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Wow, it's been a long time since I've written in here, hasn't it? I haven't needed this for years, but I have to keep a record of this. Something to look back on when all the good times are at an end.

There's so many places to start. Where to begin? I could write a whole book on just one adventure. Hmm, let's start from the very beginning.

We've grown old together, One Direction and I. Of course, not OLD old, but old enough in some of the kids' eyes. I've choreographed many, many concerts. I'm so famous I don't know what to do with myself anymore. It's not a secret anymore. Kashine is working for One Direction.

One Direction lasted for a very long time, a lot longer than Simon expected, that's for sure. We tried pushing them to stay together like the Rolling Stones' had, but no such luck. It was time for us to get on with our lives.

But they're going on a reunion tour next summer. It's going to be hilarious, since old fans will see them and think, "WOW!! They look THAT OLD?!" Trust me, they look old alright. And we're all barely forty!

Let's talk about the romances budding:

Let's start with Niall. Mr. Horan is a very lucky lad: the girl he found was homeless, and after he helped her out, it was clear she was something special. After two years of dating, the two are finally engaged. About time, we say. Those two adore each other.

Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer have gotten closer to each other over the years. They've been married for a long time now, and they're about to have their second child. I hope little Susie Belle is ready for a little brother!

Louis Tomlinson found himself a beautiful girl named Eleanor Calder. They clicked instantly. They're made for each other. They're getting married this spring, and I'm so happy for them.

Zayn Malik took a fancy to Perrie Edwards from Little Mix, and they've been married for about a year now. Perrie's pregnant with a girl, I think. Her name is going to be Anna Marie. If it's a boy, his name is going to be Michael James.

Harry Styles is probably the luckiest out of them all. If it were possible, he was in a "lover's block". He couldn't find a single date anywhere! But he finally found a girl named Tracy. They've only been dating for a few months, but I think it's going to turn into something more very soon. I'm happy for Harry.

And me.... Well, I'm doing alright. I'm married to a wonderful man, have two kids named Jacob and Calvin, and I have an excellent job that I enjoy doing everyday. Nobody's life could be more perfect than mine.

Alright, my hand is cramping now. I would write more, but I will when I'm not so tired and it's not a work night. It's so hard trying to balance your kids and work at the same time!

Until next time,
Kashine Allen

Author's Note (read if you want!):

So it's finally over! Truthfully, I'm kind of glad. This story took FOREVER to write, and I've had to resist the urge to write new stories because of this one!

Please read my other stories, and maybe fan me while you're at it! And please follow Kashine and I on Twitter at @1Dee_Lily. We have tons of crazy 1D stuff to share with you!

I've started a new fanfic called "Snapshot". It's pretty similar to "Mute" (in a way), so if you liked this story I bet you'll like my new one!

It's about a girl who was in an accident, and she wakes up in the hospital color-blind! How does Louis Tomlinson fit into all this? Well, you'll have to read to find out! ;)

Love ya all, and stay beautiful,

-Sammi <3

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