Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I woke up slowly the next morning, blinking hard to get rid of the sleep dragging at my eyelids. Sunlight was seeping in through the single half-window in the door, but other than that the recording studio was completely dark.

I yawned widely and stretched. I heard multiple cracks, and I grimaced. I think that just confirmed for me that sleepovers were not my thing. Unless there was a bed involved.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, waiting for my vision to clear. Everyone was still asleep....

Wait, I take that back. MOSTLY everyone was still asleep. One boy was gone.

I looked around suspiciously for Louis, and I spotted him on a couch searching through a box of somethings. I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth to ask him rather loudly what he was doing, but then I remembered my silence. I scowled and resolved to crawl over to him and scare him.

I crept up to the couch. Somehow he didn't notice me right below him. Smirking, I reached up and touched his shoulder. He flinched away and whipped his head around. I sat up so he could see me. "Oh, it's just you, Kashine," he said, sighing in relief. I raised my eyebrows. It's just me? What, wasn't I dangerous too? I'd show him.

I gave him a questioning look and pointed to the box of somethings. "Oh, this?" he said. "It's just my box of magic inks."

I picked up one of them. It was a Sharpie. I gave him a look.

"What?" he asked defensively. "It's an ink, and it works like magic. Technically, I wasn't lying."

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. "I'm not up to anything," he obviously lied. "Unless you want to help."

Eh, why not? I shrugged and nodded.

He grinned. "Awesome," he said. "Okay, these here are Sharpies. And those over there are faces. See what I'm getting at here?" I stared at him blankly. He sighed. "We draw stuff on their faces," he said slowly, like he was talking to a kindergartner.

Well, could you blame me? I stayed up till one in the morning and woke up early. I was still slow from sleep.

I opened my mouth in a silent, extended "oh" and picked up a red Sharpie. It's Joker time. Me and Louis crept over to the boys and began to draw.

I did Liam first, and since he liked Batman, I decided to leave him a little present. As you all know from my YouTube videos, I was a very excellent drawer, so I popped the cap on my red Sharpie and began to color. I made his lips and the skin around them a bright, cherry red.

Next I took a black Sharpie and made his eyes black. It took me a while to find a gray Sharpie, since you never see those around, but I did and used it to outline the creases on his forehead. I also invented some wrinkles

I really wished they made a white Sharpie, but of course white never comes up on anything (which is why the white crayon is so unnecessary).

I picked up a pink Sharpie thoughtfully, and I grinned evilly when I came up with an idea. I took off the cap and made the pimples on Liam's face extremely evident. Of course, him being a superstar, there weren't very many, but just enough to content myself.

I grinned again when I was finished. Perfect. I did that thing where chefs kiss their fingers when they've made a delicious meal.

I moved on to Harry, bringing the big box of magic inks with me, and I made his face look like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, complete with the eyes on his eyelids and everything. Then I went to Niall, and I made his face look like a Care Bear's. That one took me a while. I hadn't seen a Care Bear in years.

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