Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


I found Kashine sitting on a park bench under a tree. She didn't look tired at all, while I was panting and sweating like crazy. I needed more exercise.

I waited until my breathing and beating heart was steady before wiping away the sweat and fixing myself up. Then I walked up to her.

She was sniffing, and tears ran down her face. It was terrible to think that only last night she had been glowing with pride from her achievements but now she was reduced to tears from mockery from the fans. Ugh, I hate having to say that.

"Kashine," I said quietly and she lurched up from her seat, wiping at her tears frantically. "It's only me," I said when she calmed down.

She looked like she wanted to run again. Her beautiful green eyes looked shattered and bloodshot, like they had seen the end. Her face was stained with tear-trails and her hair was all tangled and messy. It was terrible.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, still using a quiet tone. She shook her head, sniffing and wiping her nose. "Why not?" I asked, even though I had a pretty good idea. "Your dance moves are a success! Everyone loves them and tour's going great so far! What isn't there happy to be about?"

She had been smiling a little when I listed all of the good things, and that made me feel good, but that last question dragged down her lips again. She pointed to her throat.

"Your voice," I guessed. It wasn't a question. "Kashine, you don't need your voice. Your dance moves speak volumes. You don't need to talk for people to understand that you're a great girl, no matter what anyone says."

I thought my speech was pretty good, but she didn't look convinced. She bent down and picked up a stick, scrawling a message into the dirt. I read it.

I'm a retard.

"What makes you think that?" I exclaimed. "Kashine, you are NOT a retard. Period. Screw those who think you are." Another half-smile, but still unconvinced.

One of those girls said they had read something somewhere that there are kids like me who can't talk. Maybe it isn't an insecurity after all. Maybe it really is a disability.

I nibbled on my lip uncertainly. How should I respond to that? I decided to just go with my gut and ditch the logic. Unfortunately, that might not help me here, but what else had I got?

"So what if it's a disability?" I challenged. "Who gives a crap? I know that it isn't, but if you want to believe it is, fine. I just know that it doesn't matter either way: insecurity or disability, it doesn't change who you are, Kashine, and that's all that matters."

I think I convinced her there, but then she wrote something I had no idea how to respond to.

I really want to talk.

Don't we all? I thought in my head but obviously didn't say that out loud. That wasn't the kind of encouragement Kashine needed right now. For a moment I thought about what I should say. Once again, going with my gut.

"Talking doesn't make a difference," I said. "I know this isn't want you want to hear, but bear with me here. I know there are some things you'll never be able to do: like sing, or talk, or things like that."

Kashine sniffled.

"But there are other things," I insisted. "Kashine, you are meant to be a dancer. And that doesn't require your voice. Just epic moves and a beautiful body, and you've got that covered."

She blushed.

"If you think about it," I went on. "Talking isn't all that much different from writing. Write your thoughts down, record your feelings. And the bonus of that: you get to keep it private if you want."

She gave me a look and I laughed. "Okay, guilty," I said in an admitting tone. "But I promise you that won't happen again."

She really seemed to be considering my argument, and I was relieved. Speeches aren't really my thing, but I'd been having to do it more and more often lately. I was a boy of very few words, remember.

"Stick with us next time," I added. "We'll make sure that never happens again, Kashine. You can trust us."

She giggled and gave me a look like, "I know". I sighed in relief. "Good," I said.

She advanced towards me and hugged me. I hugged her back. I couldn't help but inhale her perfume, and man, did she smell good. Her shampoo was strawberries, and mixed in with the jasmine flowery scent of her perfume was like inhaling heaven itself.

She pulled back (much to my disappointment) and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Th-thank you, Harry," she whispered. Her voice was pretty too. Like a breezy, cool wind rustling through the trees--

Whoa, wait, hold up. Her voice?!

Kashine and I stared at each other in amazement. "Kashine!" I shrilled. "You talked!"

And then something happened that I would never forget in my entire life: she kissed me.

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