Pity. I couldn't stand pity.

I clenched my fists, and tried, tried, tried to talk. But nothing came out. I closed my mouth in defeat. "I thought so," Miley smirked.

The bell rang. "Let's go, Keith," she purred, and leaned on his arm. They walked off. Keith glanced back at me, and sure enough, his pity was evident.

I clutched my books to my chest. Tears of frustration and defeat threatened to spill, but I couldn't let them. I had to stay strong. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Thank you, Kelly Clarkson.

At lunch, I stared at the table. I never packed a lunch anymore, and I always lied to Martha in my journal whenever she asked me if I ate anything today. I was never hungry anymore. I called it the Kashine-Is-A-Retard Diet.

I took out my journal and began to read past entries. I read the first one:


Today is the first day of high school. I'm so nervous. I don't want to bring this stupid thing with, but I have to. I have to communicate with the teachers somehow.

There's this really nice girl named Nikki. She's supposed to help me with my studies, even though I don't have any mental conditions. I just can't talk.

I saw a really cute boy just walk into the classroom. In a few minutes I'll know what his name is. Keith Allen. He's so gorgeous. His hair is so stylish and his eyes so mesmerizing. I wish I could talk with him. Maybe I will. Maybe he's the one that'll make me tick right.

I just finished posting "I Would" by One Direction on YouTube. The amount of viewers is amazing! No, ama-ZAYN. Lol. I love that song. It's my very favorite, and my favorite parts are when Louis starts singing and Zayn starts singing the chorus. Louis sings like an angel. Zayn's voice is so sexy.

Well, I better close my journal now; the teacher's giving me dirty looks.

Until next time,
Kashine Douglas

I smiled sadly. Just then, my journal was snatched away from me. I gasped and whipped my head around.

Miley was smirking proudly as she skimmed through my journal. Her friends were laughing at me, some even casting snide remarks of what was in my journal:

"I bet her crush is in there!"

"Who knows how many periods Kashine has so far? Oh right, the diary does!"

"I bet she even has tear stains in it!"

Yes, yes, and yes. I whimpered fearfully and rubbed my eyes, pushing back the tears.

"What the hell?!" Miley yelled. Her friends stopped laughing and stared at her nervously. "You like my boyfriend? Slut!" She slapped me, and I gasped again, this time in pain. "Keith is my boyfriend, and you truly thought he would come running to you?" She continued to scream at me.

I trembled and turned away from her. I felt another slap. "Stop that!" a voice yelled. The slapping stopped. I looked up slowly.

Keith was glaring at Miley, his blue eyes burning. He grabbed my journal away from her. He walked over to me. I trembled harder. "Stay away from her!" he shouted at Miley. "We're through!" Her jaw dropped, and her bright green eyes began to burn too. She glared at me with absolute hatred. "This isn't over, Douglas," she hissed at me. She and her friends rushed away.

Keith bent down beside me. "Are you okay?" he asked me gently. I stood up slowly, and he kept a steady hand on my waist. I gave him a half-shake and half-nod. He gave me my journal. I took it, and I felt my cheeks heat up. He knew about my crush!

"Is that true?" he asked me quietly. I couldn't look at him. I tried to run off, but he grabbed my wrist. I cried out in pain, not because his grip was too hard, but because they were starting to hurt again. "Sorry!" he said quickly. I yanked my wrist away and I felt like Cinderella as I ran away from the love of my life.

Only I didn't leave a shoe behind and he already knew my name.

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