Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I had taken the journal away from Louis and put it in my back pocket to read later. Only, I wanted to read it now. It was wrong, and I knew I should return it, but Louis' words stuck in my head, making me want to read it. And those blood droplets scared me slightly. Obviously Kashine had gone through some hard times. And that's not right.

I took out the journal and sat on my bed, staring at it. Maybe I didn't open it. Something else did. I held it up and dropped it. It fell onto the floor, but didn't open up. I kicked it; it skidded across the floor but still did not open. Okay, this is ridiculous. I went over to it and opened it up myself.

I got the sense I was seriously intruding on something private, and I resisted the urge to close it. I flipped through it like I had before, and whenever something caught my eye or interested me I would read it. Unfortunately, most of the eye-catchers had tears or blood stains on them, and they were mostly about Miley. She seemed like a huge bitch. I hated her already, and I didn't even know her.

I spotted a page with a folded-down corner and decided to read it. What I read made my breath catch in my throat.


I'm going crazy. I know I am. Only after one day of the stupid project I'm assigned to with him and I'm already convinced I'm in love with him.

But I don't know him, other than the fact he's popular, funny, and kind of a pervert. I'm in love with a pervert. Creepy.

He already has a girlfriend, Miley. He could do so much better. I'm not saying I'm better than Miley, cause at the very least she talks, but I know there are other girls that would love to be with Keith. He just fails to see it.

He's so charming, and such a flirt, even to me. He joked with me and made fun of Brick, the class nerd that was in our group. I didn't mean to laugh, but his jokes were just so funny, and even Brick didn't mind too much. He just either ignored us and worked or even cracked a smile once in a while.

Keith told me his weekend plans, and they seemed pretty eventful. Hunting for squirrels. He told me they tasted like chicken. He wanted to catch a coyote someday and eat it. The way he said it made me laugh, and he told me he loved it when people laughed, especially girls.

We got to work in the hallways since the classroom was so packed, and I sat on the ground with Keith next to me. He scooted closer than necessary, and our legs were touching. I was sure my pounding heart could be heard all the way over in China.

I want him so bad, more than is appropriate, but I can't. Stupid Miley. She gets to have everything. The underdog gets nothing. I have no chance with Keith, and the only things I've got are my dreams and this stupid thing.

Until next time,
Kashine Douglas

I set the journal down a little shakily. She's in love? With a guy named Keith? Why did I care? But I picked it up again and researched this guy.

Kashine knew him through and through. His favorite color, his favorite song, his favorite hobby, his favorite movie, you name it. Kashine had it somewhere in her journal. I swear the only thing she didn't have was his favorite shampoo brand, and that would be all-out stalker.

I threw the journal away from me this time and it slammed against the wall and fell to the floor. I ducked my head so I could think.

Why was I so interested in this Keith guy? Okay, that came out wrong. But I mean, I had to search him through Kashine's journal, and that's not right. She's obviously either in love with this guy or infatuated with him, and by the way she goes on and on about his looks I'm guessing she's infatuated.

This guy didn't seem worth it. He was a pervert, a flirt, and (in my own personal opinion) ugly. Unlike me. I mean, yeah, I was sometimes a flirt and admittedly a pervert, but those were only jokes. Except for the flirt part. Not my fault girls are always so pretty and looking at me in strange ways.

I went over to Kashine's journal and picked it up again. I wandered back over to my bed, staring at it.

I promised I would show the other boys like Louis told me, but I didn't want to. I didn't think they would understand. I didn't completely understand myself, but I got the feeling I knew best on how to make her better. I had an idea, and it's probably impossible, but I didn't care.

I was going to make Kashine talk. Yeah, an impossible task, but I wanted to try. I needed to try. Under her silence was a wonderful girl struggling to show her true colors. And those were some spectacular true colors.

I wanted the world to know that Kashine was fearless, confident, kind, fit, anything you can look for in a girl. And Keith.... I scowled slightly. He could stay out of the picture. He didn't deserve her.

There was a knock on my door and I jumped. I shoved the journal underneath my comforter and answered it. Kashine stood outside, and she was reduced to carrying around a pad of paper under her arm. Her right arm was almost totally pink from writing on it so much. She was trying to look nonchalant, but her worry was evident.

I felt a heavy guilty feeling settle in my stomach. I should return it, right now while she's here. But she'd probably suspect that I read it. I should put it some place I know she'd find it. She wrote on one of her papers with her pink pen and showed me.

Hello, Harry. We were about to watch a movie and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us.

"Sure," I said with fake cheerfulness. "What movie is it?"

We don't know yet. We were waiting for you. And NO, it is not going to be Titanic.

I pouted. "Why not?" I complained. "That's a good movie." She wrinkled her nose.

I've never seen it, but in my personal opinion it's very mushy and teary and unrealistic. Plus, you cry each time.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, we don't have to watch Titanic," I said. She smiled and nodded. She ran off, probably expecting me to follow her. "I'll be right there," I called after her and went back to my room.

I uncovered the journal and stuck it in a hiding place I hopefully wouldn't forget. I'll return it soon, I vowed. Just not yet.

I went into the living room to watch a movie with the others. Louis glanced at me, and I nodded slightly. He relaxed, and I felt guilty that I was lying to him and to Kashine. I remembered my promise and tried to relax for the rest of the night.

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