Chapter 49

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Chapter 49


There was a knock on my door and I looked up. I finished buttoning up my shirt first before answering.

Simon smiled down at me. Simon! I gasped and slammed the door in his face. I quickly fixed my hair and my outfit. Oh gosh, I sound like I had a crush on him.

I took a deep breath and reopened the door. Simon wasn't smiling now. He was frowning. "S-sorry about that!" I stammered, opening the door wider so he could come in. "I just wasn't expecting you!"

"I understand," he chuckled, entering.

"Do the boys know you're here?" I asked, shutting the door behind him for privacy.

He nodded. "Harry answered the door, so I had to greet them first," he said.

"I'm surprised I didn't hear the big reunion," I murmured.

Simon wasn't supposed to hear me, but he did. He smiled again. "I told them to keep it down," he said. "I had to meet with you privately."

My heart flipped in my chest. I immediately assumed it was something bad. "What about?" I asked nervously.

Simon didn't answer for a moment. Instead he took a seat in a chair, and I sat down on my bed. "The concerts are going great, Kashine," he began. "The boys are more popular than ever, and we are going to have to sell more tickets than ever before. Too many girls are seen stalking around the theaters they perform at."

I wondered how they could tell. In my opinion, there were always too many girls lurking around. But so far it's good news. I began to relax.

"But there are also some demands being made," Simon continued.

My hopes dropped. "But"? That's never good. But what's so bad about demands, unless they're too big to grant?

"Like what?" I asked curiously. It must be about choreographing, or else Simon wouldn't be talking to me.

"The fans want to see 'Moments' choreographed," he said and my heart froze. No. Not "Moments". I couldn't do "Moments".

"So, will you choreograph 'Moments' for me?" he asked hopefully. "I'm sure it won't take a lot to persuade the boys back into the old schedule. They had fun dancing with you."

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to go back to the old schedule as well, but not for "Moments". I could never concentrate when I listened to that song.

I shook my head slowly. "I'm sorry," I said quietly. "But I can't choreograph that song."

Simon frowned. Uh oh. Now I was really going to get it.

"Why not?" he asked.

I looked away. "I don't like to talk about it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Kashine, you can tell me anything," Simon said gently. "I guarantee the boys won't find out, and we'll keep it our little secret. How's that?"

I sighed, and nibbled on my bottom lip.

After a minute or two, I consented. "Okay," I said, and unwillingly looked back up at him. "The reason I can't choreograph 'Moments' is... I cry whenever I listen to it!"

My vision got blurry, and I noticed the wet-looking substance on the tips of my pale eyelashes. Dang it, I was going to cry. I bit my bottom lip again to keep it from quivering.

Simon didn't look very fazed. "That's common in a lot of girls," he said. "I'm sure you can--"

"No," I interrupted, too tensed up to register that I had just interrupted the Simon Cowell, and technically my boss. "You don't understand. I cry because I have a reason to. That song stopped me from...."

My voice faded away, but I forced myself on. I had to tell somebody, not even Martha or John knew. And I was telling Simon Cowell. Great solution. But oh well.

"I had a particular bad day," I whispered, reliving it. "Miley wouldn't leave me alone, and she was actually hitting me now. I couldn't stop her, and practically all of the things she said to me were hurtful. That I was a retard, useless, unwanted. And I stupidly believed her. I ran home, grabbed a knife, and started cutting rapidly with the radio on. I was about to go deeper and end it all when that song came on."

The tears were sliding down my face and I ducked my head so Simon couldn't see. "That's all I can think of now when I hear that song," I finished.

Simon didn't say anything for a long time. I looked up slowly, embarrassment making my whole body feel like it was sweating. Simon got up and gave me a hug. I was definitely not expecting that. So apparently he's a big softie after all.

I hugged him back lightly, trying not to stain his very nice suit with tears and snot. Oh gross, snot. I wiped my nose quickly.

"I see," Simon said. He sat back down and I grabbed a couple tissues. He waited until I looked presentable again before saying something.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Kashine," he said solemnly. "I really am. But as you know, summer is drawing to a close--"

"It is?!" I blurted out and checked my new phone's calendar. It was! August was ending, and the new year for my school was starting in a couple of weeks. Unbelievable. Summer had just flown by!

"What about it?" I asked, setting down my phone. Simon definitely did not look happy, and that made me scared and nervous. But he wasn't angry, and that relaxed me just a tiny bit.

"I understand that you still have school to complete," he said. He looked at me sadly. "And for that, unfortunately, I'm going to have to let you go--"

"Wait, you're FIRING me?!" I cried, interrupting him for the third time. Simon was firing me?! Oh no! Please, gosh, no!

My door burst open and five figures rushed inside. "Why are you firing Kashine?" Harry shouted.

"You can't do that!" Niall declared. "She's our choreographer! We need her!"

"If Kashine goes, I go!" Louis blurted out of nowhere. We all stared at him. "What?" he asked defensively. "It's true. We can't make it without you, Kashine."

I blushed, and felt more tears well up. I love them so much....

"You didn't let me finish!" Simon said sharply. "I'm only letting Kashine go for the school year!"

That confused us. "What? What do you mean?" I asked him curiously.

He sighed. "The boys don't perform during the school year for two reasons," he explained. "One: they get to visit their families during that time. Two: many fans are in school during that time, so planning concerts would be a waste. That's why I'm only letting you go for that long."

I relaxed and felt myself heat up from embarrassment again.

"Oh, thank goodness," Louis sighed in relief. "Sorry, Kashine, but I don't think I would be able to follow through with it."

I rolled my eyes while the other boys slapped at him. "But I'm returning?" I asked.

"Of course!" Simon chuckled. "We'll need you to choreograph the 'Take Me Home' album for their next tour. Face it, Kashine, you're stuck with us for maybe the next four to five years."

My face split into the hugest grin I had ever felt it do. I leaped up and hugged all of the boys at once.

"I love you guys!" I cried, feeling myself choke up. Ugh, not more tears.

"We love you too, Kashine," Liam replied affectionately.

"Kashine, you'll be returning to your parents next week," Simon informed me. I turned back to him.

"Really?" I said. I couldn't conceal my sadness. Tour was done for me already?

Simon smiled. "Don't worry," he assured me. "The boys will come with you. I think they need a little break from tour life for a while, don't you think?"

I couldn't agree more. "Oh, thanks so much, Simon!" I exclaimed.

"You're welcome," he replied and we embraced again.

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