Chapter 13: Harry

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Chapter 13


I'm going to tell you how training the boys went. You already know how Liam did, and he was honestly the easiest to work with. First is Harry:

"I'm ready to dance," Harry said cheerfully as he entered the recording studio.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. I could look for my journal later, and I couldn't let it distract me. It's probably somewhere nearby, no biggie

I looked over at Harry with a tight smile. He frowned. "Something wrong?" he asked. "You look worried about something." I shrugged. I'm fine, I mouthed. Just stressed about work, I added in my mind to make me feel better. I didn't convince myself.

"Okay," he said, a little doubtfully, but then looked at me expectantly. "What's first?" Stretching, I mouthed again and I dragged him out into the open space. Well, not necessarily dragging; he came willingly. I started twisting around, and so did he. He wasn't as flexible as Liam, but he was able to touch his toes.

After stretching, I motioned for him to sit down. I put on his part of "Live While We're Young" and I grimaced. This might actually take the full two hours. He had too many solos. I didn't really do much, just pretended to sing mostly. See how considerate I was being.

"That's easy," Harry said when I finished. "Where's the serious dojo?"

I rolled my eyes. Dojo is martial arts, not dancing. Since he wasn't satisfied, I showed him the moves for the chorus. "Simple," he smirked. "Let's do it."

He stood next to me, but I moved ahead so he could watch me. I started out slowly, and he mirrored my movements. When he did it, adding the smug smile on his face, I felt like I wasn't doing enough. But this was my vision, and I wanted it to be perfect. To go my way for once.

I quickened my pace slightly, and he did too without faltering. After three more times, I decided to challenge him and went on full speed for the song. He was doing pretty good, but then he stubbed his toe when he tried to do the duck-and-spin I invented and he stumbled forward, nearly tripping me. He muttered a curse before sitting up.

I gestured in what was hopefully an encouraging way that he should get up and continue. He almost had it. He jumped up and tried again, but going fast with the duck-and-spin just didn't seem to sit well with him. I stepped back, motioning for him to continue again, so I could spot his mistakes.

There: he was putting most of his weight on the spinning foot, and that would unbalance him when he tries to stand up in a fluent movement. I went behind him and tilted him slightly to one side, releasing the weight. He seemed confused but didn't say anything. As soon as I let go, he tilted back again and I frowned. I took out my pen and wrote:

At least try to balance out your weight. You're crooked, and that won't help you in this move.

I know for a fact that when he stands he tends to lean to the right, for whatever reason. Right now that wouldn't be acceptable in order for him to get it right.

I showed him my arm and I heard him say, "Fine." I adjusted him again, and he stayed in one place. "It's hard to stay still," he complained. I stood in front of him and thrust my hand upward: twist up! He did the spin like he was supposed to as he stood up, and this time he didn't stub his toe. I smiled and gave him a "told you so" look. He rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'll work on that," he said.

Let's try with some music.

"Okay," he said readily and I restarted it. As Liam and Zayn sang, he asked me quickly, "What are their moves?"

But I only shook my head with a knowing smile, locking my lips and throwing away the key. My favorite gesture. I wanted their dance moves for each other to be a surprise. I didn't think it would matter, and I couldn't pretend to be four boys at once.

Harry looked like he was about to press me some more, but then it was the chorus.

He didn't get it right the first time; he stubbed his toe again despite his promise. I rolled my eyes and restarted it, this time dancing with him. He did better the second try, almost perfect the fourth try, and he got it right on the fifth. Not yet perfect, but getting there.

Even though it was probably unnecessary, I made him mouth-sing his lyrics when his tiny solos popped up. I wanted to make sure if he could do it on time, and just make it seem easy.

That's the key: make it so fluent and perfect that other people watching are thinking they could do it. The actual truth is it takes lots of practice.

I made him dance the whole song three more times until I was sure it was imprinted in his brain. "Can I take a break?" he panted after the third time. I nodded and he ran off to get some water.

I was nowhere near sweaty, but I was kind of hot myself. I fanned a hand in front of my face for some cool air and went to the kitchen get a water bottle.

I entered the kitchen and saw Harry chugging down a glass. I took a water bottle from the fridge and uncapped it easily. Sometimes I laugh at how girls are always struggling to screw the cap off. I took smaller sips so I could conserve it for as long as possible and put the cap back on.

Harry was filling up another glass and I rolled my eyes. I suddenly remembered seeing a picture of him drinking out of a water bottle in the weirdest way possible, and some girl commenting that she couldn't remember the last time she wanted to be a water bottle so bad. And I had seen another comment saying a water bottle had more of a chance meeting One Direction than she ever would.

That's stupid, but true. Those things get around, being recyclable and all. Us fangirls weren't so fortunate.

Harry finally finished his water and we went back to the recording studio. I wrote on my arm:

I didn't work you THAT hard, did I?

Harry chuckled. "Just not used to it," he said and I tried not to laugh. If he's exhausted from just doing these simple moves, the Insanity would kill him.

I sat down on a nearby couch and Harry sat down next to me. "How much time do we have left?" he asked. I checked the time on my iPod. Luckily I had switched the time zone to fit Great Britain's.

About thirty minutes.

He nodded, and a sly grin stretched across my face. If I remembered correctly, Zayn had yoga right now, which is a good thing. It's not stressing out his muscles, but instead relaxing them. But it would still be fun to take videos of him doing yoga.

Want to watch Zayn fail in yoga?

Harry laughed. "Absolutely," he said and we ran down the hall, me taking my iPod along with me.

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