Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


The first thing I told myself was that it was a nightmare. The bus hadn't really left without me, and I should be waking up anytime now.

I pinched my arm.

Nothing happened.

I slapped myself.

Still nothing.

I bit my hand so hard that it left a mark and a bruise.


So I did the one thing any rational, mute girl like me would do: I cried. I fell to my knees, unable to stand any longer, and began to weep.

They forgot about me! I was lost here, alone and abandoned. I had nothing, literally nothing. No money, no shelter, no clothes, only the ones on my back. They left me behind!

I needed something to drink, but I couldn't find anything. Unless I wanted to drink the rainwater. But I'd save that for when I was desperate.

What should I do? Just huddle here in the road and wait for some friendly trucker to come by and give me free money so I could buy a plane ticket back to the States? At least I knew where John and Martha were. I had no idea where One Direction was going. Wow, that came out weird. Haha.

I sniffed once and hauled myself to my feet. I slumped up against the wall and rested my chin in my hands, knees nestled up against my chest. All I had to do now is wait. Though I'm not sure what I was waiting for.


I put on some fresh clothes after my shower and went into the center of the tour bus. Liam and Niall were already there watching television. I sat between them purposely and they scowled at me.

"That was fun," I said.

"No, it wasn't," Niall snapped back. "We got kicked out of Nando's!"

"Only that one, mate," I soothed him. "We can go to any other one in the world except for that one."

Niall visibly relaxed. "Oh, okay then," he said. "Yeah, that was fun."

Liam chuckled. "I think we all know I won," he said.

"Oh please," I snorted. "I obviously won."

"Hello," Zayn said, walking into the room. "I won."

Soon we were all arguing over who won, even after Louis came into the room and joined in the argument. Well, it wasn't exactly a room, but you know what I mean.

"Hey!" Liam yelled, and we stopped shouting at each other to glare at him. "Who cares if one of us won? The good thing is that we are totally ready for our concerts, and it's gonna be epic." We nodded in agreement.

"Hey, speaking of epic," I said. "Where's Kashine?"

They shrugged. "I dunno," Niall said. "I thought she was in the shower with you."

The others laughed and high-fived him while I scowled. "I'm serious," I said. "I thought she was with you."

"No," he said.

"I thought she was with Louis," Liam piped up.

"I thought she was with you," Louis told him.

"I thought she was with Harry," Zayn added in. We looked at each other.

"KASHINE!!" we screamed. No answer. "Search the bus!" I declared and we scattered.

I checked everything once, than double-checked it again afterwards. She wasn't in the kitchen, nor the bathroom (which was unlocked), nor her and Liam's bedroom. I checked my and Louis' room: not there either.

Panic grew in my stomach, but I forced it down. I was sure she's around here somewhere, playing some trick on us. She's an actress, remember. But how her acting skills helped her here was beyond me.

I crashed into Zayn at one point. "Did you find her?" I asked him frantically. He shook his head. "I've checked and double-checked everything," he said worriedly, running a hand through his hair. "Same," I said.

A horrible thought struck me. "Do you think we...." I gulped. "Do you think we left her behind?" My voice sounded squeaky.

Zayn's eyes widened, and he looked like he was praying that wasn't the case at all. "No, we couldn't have," he said. "She has to be around here somewhere." We nodded and continued to search.

The stress was really building up now. Surely Kashine would have come out by now, wouldn't she? She wouldn't leave us hanging like this, unless this was a kind of revenge for us reading her journal. But I doubted it. Kashine's not the vengeful type. Oh man, if we left her behind I didn't know what we were going to do....

I rushed into the center. Louis was already there. "This isn't funny, Kashine!" he screamed at the air. "Come out right now!" We were all panicking.

The others ran into the room (okay, just work with me here). "Has anybody found her?" I asked, though their expressions kind of gave it away.

"Nope," Niall said.

"Nada," Liam said.

"Nothing," Zayn said.

"Zilch," Louis said.

Now I felt like I was about to explode as the truth was evident. "Oh my gosh!" I screamed. "We left Kashine behind!"

Mute » 1DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora