Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


I pretended that this was a musical movie I was in, and I imagined myself singing a sad, rainy song. Unfortunately, the only one I could think of was "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele, and that didn't exactly fit my situation. But it was music, so I stuck with it. I turned my head from side to side as the song played in my head.

Maybe I could dance on the streets to earn some money. Yeah, that could work. I could earn enough money to buy a plane ticket back to the States.

Or at least enough to buy food and water. Thankfully, I wasn't hungry yet, thanks to Nando's, but I was dying of thirst from my pointless run. The only good thing that came out of that was me burning the Nando's meal calories off.

I gasped as I realized something, and I took out my iPod. I still had this! Plus my earbuds! But that's not the point. Maybe I could message the boys and tell them to pick me up. And to curse them for a bit, but that could come later.

I breathed on my numb fingers and began to type. Who to send it to? Oh, of course. I hit the send button.

Now all I had to do was wait some more. Yippee for me.


They stared at me. Then Niall screamed something that should not be repeated and started tugging at his hair furiously.

"What do we do?" Louis demanded. "Freaking tell me what to do!"

And that's the innocent version of what he was demanding.

Liam and Zayn were both talking at once, but I wasn't hearing a word they said.

I couldn't believe we left Kashine behind. Shit, shit, shit, I thought over and over again, taking deep breaths to compose myself from yelling those words out loud. Kashine must be so pissed, and scared for sure.

"What do we do?" Louis snapped. I stared at him blankly. That's a good question. What the heck should we do? Most likely the driver wouldn't turn around because we were banned from Nando's and that's where she was. We'd have to make him.

My iPhone chirped and everyone stopped talking to stare at me. It was kind of disconcerting, but I ignored the uncomfortableness as much as possible and took out my iPhone to read the message.

-Kashine :)

And that's the innocent version of the message.

I sucked in a breath, ignoring the curse words. "It's from Kashine!" I exclaimed, and they all crowded around me to read it.

"She has a potty mouth," Niall noted.

"We kind of deserve that," Liam acknowledged.

My iPhone chirped again.

-Kashine :)

Along with a dozen pissed and devil faces.

"And she's stuck on caps lock," Niall added.

I wanted to face-palm, but we had more pressing issues to deal with than Niall's stupidity. I quickly typed a reply.

We are soooooooooooooooo sorry!!!!!! We're coming as soon as we can! Hang tight!
-Haz ;)

"I don't think you put enough 'o's, Harry," Louis said and I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"Or exclamation points," Liam added.

"Will you people shut up?" I snapped. "We have a more important crisis here." They shut up after that, thankfully.

Where are you?
-Haz ;)

-Kashine :)

Yep, she's pissed. We'd make it up to her. Somehow.

We'll be right there. DON'T GO ANYWHERE. STAY PUT.
-Haz ;)

-Kashine :)

I was about to put my iPhone away when I received another text. I glanced at it.

Oops, stuck on caps lock. But I mean it, get your asses down here.
-Kashine :)

Oh, so she had been stuck on caps lock all along. I'd never doubt Niall ever again.

"Where is she?" Louis asked worriedly.

"At Nando's," I said.

"Which one?" Niall asked. I literally face-palmed. I take it back about doubting Niall. "The one in China," Zayn said sarcastically.

"There aren't any Nando's in China!" Niall said. He paused. "Is there?" he asked.

We were seriously getting on each other's nerves out of worry. "Guys, give it a rest," I said. "I know where she is. She'll be back with us in no time." They each sighed with relief.

"Hopefully," I added under my breath. Thankfully, no one heard.


Wow, I was bored. Bored, bored, bored. Bored bored bored bored. B-O-R-E-D. That spells "bored". That's what I was.

I made a rap in my head, mostly involving the word "bored". It was crazy how less than twenty minutes ago I was crying my heart out and now I was making raps in my head that go along with "bored". I wondered if this was how it felt to be the damsel in distress waiting for her knight or prince or whatever. I felt bad for her.

I got off my butt and invented a dance for the Bored Rap. Double step, cross step, half turn, clap your hands, do the opposite side. Cartwheel handspring. I crashed onto my back and groaned. Okay, no handspring. I was a dancer, not a gymnast.

I really needed the water now, and I was tempted to drink out of the puddles in the ground. Why did I have to run so far and so hard? Well, the dancing had taken my mind off the water loss, so I decided to keep on doing that.

I got back on my feet and decided to do the dance moves for "Up All Night". The complicated ones, not the simple ones the boys were doing. I smiled as I danced. I love feeling the wind flow between my fingers as I moved, everything shifting in sync. There was nothing more perfect or free than this.

Soon I was done with the song, and I began to dance for the heck of it. I decided to demonstrate the movement of storms. I twirled and jumped and flashed about just like a thunderstorm. The wind whistling through my fingers and in my ears, the snap of bringing back my arms and legs, the rushing sensation.

Eventually I had to stop because of how exhausting it was. I panted slightly and flipped my long hair behind my shoulders. I looked to the ground and saw about twenty dollars in American cash at my feet. My eyes widened and I dived down to pick it up. Money! I'm pretty sure it wasn't there before I started dancing. Cool. I tucked it into my back pocket.

I continued on dancing, my theme being nature. I was spring, then autumn, then winter, then rushing water, then hurricanes and tornadoes. That last one had been particularly fun and spectacular.

By the time I was done, I had a small pile of cash that was growing quickly at my feet, and a few people passing by actually stopped and watched me more than once. I temporarily forgot about my troubles and just danced. It didn't last long though.

"Kashine!" a familiar voice yelled, and I looked up. A few people from the small, gathered crowd looked around too.

"Kashine!" the voice yelled again and three boys shoved their way to the front of the crowd. Louis, Harry, and Niall.

"There you are!" Harry cried and they attacked me in a hug. I heard a few worried and surprised shouts from the crowd, and the boys took a step back. I glared at them. "Look, we're sorry, Kashine," Niall said in a pleading tone. "We were just in a hurry, and you're so quiet...." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"Hey, could you three move?" a man shouted. "We're trying to watch her dance."

Louis whipped around to glare at the man. "Why don't you move before I stick my boot right up your--" He was cut off by Harry smacking a hand over his mouth. I shook my head, smiling slightly. Sass master.

"Let's go, Kashine," Niall said and tugged on my arm. "We're going to be late! Zayn and Liam are so worried!"

I faltered slightly and I sighed. I waved to the crowd and blew a few kisses. "Show's over!" Harry yelled at them. "Go home!" They glared at us as they walked away.

"Hey," an elegant-looking woman said. "You should be a dancer. You've definitely got the moves and figure for it." I smiled and nodded. She smiled back and walked off.

I stomped back to the bus, which was just around the corner. "Kashine!" Liam and Zayn exclaimed when they saw me. They tried smothering me like Niall, Louis, and Harry had, but I pushed past them. I could tell it hurt them, but they LEFT ME BEHIND. They deserved the cold shoulder. For the second time, may I add.

The boys followed me onboard, and Harry finally removed his hand from Louis' mouth. "--ass," he finished unnecessarily. That was the last pleasant word I heard before slamming the door on them for the night.

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