Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


I didn't tell Harry about it, I only asked him if he would like to go out for a night with me and he immediately agreed.

I smiled as I put on my only dress, the one I had worn three times now. It really was beautiful, and it really brought out the curves I didn't have.

I put on some lipgloss and blush, and after only a moment of hesitation I put on a darkish blue eyeshadow. It really matched my dress and complexion.

I put my hair up in a bun with strands falling out in the correct places. Thankfully I had told Harry to dress really nicely, or else this would be really awkward and embarrassing.

I waited for him in the hotel lobby.

We'd been getting closer and closer to my hometown as we moved through the States, and I wondered if I could send John and Martha tickets to One Direction's next concert. They could see me and hear my new voice! I missed them a lot. Just thought I'd say that.

I heard the elevator ding, and I glanced over. Harry stepped out in a nice collared green shirt that really brought out his eyes and white dress pants.

"Wow," he said when our eyes meant. "You look...." He seemed at a loss for words, and I blushed. "Gorgeous isn't even halfway there," he finally said, grinning at me, and I blushed even redder.

"Th-thanks," I said, and I think for the first time the stammering wasn't because of my faulty voice. "Y-you look great t-too." It's back.

"So what is this all about?" he asked curiously, advancing towards me until our arms were brushing. For some reason, the physical contact made my heart race in my chest.

"J-just because," I replied innocently, smiling at him in a hopefully winning way.

"Alright," he said with a shrug. "What first?"

"Th-this," I said and started towards the entrance of the hotel.

"Um, Kashine?" Harry reminded me. "I'm not wearing a disguise."

Shoot. Oh well, that's just the risk we're going to have to take then. I shrugged and continued to walk away from him. I was starting to worry that he had ditched me when he was beside me. I could tell because our arms were brushing again.

"W-we're going t-to have to w-walk it," I said apologetically as we started down the sidewalk.

"That's okay," Harry said. "It's nice outside."

I'm not sure how long we were walking for, but I know that after a while he randomly reached over and gently took my hand. The physical contact made electricity spark up my arms and hairs stand straight up.

I gestured grandly to the restaurant before me and Harry laughed. "Noodles and Company?" he said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded vigorously.

"It-it's one of m-my favorites," I said eagerly and almost pulled him inside.

I got my usual and helped Harry choose his. The restaurant was practically empty, but I considered that a good thing. Firstly, because Harry wouldn't be seen by fans. And secondly, our food would come faster.

"So, care to explain what this is all about?" Harry asked, stroking his chin and mocking an overly-serious face. I giggled and pulled a somber face, trying to look as solemn as he did, but then he grinned.

I didn't see why it mattered if he knew or not. "B-Back in the b-beginning S-Simon suggested I-I tried g-getting on your g-good sides," I said nonchalantly. "Like, g-give you g-gifts or s-something l-like that."

I winced as Harry frowned and raised an eyebrow. That sounded a lot less mean in my head. Simon didn't suggest I bribe them! It was just... something else.

"B-But we're g-good f-friends now," I said quickly. "So I d-decided that I-I had to repay you g-guys f-for all of the w-wonderful things that you've g-given me."

Harry smiled suddenly. "If you ask me, it should be the other way around," he said. "We have to repay you for all of the wonderful things you've done for us."

I blushed, but before I could say anything, our food arrived. I was starving, so I dug in readily.

"I don't trust this stuff," Harry said, picking at it with his fork. I looked up. "Trust m-me, it's g-good," I assured him. He shrugged like, "What have I got to lose?" and ate a bit. I rolled my eyes. It's just noodles, what was he afraid of?

He raised his eyebrows. "It tastes a lot better than I expected," he admitted.

"T-Told ya," I smirked and continued to eat.

"So," Harry said. "What did you give the others?" I gave him a confused look. "I mean," he quickly elaborated. "This dinner thing is my gift or whatever, right? What did you get the others?"

I couldn't decide between blushing, giggling, or smirking. "You know I-I g-gave Louis a c-carrot way b-back in the b-beginning," I said. Harry nodded.

"And I b-bought Zayn three b-bottles of hairspray." Is it just me, or did my stuttering seem to be fading?

Harry laughed. "Even that's a bit much for Zayn," he said.

"I-I g-gave Liam an engraved f-fork."

Harry smirked.

"And I-I p-paid for Niall's meal at N-Nando's."

Harry's eyes widened. "Holy crap," he exclaimed. "That must've cost a fortune!"

I shrugged and made a so-so gesture. I may be able to talk, but sometimes I just preferred using the hand motions I'd been using all my life.

"Is this it for me?" he asked. I smirked. "M-maybe," I giggled. "Who knows?"

I did a little celebration in my head that my last sentence didn't have any stuttering in it, but it wasn't much. It was the big sentences that really bothered me.

I paid for our meal, much to Harry's distaste, and I pulled him out of there before he could make trade with the cashier.

"Head back?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh, so there IS more?" he said excitedly. It wasn't much of a question. I nodded.

"Where are we going?" he asked as I began to power-walk down the sidewalk. "The fair!" I called over my shoulder.

On our way here, we had passed by a fair. The boys had gone totally berserk: they begged and cursed and even bribed the driver to try and make him stop there. But he wouldn't, and the boys had to admit defeat. But I knew immediately what I was going to have to do.

"Seriously?" Harry asked, catching up to me. "You rock!"

I laughed and we ended up running towards the entrance. "We kind of look... conspicuous, don't you think?" Harry said as we neared the fair. I paused. We really did. I mean, who goes to a fair in a ball gown dress and half a tuxedo? Oh well. I shrugged.

"Who c-cares?" I said.

"Maybe the fans," Harry said.

"Look," I sassed. "Do you want to go to the fair or not?"

I froze and pinched my lips. Harry stared at me.

"No stutter!" he squeaked out and pointed at me.

"No stutter!" I agreed, letting go of my lips. I gasped. "And again!"

"And again!"

"And again!"

I told myself mentally to shut up and I took a deep breath. "Finally!" I laughed.

"This is so ironic," Harry said, more to himself. "Each time we're with each other alone, you gain some kind of speaking ability. Weird."

I couldn't agree more. "You're a wizard, Harry," I said solemnly.

"No, I'm just Harry!" he screamed. I burst out laughing.

"So, do you want to go to the fair or not?" I asked

"Of course I do," he retorted. "But just know that if I get seen, I'm blaming it on you." I stuck my tongue out back at him.

We bought a couple entrance tickets (I paid for them if you must know) and we went totally berserk, like a teenage boy and girl at a fair should.

"You know," I commented as I picked at the pink cotton candy on my fingers. "Maybe we don't stand out so much. I mean, we look like a couple of kids out from prom."

Harry face-palmed. "May I remind you that it's summer?" he said, rolling his eyes. I blushed. "Oh, right," I said.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Harry squealed, and grabbed my hand. I laughed and nodded. Why not? I don't have a fear of heights. We started in that direction, but there was one little problem on the way.

"INCOMING!!" a familiar voice yelled, and suddenly Harry was knocked to the ground. He probably got his nice clothes all dirty.

"What the--" Harry started to say. This time, I couldn't decide between being angry, sad, or humorous.

Louis grinned at us from where he sat on Harry. "Hello," he said and saluted me.

"Hello," I echoed slowly, and saluted him back.

"Louis!" Harry grunted, and pushed the older boy off. "What are you doing here?!"

"Making sure you crazy kids keep your clothes on," Louis tutted, and Harry glared at him.

Out of nowhere, Liam, Zayn, and Niall walked out. "Hello, Kashine," Liam said formally. "Nice night for a walk, eh?" I nodded.

"And for--" Louis started to say but me and Harry both yelled at him, "SHUT UP!!" He shrugged and held up his hands in surrender, not looking the slightest bit offended.

"How was your date?" Niall smirked.

My face reddened. "It isn't a date!" I objected. "I just wanted to go out for a night with Harry. What's so wrong about that?"

The boys stared at me. "That's practically the definition of a date!" Zayn exclaimed. I sighed.

"Wait!" Niall shouted. "You aren't stuttering!" Harry rolled his eyes. "We already figured that out," he sighed.

Niall pouted. "How come we're always the last to find out?" he complained.

"Because I'm the wizard," Harry smirked, raising his eyebrows. "I thought you were just Harry," I reminded him.

"Same thing," he said, rolling his eyes.

We turned to the other boys. "Now, we were about to go on the Ferris wheel," I said. "We would greatly appreciate it if you left."

They either pouted at us or frowned. "Aw, but can't we come with?" Louis asked.

"No," Harry said seriously. "Most likely you'll just embarrass us, and this was supposed to be a QUIET night."

I looked at them pleadingly: wide eyes, pouting and quivering bottom lip. "Please?" I practically whimpered. Who could resist this?

Liam sighed. "Fine," he said. "Come on, boys. Let's go on the...."

"Kiddy rides!" Niall shouted.

"No!" Zayn shouted back. "We already went on those twice and I am NOT doing them again!"

Me and Harry snuck off and left them to their argument.

"Sheesh, it's like they don't trust us at all," I sighed as the conductor strapped us into the carriage.

"More like they can't keep their noses in their own business," Harry scowled.

"Well, give them a break," I defended them. "Who can resist finding out their best friend's date?"

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at me pointedly. I blushed furiously. "Um, uh, that came out wrong!" I cried.

"You think?" he chuckled. "You said it wasn't a date, but then you go and say 'best friend's date'...."

"Oh, hush up," I muttered.

The conductor started up the Ferris wheel, and I made sure to look at everything but Harry's face. We were really high up, and I felt like I could see anything. I liked the feeling of the wind in my hair, a similar feeling I got when I danced. I wondered if this was what birds felt like.

"It's awesome up here," Harry commented. I nodded. "You can see for miles," he went on. "I think I can even see our hotel from here."

I wouldn't be surprised. After all, we walked here.

"But none of it is as beautiful as you," he added nonchalantly. I swear my face turned the color of a tomato. What was he getting at here?

I forced myself to look up at him, and the beauty of his eyes made my heart tremble. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh....

For one second we were looking at each other, and the next we were kissing. I wasn't even aware of our heads leaning forward and our foreheads touching. The only thing I could feel was the warmth of his lips on mine. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I assumed it was good.

His eyes closed, and mine popped wide open. I was sure I was hallucinating: I saw fire tracing around us, and while it wasn't burning us, it made me warm enough to keep on going. Nothing could ruin this moment.

But then we stopped, and the fire was out like a light (a/n: haha). I was trembling, and for the first time I realized that my hands were tightly encased in his own. Our foreheads were still touching, and I calmed myself by taking deep breaths that I hoped weren't too noticeable.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, and I could feel the vibration of his voice against my lips. "Fine," I managed. He didn't apologize for the kiss. Why would he?

But as I went to bed that night, I was feeling an emotion that I knew I wasn't supposed to feel after a kiss like that.



I grinned as I stared up at the ceiling. That kiss had been awesome and totally worth it. Kashine had the most lovely lips, and she knew how to do it. That moment was perfect, and I was sorry I had to ruin it. I would give anything in the world to kiss her again.

I really liked Kashine.

I liked her a lot.

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