Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



"What do you mean no?" Martha exclaimed. "You have to! This is Simon Cowell we're talking about!"

I know that, but I can't go!

"Why not?"

I didn't write this on a napkin. I never meant for One Direction to actually SEE those videos! They were just for fun! There was no way I was going to choreograph for them. I couldn't speak, for Pete's sake! I'd only embarrass myself in front of them. Also there was no way that I would move away from my life here. Keith just acknowledged me, and he liked me! For once, I was happy! Why couldn't Martha see that?

I wrote this on the napkin:

I can't talk! What if I embarrass myself?

"Baby, you won't embarrass yourself," Martha said firmly. "Those boys respect you enough to let you dance for them. Don't pass that up!"

But what about Keith? I can't leave now!

"I know you don't want to," Martha said, a bit sadly. "But if you do pass this up, you'll look back on this day and think 'why the hell would I not want to be One Direction's choreographer?'. This is your dream, and this is an early start."

I was silent for a moment. I really, really didn't want to go...but there was some truth in Martha's words. I sighed. I knew she was right. If I passed this up, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I scribbled on the napkin.

When do I leave?

Martha smiled. "Two days," she replied. "So I would get packing if I were you!" I ran up the stairs and into my room. I started tossing clothes and books and empty journals into a suitcase that I kept under my bed. I got the feeling I would be gone for a long time. I looked at my laptop. And posted a video.

"Hello there, my loving and beautiful fans," it said. "It seems that I'm gonna be taking a little break from YouTube for a while as I am going to Britain. Apparently, the very Simon Cowell saw my videos and wants me to be the dance choreographer for a certain British boy band. Am I excited? Yeah, I suppose so...but I'm sad too. I don't really want to leave my friends and family behind, but I cannot let this opportunity slide. Thank you all for watching my videos, and I hope to post again soon!"

Comments began popping up quickly, almost all wishing me good luck or screaming their heads off about One Direction, even though I didn't mention them. I smiled in amusement.

At that precise moment, John came home. "I'm home!" he shouted. I rushed down the stairs to tell him the news. Martha beat me to it.

"I'm so proud of you, Kashine!" he shouted and swept me up in a hug. I laughed and hugged him back. "So what's cooking?" he asked, sniffing the air. I smiled again and shook my head. John sort of has ADHD. He can never stay focused on one thing for too long. He was the one that convinced Martha to adopt me by pestering her for hours. She says that he spent more time on me on then he ever did considering their engagement.

After dinner, John and Martha helped me get packed. I have to admit, I was getting more and more excited with each passing minute. I didn't think I'd be alive when it was time for me to go. I'd have died out of excitement.

I went to bed that night, smiling at the ceiling happily. It's times like these that give me ADHD too. My foot started to wiggle, then my leg, then my hand. I sat up and walked around the room, bored. I was still wide awake. I chuckled. I plugged in my iPod and turned on my favorite song. Okay, my OTHER favorite song. I have a favorite Carrie Underwood song, a favorite One Direction song, a favorite Def Leppard song, etc, etc. This one was different.

"Look After You" by the Fray. I love this song. When I was little, I thought that when I grew up, I would sing this song for the judges on the X Factor. That dream was out the window now, and besides, I wanted to be a dancer, or even a choreographer. Hopefully a better one than I was now.

I swayed gently to the music. I got back in bed. The song lulled me to sleep.

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