Chapter 30: Stole My Heart

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Chapter 30: Stole My Heart


This was going to be one of the harder ones, since most of the music video was acting rather than dancing or singing. But the boys seemed pretty confident and ready, and that made me pretty confident and ready. Besides, I had some easy moves planned beforehand. What could go wrong?

Everything of course.

"Can't we take the day off, Kashine?" Zayn whined from the couch. "I'm exhausted and my muscles are sore. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

I scowled. I take it back about the boys being confident and ready. "Yeah, we really need a break," Harry agreed. I turned my glare over to him.

Come on, people, after this song we only have two more. After that we can take all the break you want.

But they still weren't convinced.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Niall said, collapsing to the floor face-first. "I think I'll pass today," he told the floor.

I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, listen to Kashine," Liam said, ignoring the smart-aleck looks he got from the other boys. "After this song and two more we get a break. For, like, four days."

"Then it's tour," Louis reminded him. "And that's exhausting already. We need to save our energy."

Everyone except Liam nodded in agreement and got comfortable on the couch, or, in Niall's case, the floor.

I stamped my foot in frustration. These boys were such crybabies. Forget it, let them fail. If they're going to be this uncooperative, they deserved what's coming to them.

"Do I have to remind you guys that Simon said we have to obey all of Kashine's orders?" Liam sighed. The boys groaned. "Not that again," Zayn told the ceiling.

"Too bad, it is," he retorted. Liam did, not the ceiling. The boys hauled themselves to their feet, but then I decided something. Since the chance of the boys performing this song in front of a live audience was ninety to one, I let a couple boys take a break.

I pressed a hand against Niall's and Louis' chests and shook my head. "We're not needed?" Louis asked excitedly and I nodded. "Yes!" he whooped.

"What?!" Harry exclaimed. "What about us?"

I smirked and tapped the "Stole My Heart" page in my journal. Only Liam, Harry, and Zayn sang this song. Therefore, Niall and Louis weren't needed.

Harry and Zayn looked pretty down about that, but Liam was actually smirking as we went to the recording studio.

I shut the door behind us. "We're not going to have to wear costumes again, right, Kashine?" Zayn asked nervously and I giggled as I shook my head. He looked relieved, along with Harry and Liam. "Oh, thank goodness," he sighed.

They stood in their spots, but since Louis and Niall were absent I made them stand closer together. I turned on the music and showed them my moves for it. Zayn didn't have much to worry about since he only had a short solo, so I made him sit out while I trained Harry and Liam.

It had been kind of hard figuring out some moves for Liam to do, since for 100% of the time he had been acting in the music video, but I had finally come up with something. The only things I wanted him to do was a few spins and some foot-tapping. Literally, that's it. Harry acted like a fan for me when Liam tried it on his own, and of course he got it perfect immediately.

When it was Harry's turn, he had to do a bit more. He had to spin, and point, and foot-tap. His chorus was quick, so I let him go slow at first, but then I made him go faster and faster until he was at the speed of the song. Liam acted like a fan too, and he made sure to get right up in Harry's face, even though that would be impossible for a fan to do. Once he got that perfect, I moved on to Zayn.

Like I said, Zayn had a little solo, so his moves were simple. He had to point, and that's pretty much it, but when it was Harry's turn again he had to twist away. Now that was kind of hard. It was a spin while ducking down, and we had to work on this many times. So much so that I had to make Harry and Liam sit out because they were too distracting.

After about ten to twelve times, Zayn finally got it right. But we were still going at snail-pace, and we had to wait a few more minutes for him to catch up with the invisible song.

After that was accomplished, I made them all dance together with me a few times, then I sat out and watched them. I turned on the music once I decided they were as perfect as you could get with no music, and I danced with them twice. Then they were on their own. You can probably guess what I rated them.

I clapped my hands loudly and they all bowed to an imaginary audience. "Thank you, thank you very much!" Harry shouted.

"You've been a great audience!" Liam added.

"And thank goodness you don't exist!" Zayn finished, and I giggled. I didn't think he'd ever get over the embarrassment of dancing, even though he looked great.

"Well done!" a loud voice declared, and Louis and Niall entered the studio, each clapping sarcastically. "That was the best performance I have ever seen," Louis added. He had been the one that had spoken first.

"Aw, you're just jealous," Harry smirked.

"What?" he spluttered. "Pfft, no, we're lucky. We got to take a break!"

"Yeah, but we got to spend more time with Kashine," Harry countered. I blushed, ducking my head slightly.

My thoughts randomly switched over to Miley. If she could only see me now: five of the sexiest boys on the planet fighting over me. At least, I think they were. It's hard to tell.

"We got chocolate," Niall smirked.

"What?!" Liam yelped. "No fair! Kashine, punish them!"

I smiled faintly as I walked up to the two boys and brushed my hand against their cheeks. I turned to Liam with a look like, "how's that?". He shook his head, frowning. "No, you need to be harder than that," he protested and he went up to Niall and Louis.

"Got ya!" they hollered and produced two water guns out of nowhere. "Prepare to get chocolate-ified!" Niall added and they squirted their water guns, only water wasn't inside them....

"Stay away from me!" Zayn yelled as Niall chased him around. "This is my only white t-shirt!"

I laughed, but stopped when I got a mouthful of melted chocolate and ended up coughing. I glared at Louis. I let out a battle screech and tackled him to the ground, wrestling the water gun (or should I say chocolate gun?) out of his hands. "Oh no, you don't!" he said but I already had it. I coated his face with it. I smirked. Enjoy the pimples.

I turned it around so the nozzle was pointed towards my face, and I pressed the trigger. I opened my mouth and greedily filled up on the melted chocolate. "Hey!" Louis yelped and snatched the gun away from me. "Ammo-stealer!" I spit the chocolate in my mouth into his face. "Gross!" he cried and immediately began wiping at his face again.

Uh oh, I thought. I've become one of the boys!

Actually, the other side of me said thoughtfully. Is that such a bad thing?

Eh, I guess not.

Let's get 'em!

I pressed my chocolatey hands against Zayn's back, which he wasn't too happy about. Kashine had no limits! I was part of the band now!

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