Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


I buried my face in my pillow and picked at my sheets. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, and the boys knew that. They left me alone. For the most part. For a couple of hours the next morning they tried talking to me, but of course I didn't answer. I just ignored them until they gave up.

Was I really that invisible? Just because I couldn't talk I disappeared? If that was the case, this was going to be a problem. With all of the flashy lights and booming speakers the boys wouldn't be able to keep track of me. I should just stay in the hotel room or bus the whole time. The boys would be fine without me.

Someone knocked on my door. I sniffed and ignored it. The person knocked harder. Then I heard my door open. Talk about intruding. I shot up angrily and glared at the visitor.

Harry stared up at me calmly. "Hello, Kashine," he said. "Just wanted to let you know that we're going to leave in about an hour. For the last practice before our official concert."

I continued to glare at him.

"You're still coming right?" he asked hopefully. "We can't do it without you."

I turned away so he couldn't see the pink tint on my face and I shook my head.

"Please?" Harry pleaded. "Why not?"

I picked up my journal and wrote:

What if you lose me? You lost me at Nando's, and it might happen again. You might not find me again.

I threw my journal at him and he caught it. He read the new note. "It won't happen again," he promised. "We'll have Paul or somebody watch over you. We'll keep an eye on you during concerts."

But I wasn't convinced. What if Paul lost me too? After all, he's used to guarding five rowdy teenage boys, not one small, quiet girl.

I wrote my worries into my journal, which he had handed back to me. I gave it back and he read it. "Paul's really very good," he assured me. "He's awesome. He won't lose you. And if he does, he's gonna hear from me." I giggled quietly.

Harry climbed up the ladder and looped his arms around either post. He was now leaning against my ladder, also standing on it, and his head was above my bunk bed mattress.

"Please come," he begged. "We don't want to be alone when we dance." He grinned suddenly. "Maybe you'll start a flash mob." I laughed at that ridiculous idea. "It could happen," he said defensively, and that reminded me of something. I wrote on my hand, since he still had my journal.

Only on the Hub.

He frowned. "What?" he asked and I laughed at my own wasted joke. I guess they don't get the Hub in Great Britain.

"Well, anyway," Harry said insistently, getting back to the matter at hand. "You have to come, Kashine. Without you, we're a lost cause. You're kind of like our big rock, the one we look to when we're confused or in trouble."

I blushed. He was definitely winning me over with flattery, but safety always came first.

"I'll take you to McDonald's," he said bluntly. I whipped my head around so I could stare at him. How did he know.... Oh right, the journal. McDonald's was my favorite restaurant. Don't judge. I bit my lip.

"Come on," Harry cooed. "You know you want to." I scowled and slapped his face lightly. I winced nervously, but he didn't do anything about it, only grinned. So he wasn't afraid of me. I smiled slightly. That's good to know.

I sighed as I caved and nodded. "Yes!" Harry shouted and jumped onto my bed. "Kashine's happy! Kashine's happy!" He made it sound like a taunt, and of course that meant I took it offensively. "Kashine's happy! Kashine's happy!" he yelled, and I tried getting him to stop jumping on my bed, but I failed when I started laughing.

"What's going on in here?!" Liam exclaimed, poking his head inside my room. He smirked at us. "Niall!" he shouted over his shoulder. "You were right! Harry got to see Kashine in her pajamas!"

I flushed bright red as Harry yelled, "What?! No!" and tripped while jumping. He nearly fell off the bed.

The rest of the boys ran into the room and began to jump on my bed, completely smothering me. I thrashed about, laughing and squealing, and I finally grabbed onto a leg. Zayn promptly fell on top of me, and I gasped as the air was knocked out of me.

"Oops, sorry, Kashine," he said and rolled off me. Good thing my bed had a fence, or else he would've fallen off. I punched his arm multiple times and he watched with amusement as I didn't affect him at all. "Okay, okay, I get it," he said as I moved down to his stomach. "Boys, we're not wanted."

Louis fake-wept. "You wound me, Kashine!" he cried and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

Liam checked Harry's wrist. "Holy crap!" he shouted. "We're gonna be late! Get dressed boys plus Kashine and get ready!"

They scrambled off my bed or jumped down. Niall made that mistake and nearly landed on Liam's head. "Watch it!" he yelped and I giggled as I watched them flee my room.

I threw back my covers, still in my pajamas, and I climbed down the ladder. I put on a simple white blouse and ripped skinny jeans and I brushed through my long white hair until it was soft to the touch. I put in a flower clip and smiled at my reflection. I looked pretty okay.

I left my room and went to the center, where everyone else was. Once we arrived at the theater, we hurried inside and I sat in the audience again, excited as usual. The boys paraded out and did the best performance I'd seen yet. Yep, tomorrow's concert was going to be great.

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