Chapter 47

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Chapter 47


"Are you excited?" Lou asked me as she picked out my dress. I shrugged and nodded.

"Oh, who am I kidding? I'm ecstatic!" I squealed and Lou stopped looking long enough to jump around excitedly with me.

Today was the first shoot, and I could hardly wait. Lou was doing my makeup and clothes, same with the boys, and I was glad that she was helping me out. With my talent and fashion sense, I would end up dressed like a moose on stage.

"Mmm.... How about this one?" Lou asked, taking out a dress.

My eyes widened. It was beautiful, like all of the others, but this one was different. It was a light blue color, like my first one, but it was more wavy and silk-upon-silk. There were no sleeves, and it looked tight around the middle area. But I fell in love with it anyway.

"This one's perfect," I whispered. Lou smiled. "I thought so," she said and held it up against me. "Yep, this is the one."

I took it and put it on in the dressing room. It was a little hard because I was right when I said it was tight, but I managed.

I stepped out. Lou gasped. "Oh my gosh," she said. "You look beautiful, Kashine!" I blushed. "Now, let's put on some makeup and make you look like a princess angel!" she babbled and sat me down in a chair. I kept my face relaxed as she did my makeup, and I wondered excitedly what I looked like. I hadn't seen a mirror yet.

"Done!" Lou proclaimed and stepped back. She handed me a mirror. I looked and gasped and resisted the urge to touch my face.

Blush made my face a living pink color (finally!), and light green eyeshadow really brought out the color in my eyes. It was so subtle you could barely tell it was there, but it was working its magic.

My eyelashes were extended and black with mascara, and my lips were a fully, rosy pink. Trying not to sound like a brat here, but I indeed looked beautiful.

"Thanks, Lou," I whispered.

"You're welcome," she replied pleasantly. "Now get out there and make me proud, Kashine!"

I smiled and we embraced briefly. Then I smoothed down my dress, took a deep breath, and headed out.

The boys were done already and waiting for me. Five jaws dropped.

"Where's a bag when you need one?" Louis breathed.

"Wow, Kashine," Zayn said. "You look...."

"Fabulous?" Harry offered.

"Gorgeous?" Niall offered.

"Amazing?" Liam offered.

"No," Zayn said, shaking his head. "Spectacular." The boys nodded.

"None of you said beautiful," Louis scoffed. "I'm disappointed."

"Alright, boys and girl," the director said, walking up to us. "This is going to be simple. You sing for a while, Harry walks towards her, she turns around, they hold hands, and more singing. Harry, make sure to get back on the stage in time for the chorus. Then, near the end, we'll bring out the other girls and you'll all dance. You all know the moves, right?"

We nodded. On stage, the boys did the dance moves from my music video. But on the ground, they just danced formally along with us girls.

"Okay," the director said, satisfied. "Also be sure to be serious about this and try not to mess up." He turned around and walked away.

Niall scowled. "I wish you were directing this, Kashine," he complained. "This director is no fun." I blushed again.

"And you were a better teacher," Louis added. "He totally does not have a sense of humor, or a sense of good dancing."

He did the pat-the-dog-and-screw-the-lightbulb, and Niall quickly followed. I copied them to make fun of them, and soon everybody was doing it.

"See?" Louis exclaimed and I laughed.

"Alright, people, let's get this show on the road!" the director shouted. He grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me over to the corner of the set.

"You, stand here and look pretty. When Derek gives you the signal, move over to that table over there."

He pointed to a tall guy with a headset on and he waved. He also pointed to a small table with a flower vase resting on it. They were even copying the table idea? Cool.

"Okay," I said. "But I want some credit for this."

He gave me a weird look. "Why? This is my video," he told me.

I shook my head and produced my iPod out of nowhere. "Watch this," I told him after I brought YouTube up and the video. Two minutes later he mumbled, "Fine. You'll get a credit. And a bonus." Then he walked away.

I wasn't doing this for money, I was doing this because Simon and the boys asked me to. I would never volunteer for this on my own. Maybe I should work on that. Who would want to miss a chance like this?!

The boys stood in their places and adjusted each other's looks. Louis purposely messed up Zayn's quiff, and Lou gave him a good slap over the head for that. But she fixed them both quickly and rushed away.

"Five, four, three, two...." The cameraman held up a number one and started rolling.

I would go into details, but there isn't much to say. The boys sang and danced, and I evaluated their work. There was a lot of spins, air punches, and a few jumps, but I had taught them well. They didn't mess up once, even while singing.

I desperately wanted to join in, but I knew I would get sweaty and I worried that one of the many cameramen might catch me. So I forced myself to stay still and watch.

Then Derek was giving the signal, and my feet were moving towards the table. I kept my head down as ordered, and I purposely tossed my hair behind my back when Niall sang, "But by the way that you let your hair down...." I could totally move.

Then it was Harry's solo, and I waited patiently for my part to come.

"My heart is racing, she's turning around."

I turned around slowly, widening my eyes purposely and a little dramatically. I felt like I was born for this, a good feeling.

Harry was advancing towards me, and I knew it would have to be slowed down for the song and video. He was singing lightly, and there was a smile in his voice. I resisted the urge to smile back.

"I reach for her hand...."

He was just in front of me now, and he gently reached forward and took both of my hands. Our foreheads leaned forward until they were touching, and I could feel his breath against my face.

"And I say...."

He kept his mouth open like he was about to say something, but then the lights around us shut off, and I knew the cameras were filming Zayn as he sang. Harry didn't have much time if he wanted to sing the chorus, which he kind of HAD to do.

"You better hurry," I whispered. Better to be safe then sorry. With so many cameras, who knew who's filming what.

"I know," Harry breathed back. But instead of leaving he kissed me. It was a quick peck, and then he was rushing off towards the stage, but it still left my heart beating and lips tingling. I thought I told him no. But I figured that this was just a one-time thing. And I didn't exactly hate him for it.

Soon Derek was motioning for me to dance in the middle of the set, and I rushed out there. Harry was my partner, naturally, and the other boys quickly grouped together with their own partners.

We danced a little slowly, because we all knew the cameras would speed it up a little bit, so I relaxed and pretended that this was just like any other day at the house that the boys lived in together back in Britain. I thought of that place as my second home.

"And that's a wrap!" the director shouted when the music faded. "That was perfect, guys and girls! Nothing a little adjusting can't fix! Give yourselves a pat on the back!"

"See, you're better," Louis muttered in my ear. "You would give us a hug, and those are legendary. Almost better than Nialler's."

I blushed. Who knew a little advice from Keith would go so far?

Afterwards, like when we had all of our normal clothes back on and dinner was eaten, we gathered around the big television in Simon's office.

"You boys and girl ready for this?" he asked us.

"Yes!" we shouted at him and he pressed play.

The music video was perfect! Nothing could have gone better. It was just like my music video on YouTube, with a little improvising and add-ins here and there, but that just made it even more perfect.

I secretly hoped the cameramen hadn't caught me and Harry's little kiss on camera, or if they did, they didn't put it in the music video.

The music was fading into the background, and the boys began to celebrate, not paying any attention to the screen. I was about to relax, but then I saw the kiss at the very end. It was slowed down to make it look like something deep. Oh, blech.

I wrinkled my nose and blushed pink, but none of the other boys noticed. Let's keep it that way.

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