Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I laughed when I saw our costumes. "Guys, you gotta see this," I said and pointed to my laptop. They huddled over and burst out laughing. "We look ridiculous," Zayn chuckled.

"But in a good way," Niall added.

We were watching the YouTube video that dancergirl911 (a/n: fake account) had recently posted. It was her music video for "Save You Tonight". The dance moves were awesome.

"You look so cute in your costume, Louis!" Harry laughed as my sort-of solo in the song came up. I grinned. "And you look adorable in yours, Harry," I replied.

The video ended. "That girl sure knows how to dance," Liam said.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Niall challenged. Liam rolled his eyes. "I seriously doubt a dude would name his account dancergirl911," he pointed out. Niall blushed. "Good point," he conceded.

The phone rang. We dived for it. Harry answered. "Yes?" he asked. He covered the mouth piece. "It's Uncle Simon," he told us. I jumped to my feet, promptly knocking Zayn over.

Harry turned away from us and put the phone back to his ear. "You saw it too?" he asked. "Yeah, it is very good.... Seriously?" he cried. He sounded excited. "No way.... Okay, I'll tell them.... Bye, Uncle Simon." He hung up.

"What is it?" I shouted.

"Nando's!" Niall screamed randomly.

"What?" Zayn asked.

"Is it Nando's related?" Niall asked Harry frantically. He rolled his eyes. "Of course not," he said. Niall pouted. "Then I doubt it's very exciting," he said.

"It definitely is," Harry argued.

"Then tell us already!" I yelled at him. He chuckled. "Simon called and said he's getting us a choreographer," he said excitedly.

"A what-grapher?" Zayn asked.

"Someone who conducts dance sequences," Liam explained.

"Who is it?" I asked. Harry smirked. "A certain girl who happens to be dancergirl911," he said. My jaw dropped. "No... freaking... way," Niall gasped.

"Way," Harry confirmed.

"She's, like, a professional!" Liam exclaimed. "Simon can really hire her?"

"Apparently," Harry said with a shrug. "How old do you think she is?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you would want to know," I smirked. "She's probably like forty years old!"

"Then why would she like One Direction?" Zayn asked.

"Be realistic," I said. "She has to be that old! Nobody could have that much dance knowledge if she was twenty or younger!"

"That's true...." Liam agreed slowly. "Perhaps her daughter set her up to it."

"If she even has a daughter," Harry pointed out. "Maybe she's not even married."

"Are you offering?" Niall giggled.

"No," he protested. "I was just saying!"

"We're all just saying stuff," Zayn said. "We have no idea who she is, where she lives, what she likes, and what she does. We're just guessing."

"We'll know who she is in about... a week, maybe?" Harry mused.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Simon said so," he replied.

"Simon says!" Niall shouted. "His word is law!"

We stopped talking. We stared at each other. "Want to watch some more videos?" I offered. They nodded and we crowded back around my laptop.

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