Chapter 25: One Thing

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Chapter 25: One Thing


After I showered and changed I practically skipped back to the recording studio. I was going in order from the list I made, so "One Thing" was first. That song wasn't too hard, really easy actually. Just a few arm and leg movements that were similar. We'd have this one over with in no time. Hopefully. Now that I've said that I'd probably jinxed the whole thing.

"Hey, there she is!" Niall cried when I entered the recording studio.

"And all clean too!" Zayn added. "Good, now let's get started!" I stared at him in amazement. Well, the world was all switched around today. Since when did Zayn become EXCITED for dancing

I felt his forehead, a concerned look on my face. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm feeling fine," he said and took my hand away.

"Don't worry, Kashine!" Louis called from Harry's back. "The doctors can't figure it out either."

"Oh, shut up," Zayn scowled. I pointed to the ground, and Louis jumped off of Harry. "Yay, the old Kashine's back!" Liam cheered and stood between Zayn and Niall.

I smiled and blushed slightly as I put Harry over a red "X". I glanced up at him nervously, but he didn't seem at all mad. Grinning even. But I couldn't help but remember me slapping his face. I really, really regretted that.

I poked him and he glanced down at me. "What's up?" he asked cheerfully.

I pointed at his face and looked at him apologetically. I felt like I was being insincere, but I really wanted to apologize. Thankfully he understood.

"It's okay," he said quietly. "I deserved it. You slapped some sense into me. I won't do it again."

I frowned and shook my head. I mean, yeah, he shouldn't do it again, but I didn't want him to think I'd rule over him by slapping him. I wrote on my arm:

Are you scared of me?

"Should I be?" Harry asked and I shook my head again. "Not really," he said slowly. "Why?"

I don't want you thinking that if you don't do what I say I'll slap you.

"Kashine, I don't think that," he reassured me. "You're not like that, you would probably stomp around." I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. As long as we were on good terms with each other. I turned around and stood in front of them.

I motioned for Liam to take a step forward. He's starting since his solo is first in the song. I motioned towards my mouth. "You want me to sing?" he guessed and I nodded. "Why not just turn on the music?" he asked.

Not ready yet, I mouthed.

"She said we're not ready for the music yet," Niall translated and I was impressed. I didn't know he could lip-read.

"Um, okay then," Liam said uncertainly, and I nearly face-palmed. Sheesh, you would think he'd never sang before in his life. "What moves am I doing?" he stalled, and I shook my head. None. His solo's too short and there's too little of a beat to dance to.

"I've tried playing it cool--" Liam started to sing, but Louis interrupted. "Wait, can we act like fans again?" he asked and I glowered at him, stomping my foot in frustration. Just let me do what I had planned!

Later, I mouthed angrily. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Don't piss off Kashine," Zayn warned them. "We need her for this." I flashed him a grateful smile and once again pointed at Liam. He began to sing and I pointed to his foot. He let it tap lightly. When he was done, I nodded and smiled. Great. Now Harry.

Liam took a step back and Harry stepped forward. "Same as Liam?" he asked and I nodded. But before he could start I held up one finger and ripped out a page from my journal.

When you sing "frozen" I want you to freeze up like this.

I pretended to be doing just fine and singing and stuff but when I mouthed "frozen" I stiffened up slightly. When I had done it on the camera it didn't look stupid, and the others didn't laugh at me, so I relaxed. Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I can do that," he said confidently. He began to sing.

When he sang "frozen" he added a little half-turn and then froze. "You did it wrong!" Niall shouted at him and Harry rolled his eyes. "That's okay, right, Kashine?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. The half-turn had been impressive, something I wished I had thought up. "Suck it," Harry smirked at Niall, and Niall stuck his tongue out back.

I motioned for them all to take a step forward and they did. Except for Harry, who stayed in his place. I held my hands above my head and began to clap.

"We're supposed to do the same," Liam told the others and they began to clap too. They all knew the beat. But I ran over to Zayn and shook my head. "I'm not supposed to?" he asked curiously and I shook my head again.

"Then what do I do?"

I pretended to hold a microphone to my lips and sing. "Just sing?" he guessed and I nodded. "Alright," he said, sounding relieved, and I moved ahead again. He sang his part.

We were moving at inch-worm speed here. I should've done this a long time ago: make them all sit down and watch me a couple times. I was so dense.

"What now?" Niall asked and I pointed to the couches. They sat down. "We sit down in the song?" Louis asked curiously and I shook my head. I pointed to their eyes, then to mine.

"We watch her," Harry said. Liam rolled his eyes. "No, really," he said sarcastically. "Are we really that bad?" he asked me sheepishly and I shook my head again rapidly.

I turned on the music. Watch and learn, I thought and smiled to myself. I began to dance.


"That's it?" Zayn asked when I finished. I nodded. "That's easy!" Louis exclaimed and I grinned in agreement. "Which is probably why we're starting with this one," Liam pointed out.

"All it involves is just a bunch of clapping and air-punches," Niall said. "We'll be fine."

The boys stood up and went over to the center like they were supposed to. Liam stepped up and began to sing and dance his part without having me to tell him to. Show off.

"Watch it!" Zayn yelped as Liam began to clap at the wrong time and nearly swiped at Zayn's hair. I chuckled and shook my head. Liam blushed and took a step away from Zayn, now standing above his "X".

Haha, that sounded funny. Standing above his ex.

Anyway, I pointed at him, smiling encouragingly, and he began to do his parts, slower and more controlled this time. I didn't give him any feedback when he was done; just moved on to Zayn. I had my methods.

So on and so forth until all of the boys had done their solos and the chorus. So, in other words, they had danced the whole song without music. "How did we do?" Zayn asked. I shrugged. They had done pretty good, but there was definitely some room for improvement. I wrote on my hand:

AGAIN! Until I think it's perfect without music.

That meant doing it seven more times. For such a simple song I was starting to believe doing it with music the first time wasn't such a bad idea.

Niall was going slower than usual again, Liam's air-punches weren't going in a rhythm, and Louis couldn't clap right along with the others.

"They're doing it wrong, not me!" he'd protested and I had to show him a few more times that he was off. I kept pulling Niall aside and reminding him that we didn't have much time and I needed him to step up the effort. I easily fixed Liam's air-punches problem by taking his fist and doing it for him until he got the rhythm right. They did it together a few more times, and THEN they were ready to go full speed.

I turned on the music. They messed up the first three times. I did it for them two more times and started the music again. I did it WITH them until they were doing pretty good on their own. I sat out a couple times, and Zayn messed up, but it was a one time thing. He got back on track and seemed to be better than ever.

Then I played it one final time. The boys decided that this round they were going to sing along, and apparently that helped them get the moves right. They did perfectly.

"Did we do good?" Harry asked when they were finished. I stared at him. Did they do good? Did THEY do GOOD?! They were amazing!

"I don't know about you, but I thought I did great," Louis smirked. I smiled and shook my head. I picked up my journal.

You ALL did great. Very impressive, if I do say so myself. I'm proud of you. You obeyed my every direction, you tried and did your best, and you ALMOST didn't get distracted.

"What do you mean 'almost'?" Louis exclaimed indignantly when the paper was passed to him. "We were totally focused!" I rolled my eyes. I realized Louis must have put on some serious limits, which was why he hadn't been bothering me as much today.

I gave them each a hug. I took my journal away from Liam.

We can be done for the day, but you have to promise me that you won't forget any of these moves. Got it?

"Promise," they chorused and I grinned.

Good. Now you can all run free and do whatever you want. Other than hit your head with a brick or do something that will make you forget what you learned.

"Darn it!" Niall sighed and I laughed.

"Dibs on first showers!" Zayn yelled and they ran from the recording studio. I trailed behind them and wrote a new entry in my journal.


It's been a long time since I've recorded in here, hasn't it? That's too bad, because a lot of stuff has been going on around here. I'm not gonna go into extreme details, but let's just say there was a lot of laughing, talking, dancing, writing, and crying.

Yep, crying. Louis stole this from me and gave it to Harry, and he read it all. I was pissed at them for awhile (slapped Harry even) but now we're friends again. No one can stay mad at these five morons for long.

Simon told me I have to choreograph the Up All Night album, so I gathered the boys together and told them the eight songs I was choreographing. Hopefully that's enough for Simon.

Today we just finished working on "One Thing", and it looks pretty good. There will definitely be some further practicing in the future, but for now we need to keep moving.

We have eleven days, not counting today since we're done, and we have a lot of work to do. I would keep writing some more, but I've been doing that a lot recently, so I'm going to take a break. I'll write a PS later, when my wrist isn't sore. To be continued....

Until next time,
Kashine Douglas

A few hours later after dinner, I wrote two whole pages worth of what had been going on. I would use a bunch of detail on one part, and very little detail on another.

I skipped writing about the night I accidentally slept with Harry. I wanted to forget about that, because it was wrong. But it was an accident. Nothing happened. Good thing, too. Those thoughts that had been running through my head that night had NOT been kid-appropriate.

I finally put my pen and journal away in my secret compartment and settled into bed. Tomorrow we'd be working on "Up All Night". I could hardly wait.

I fell asleep quickly.

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