Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


"She's mute," Simon said gently.

My jaw dropped. This was way too much to take in. Firstly, she was only, like, sixteen. Secondly, she was all the way from the States. Thirdly, she was mute. This must be even worse for Kashine.

"You didn't tell us that," Louis said.

"I only found out this morning myself," Simon replied. "I'll be out. Get to know her, and no rudeness allowed. Got it?"

We nodded. "We understand, Uncle Simon," we said solemnly.

He sighed. "Good," he said and walked over to Kashine. He whispered in her ear for a minute and then pulled back, waiting for her reaction. She wrote in her notebook thing and showed him. He smiled and nodded. Then he pushed past us and left.

We stared at her. She stared back.

"What did Simon tell you?" Zayn asked. She shook her head knowingly. She mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key, which was a bit unnecessary. She walked away, smiling to herself.

"It's gonna be really hard to figure out what she's thinking," Louis said. I nodded in agreement.

She returned and grinned at us. I grinned back. She walked over to us and handed Louis something. He gasped. "Carrot!" he said and stuffed it in his mouth. Kashine mimed checking something off her list.

"I like this girl!" Louis announced, slinging an arm around her. She giggled.

She sat down on the couch. We sat down with her. Well, Louis sat on the floor. She wrote into her notebook and showed us.

Tell me about yourselves. Bet you a million bucks I already know what you're gonna say.

I laughed. "Niall likes Nando's," I offered. She circled something and showed me a previous entry. She had circled what I had just said. I laughed again.

"Zayn's obsessed with his looks," Louis said.

"Hey!" Zayn shouted. Kashine sniffed. She wrote something and showed Louis. I took a peek.

You spend the longest time in the bathroom getting ready, so I wouldn't talk.

Louis huffed indignantly as Zayn burst out laughing. "You just got burned!" Niall shouted. He bumped fists with Kashine, who was laughing. She had a nice, pretty laugh.

"I don't like you anymore," Louis complained. Her face fell. Her eyes filled with tears and she ran off.

"Louis!" Liam snapped. "That was probably the worst possible thing you could say to her!"

He hung his head. "I didn't mean to...." he mumbled. I sighed and looked up the stairs, which was where Kashine had ran off to. Niall thumped the back of Louis' head.

I heard a shout and looked up just in time to see a water balloon come crashing down. It splattered all over Louis. "What the hell?!" he shouted, soaking wet. The rest of us burst out laughing. Until we all got splattered with water balloons.

My hair dripped in my face and I pushed it back. "You'll pay for that, Kashine!" I yelled.

"She's a really good actress," Liam said, pretty impressed.

"Too good," Louis scowled, looking like a little child as he folded his arms and pouted angrily.

A paper gently fluttered down to our level. I picked it up and read it.

Any questions? XD

I showed it to Niall, who showed it to Louis, who showed it to Zayn, who showed it to Liam. "We're coming after you, Kashine!" Niall shouted. We jumped up and rushed up the stairs.

Unfortunately for us, Simon's house has multiple levels on it, so Kashine could be anywhere. We searched for what felt like hours, but there was no sign of her.

We met up in the foyer. "No good," Liam sighed.

"Couldn't find her," Niall agreed.

"She has to come out sometime," Zayn pointed out.

Louis stamped his foot. "No fair!" he complained. "Simon tells US to behave, but SHE'S the one causing trouble?"

I ran a hand through my still-wet hair. Curse you thick curls. "Want to search again?" I offered.

"I'm hungry," Niall complained. I heard a whistle.

We looked up. Kashine was waving at us cheerily. She was smiling like she was having the time of her life.

"You better get down here, Douglas!" Zayn shouted. "Cause we're too tired and lazy to go get you ourselves!"

She rolled her eyes and disappeared from sight. I heard the stairs creaking as she descended. She handed Zayn a piece of paper.

Alright, you have me. Do your damage, pretty boy!

I thought it a shame she couldn't just tell us these things. I really wanted to know what she sounded like.

Zayn launched himself at her and she dived to the side, quick dance reflexes kicking in. She tried to run off, but I grabbed her wrist. She cried out in pain. It sounded real.

I released my grip on her and she cradled her wrist painfully. I hadn't gripped her that hard, had I? "I'm sorry--" I started but she shook her head. She took out a pen and wrote on her hand. She showed me.

Not your fault. Mine.

I frowned in confusion. Before I could say anything, Louis tackled her to the ground. She giggled and began to laugh uncontrollaby as Louis tickled her. She was very ticklish. She slapped his hands away, gasping for air.

"How old are you, Kashine?" Niall asked randomly. She held up a ten. Then a six. "Sixteen?" Liam guessed.

"Wow, you're young," I said. "You must have a lot of experience in dancing." She made a so-so gesture.

"No way!" Louis shouted. "Your dancing has to be imprinted in your brain! Who taught you?" She shook her head. Nobody.

Our jaws dropped once again. "Holy fudge!" Zayn exclaimed. "You taught yourself or something?! You're really good!" She blushed and shook her head again.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous," I sighed. Kashine stood up again, and Louis followed suit. "Kashine, can you try to talk to us?" I asked. She bit her lip and shook her head for the third time.

"Simon told us not to talk about that!" Liam snapped at me. Kashine put a hand over his mouth. She shrugged. It's alright, she mouthed. She wrote something down and gave it to him. I read over his shoulder.

I'm not stupid. I know I'm mute, and I do not accept anyone's pity.

I smiled. "But won't you just try?" Louis begged. "Pretty please with sugar on top?"

Kashine smiled, then closed her eyes. She opened her mouth and seemed to concentrate really hard. Her pale face turned red. She clenched her fists and trembled. A slight breathing noise escaped her throat.

"Stop, Kashine!" Zayn said worriedly but she persisted. I think she was really coming to a major breakthrough.

Then Simon returned.

Author's Note:

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I won't be updating in a while as @iLoveMusic9753 has threatened me with death if I don't post on "You Belong With Me". Btw, read that please!

I also want to mention that everything in this story is fake. There is no YouTube account called dancergirl911. Or maybe there is.... Who knows?

I love you guys for actually reading this and I love you even more if you added this to your library!

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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