Chapter 27: Tell Me A Lie

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Chapter 27: Tell Me A Lie


The next day, we worked on "Tell Me A Lie". This one would be easy, because there wasn't much of a background beat to keep up with like "Up All Night", and there were only a few simple moves. I wrote this down for the boys to read. "Cool," Zayn said in satisfaction. "I believe you."

"Liar," Harry accused and Zayn glared at him. "I'm telling the truth," he said and Louis randomly burst out laughing. "You're telling the truth when you're about to dance to 'Tell Me A Lie'," he explained to our confused expressions. "Am I the only one who finds that funny?" We nodded, and he rolled his eyes. "Let's go, people!" Niall shouted. "We're wasting daylight!"

"Sheesh, when did you become a Liam?" Harry muttered.

"You insult me," Liam and Niall said in unison, and I giggled. "And you sound like you're actually excited to dance," Zayn added. I punched his arm. Niall winked. "Maybe I am," he said and he ran off to the recording studio. "If I didn't know any better," Louis stated. "I would think Niall had a crush on you, Kashine." I blushed. Harry scowled.

We followed after Niall and I showed them the moves. "Yeah, too easy," Harry said confidently. I gave him a warning look. I'd learned that karma strikes a lot when you got cocky.

"Let's get started," Liam said and they stood in their spots. I only wanted Liam to sing at first, and same with Zayn. But near the end of his solo I kind of wanted them to fan together, like they were ganging up on someone.

When the chorus started and Zayn sang "that I never listen, listen" I wanted them to lean forward slightly. "That you don't want my kiss": I wanted them to blow a kiss to the crowd (the fangirls would love that) but then snatch it away. And for "that you need your distance, distance" I wanted them to hold out their hands and push outwards. "Spare me what you think" would be when they held out one hand like they were pushing the offender away. And when Liam sang "Tell me a lie" they were chill again.

That's pretty much it. It was really pretty easy, and only a few mistakes were made. The boys got the order of the motions mixed up. I couldn't really blame them: it went kind of fast and confusing with the music.

I also made them sing, and this time it actually made a difference. They already knew what they were singing, and I guess it helped them run the words through their heads and make their bodies do the words.

We went slow at first, then steadily faster until it was almost perfect without music. Then I put on the music and danced with them. They did pretty well. I turned off the music and made them dance a couple more times. Then the music was back on, and I sat out. They did it great, but not perfectly. They were a little out of sync, but I let them take a break anyway.

I stood next to Niall as we watched the boys wander around and do their thing. I wrote on my hand. I swear, someday my hand will be stained pink.

So, how's the song?

"Pretty awesome, for once," he said and I gasped, mocking hurt. He chuckled. "Just kidding," he said. "All your dance moves are awesome. I've been having a lot more fun than I anticipated when I first learned we would be getting a choreographer." I raised an eyebrow.

Oh, really? What did you think was going to happen?

He smiled slightly. "I thought we were going to get this strict old lady that would always snap at us and wouldn't let us have any breaks," he said.

But what about the One Direction videos? I doubt strict old ladies like your music, no offense.

He chuckled again. "None taken," he said. "We were thinking that she was a dancer and her daughter made those videos with her help. Or something along those lines." I nodded and sipped from my water bottle. "I cannot describe how I relieved I am that we've got you," Niall added. "You're really awesome." I blushed again. Louis' comment circled back to me.

If I didn't know any better, I would think Niall had a crush on you, Kashine.

I found myself hoping that wasn't the case. Niall's great and all, but I didn't like him in that way. I didn't like any of them in that way, they're all just my bestest friends in the world. I felt really nervous all of a sudden.

I nudged Niall. He knew what to do. "Alright, people, back to work!" he yelled, clapping his hands together. The boys jumped. "Break's over!" They immediately put their water bottles or whatever down and stood in their spots. Almost.

"Hey!" Louis cried. "You're standing in my spot!" Harry frowned. "No, I'm not," he protested. "I always get far right. You stand next to me."

"Nuh uh," Louis disagreed. "I distinctly remember standing right there, and you on the right of me."

"Not true! I get far right!"

"I do!"

"I do!"

"I do!"

"I do!"

I face-palmed. Such children. But before I could do anything, they both ran out of the room, yelling curses at each other.

I stared after them and turned to Liam for an explanation. He narrowed his eyes. "If one of those two were female they would marry each other," he said. "That was totally fake. I bet they're up to something." I wasn't sure if I should believe him, but Niall and Zayn were nodding in agreement.

"REVENGE!!" twin voices screamed and Harry and Louis jumped into the room, brandishing water balloons. My eyes widened. My secret stash! Were they in my room?!

They both tossed Liam, Zayn, and Niall a water balloon. "Get her!" Harry shouted and I screamed and tried to flee. But they blocked the exit and tossed them at me. There was nowhere to run. At least three splattered against my body, and I tripped and fell.

Harry attacked me and we both ended up on the floor. "That was for framing Louis and getting us in trouble," he mumbled in my ear. I blushed and pushed him away. I stood up and brushed myself off. Like that did anything.

Harry jumped up, smirking. "Okay, now I'm ready to start dancing," he said. I decided to take his vulnerability to my advantage, and I launched myself at him. I slammed into him and we both fell again. I heard the other boys laughing, but it seemed to fade away into the background.

Harry's eyes are a really magnificent green. How had I not noticed that before? Especially the night when we accidentally slept together? And his curls were really super soft, I soon learned. And really poofy. They brushed against my face.

"Hey!" a voice hollered and I blinked, looking up. Louis was smirking down at us. "Do you two lovebirds plan to have sex down there or what?" he asked. My face reddened. "We still have to finish dancing!" he added.

I lurched off of Harry and brushed myself off again. Harry followed, and I made the boys stand in their spots again. Twenty minutes they were done and perfect, but I barely noticed.

What had that been all about?

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