Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The next day felt like an eternity. I was extremely impatient, and I really wanted to call Keith or something. Actually, bad idea. I really wanted to visit Keith, and write to him what was going on.

Finally, the time had come to go to the airport. This was the plan: Martha and John drop me off at the airport, follow me over to Simon Cowell, gush about "their little baby growing up", and then leave me in his hands. It was actually quite frightening.

The car ride was silent, with only music on. The atmosphere was sad, but happy too. Kind of strange, but I suppose you would get what I meant if you got a really important job in a different country and your parents were really proud of you. A lot like that.

We ran around the airport, trying to find the plane that was supposed to take me and Simon to Britain. My breath rasped in my throat nervously. Simon didn't know that I was mute. What if he rejected me?

"There!" Martha shouted and me and John raced after her. Fear and excitement made unlimited energy pump through me, and I wasn't even tired when we finally stopped running.

We were at the terminal for my plane. John and Martha crushed me in a hug. "We're running late," Martha panted. "So that little speech of ours is gonna have to wait for a later time. Where's Simon?" I gazed around, then pointed. Simon Cowell sort of had his back to us as he waited patiently, but I would recognize his face anywhere. He's my favorite judge.

John and Martha crushed me again. "Be good, Kashine," John warned me.

"Don't do anything stupid that will get you into trouble!" Martha added. They each kissed my cheek. As I ran off, I heard Martha cry to John, "I'm gonna miss her so much!"

"Me too."

I slowed to a walk as I neared Simon. My grip on my journal tightened. I stood in front of him. "Hello," he said kindly. "What can I do for you?" A popular page.

My name is Kashine Douglas.

"You're Kashine?" he asked, sounding surprised. I blushed and nodded. "I expected you to be older," he said, sticking out his hand. "The boys'll like you." He winked at me. I smiled and shook his hand. "Why don't you speak?" he asked kindly. I could lie, tell him I had a hoarse throat or a cold or something. But I decided against it. It would lead to complications later.

I'm mute.

His eyes widened. "Oh...." he said, and I bowed my head, turning to go. "Where are you going?" he asked. I looked up. "I'm still hiring you. I'm sure I can find someone to help you. Come with me." He walked off, leaving me staring after him in surprise. He brushed off the fact that I was mute easily! What the heck? Did he not see how this could affect my job?

I raced after him. He handed the nice lady his passport and I did too. We walked onto the plane and I took a seat beside him. I was trembling.

"Are you alright, Kashine?" he asked. I nodded shakily. "Beautiful name, by the way," he added. I blushed again.

The plane took off.

We exited the terminal, and my jaw dropped. I was in Britain! The thought made my heart race and want to buy a plane ticket right back to the States immediately. But I forced myself to follow Simon.

It still stunned me that I was in Simon's prescense. Here I was, a shy and mute loser, with one of the greatest music producers and judges alive. This should not be happening.

That thought repeated itself in my mind over and over again as we left the airport and got inside a limo. My heart was racing and my cheeks red.

"So, Kashine," Simon said seriously. "I believe that you would like to be a choreographer, correct?" I nodded vigorously. "The boys showed me a few of your videos," he continued. "We're very impressed with you." I kept on blushing. It was starting to get embarrassing. I scribbled in my journal.

But I'm mute. How can I work?

He thought about it for a second. "I'm pretty sure that I can find someone to help you," he said kindly. "I'm sure that your voice won't get in the way of your work." I smiled.

The limo stopped and we exited. My jaw dropped again. The house before me was huge and very beautiful. We entered the magnificent house and Simon sat me down. "The boys should be here any minute," he said. "I'll be right back." He left.

I did not feel worthy enough to sit on Simon Cowell's couches, so I stood up immediately. I walked over to the nearest hardwood floor, as I also did not feel worthy enough to stand on his carpet and make it dirty. I was so pathetic.

How would the boys react to me? They probably wouldn't listen to me (duh) and would just slack off. Simon would fire me when I failed to choreograph their concerts. My heart thudded in my chest at the most likely possibility. What was I doing here? I shouldn't be here, as I was going to fail. I was such an idiot to actually think this might go my way. Life just doesn't work that way for me. Happily never after.

Car doors slammed. I jumped. Simon entered the room again. "Kashine, I-" He stopped when he saw I wasn't on the couch. He looked around, and spotted me. "What are you doing over there?" he asked. I shrugged, but he wasn't waiting for an answer.

"The boys are here, as you can probably tell, and tonight we are going to a dinner. You have a dress, I presume?"

I shook my head. "You don't?" he asked dubiously. "Then I'll find you one. Here they come now."

The doorbell rang. "Uncle Simon, we're here to meet the new girl!" one of them shouted. "Or new woman!" another added. I giggled. I walked back into the living room just as Simon answered the door.

The five incredibly handsome boys walked in, and my heart just exploded. Not literally. The feeling that I shouldn't be here was stronger than ever now, and I wanted to flee.

"Is that her?" a voice asked. I recognized it. Louis. I looked down. "Um, I thought she would be older," Liam said uncertainly. "Louis said so." I rolled my eyes. Liam trusted Louis' word? Foolish boy....

"She's pretty," a husky voice said, and my cheeks burned. My heart fluttered. Harry. Think of Keith, think of Keith! I thought frantically. Harry's a womanizer, it's natural for him to say stuff like that. He's probably lying.

"Sure is," Niall agreed. "So you're dancergirl911?" My head shot up and I stared at him. "I'm thinking she is," Liam murmured. They really did see my videos! How humiliating, yet gratifying. "I love your videos," Louis gushed. "Especially 'Save You Tonight'! Best one yet!"

I'm going to have to disagree with that. I'd say "I Would" is my best yet. I smiled faintly.

"What's your name?" Zayn asked. "Your real one, I mean?" I reached for my journal and showed them. "Kashine Douglas," Harry read. "A pretty name too." I blushed again. Stupid blushing! "Why don't you talk?" Zayn asked. Simon cleared his throat. "Ah, about that," he said. "You must treat her with respect. You have to obey her every direction, and not a comment on her condition."

"What condition?" Niall asked, a bit nervously. I clenched my spare fist. It's NOT a condition. It's just a... disorder? No, no way. Um... disability? Definitely not. Hmm.... An insecurity? Yeah, I suppose so. I didn't have the confidence to speak.

"She's mute," Simon said gently. Their jaws dropped.

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