Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Simon stopped when he saw us soaking wet, except for Kashine of course. "What happened to you?" he asked. "I told you not to cause trouble!"

"We didn't!" Niall wailed. "Kashine threw water balloons at us!" He pointed at her. The small girl had widened her forest-green eyes and was trembling slightly like she was afraid. She ducked her head and her white-blond hair fell in her face.

Simon rolled his eyes. "Sure she did," he said sarcastically. "Somehow she managed to sneak water balloons through the airport and into my house, filled them up, and dropped them on you for no apparent reason."

Niall nodded. "Yep, that's about it," he said, Simon's sarcasm flying wide over his head.

"Well," Zayn piped up. "Louis told Kashine that he didn't like her." Kashine rubbed her eyes like she was wiping away tears. "Louis!" Simon snapped. He winced. "I didn't mean it!" he protested. Simon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go shower and change," he ordered. "Like I said, we have a dinner tonight and I think it best that Kashine stays away from you for the time being."

My jaw dropped AGAIN and I stared at Kashine. She glanced up at me and flashed me a smirk. The little devil! She's faking it!

"Uncle Simon--" I started to say but he cut me off. "Go," he said more forcefully. We obeyed. I shot Kashine a glare. She looked up when Simon's back was turned, and gave me a pretty little wave and a bright smile. Then she was a broken little girl again.

I will get my revenge. When: I'm not exactly sure. How: I will need Louis' help for that. But I will get my revenge.


When the door closed behind the boys, I imagined that I was doing a little gloating dance. I held back my laughter. Water balloons! I was so clever! Thank you, Louis!

I hadn't let my true colors show since elementary school. And boy, did it feel good. Little miss prankster. Expert actress. Tell me to act something and I will do it so well, you would actually think I was a bum on the street, or a princess at a ball, or whatever you wanted me to be.

I feel bad I did it to the One Direction boys, but I couldn't help myself. I've seen the way they act; it'd all blow over by tomorrow night at the latest. But I think it would take a little apologizing to Louis, Harry, and Zayn to get back on their good side. Harry had looked pissed, Zayn would be mad that I messed up his hair, and Louis would be a bit upset at me framing him.

Did I mention it felt so good to be me again?

Simon turned back around and I thought of a little puppy getting flattened by a monster truck. Tears stung my eyes and fell down my cheeks. He softened. "Sorry," he apologized. "I thought the boys would behave." I gave him a piece of paper.

That's okay. I'm fine.

I wiped my eyes and put on a brave face. He smiled. "I got something to cheer you up," he said and handed me a bag. I reached inside and felt something silky. I gasped and pulled out the long, beautiful light blue dress. It had sleeves, thank goodness, but they were small, exposing my bony white arms. The v-neck was so low I knew I would die of embarrassment, even though it wasn't inappropriate. The dress was long so it didn't expose my legs--I hate dresses like that.... Actually, I hate dresses in general. But it was so beautiful I couldn't resist (a/n: sorry about the bad description). I shook my head. I can't take this.

"Please?" he asked, pleading slightly. "You don't have a dress, and we are going to a nice place tonight. Dresses and suits are mandatory." I giggled when I imagined Louis in a suit. It just didn't fit his image.

Simon smiled, as if reading my thoughts. "The boys will be in suits too," he went on. "And they don't like it either. Take the dress, please." It didn't take much persuading. I nodded vigorously.

Simon chuckled. "You can shower and change," he said. "I'll bring your suitcase to your room." I shook my head and put my hand on my luggage handle. He sighed. "I may be famous, but I'm not helpless," he told me and took my things and hauled them away. I laughed quietly to myself.

I hung up my dress in the bathroom and grabbed the shampoo and conditioner that I brought from home. They smelled like strawberries.

I brushed through my wet hair, and used a hairdryer to dry it more quickly. I stared at the cuts in my arm. Why would I ever do such a thing? It's times like these that I'm excited and happy that make me wonder why I would ever cut.

I finally looked away and slipped on my dress. It felt soft against my skin. I looked at myself in the mirror, and dabbed on some makeup. I put on lipgloss and some blush, and then I started to cover up my cuts. I painted my nails a pretty silver color. The first time I had ever painted my nails. Pathetic, right?

I left the bathroom and waited patiently for Simon in the living room.

I hoped the boys didn't hate me too much. I liked them, and I looked forward to choreographing their concerts. It'd be fun to watch them fail a few times, and then finally able to manage a few steps. I'd have to downgrade my dancing, since they're clumsy boys and they would be holding microphones in their hands.

Simon entered and appraised me kindly. He smiled. "The dress is definitely your style," he approved. I blushed and picked up my journal and a pen. I got the feeling this dinner was sort of like an interview.

We left his house.

Let's just say the restaurant was incredibly grand and fancy. Definitely NOT my style. I prefer a sloppy McDonald's for cheap. Did they even have McDonald's in Great Britain? I hoped so.

A waitress took us to a large reserved table. I sat down and folded my hands neatly in my lap. Simon sat down next to me. Another waitress came near and tried handing us the menus, but Simon waved her away. "We're still waiting for the rest of the party," he told her. She nodded and walked off.

I was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable in this stuffy, fancy place when the boys showed up, as loud and obnoxious as could be. Now maybe I'd be able to survive through tonight.

They were loud coming in. "We are part of Simon Cowell's party!" Niall shouted. A man shushed him, but the blond boy ignored him. "Where is he?" Louis asked, practically screaming, and I almost laughed. He sounded like he had lost his daddy and was freaking out. Liam pushed his way through and spotted us. "There they are!" he exclaimed. "Now stop yelling!" he yelled at them. I had to laugh at that.

They walked over to Simon's table, ignoring the glares they were getting around the restaurant. They stopped and five jaws dropped for the.... Fifth time today? Or was it the sixth? I wondered what they were looking at and stared around nervously. Their gazes never wavered.

"Stop drooling over Kashine and sit down," Simon ordered. I blushed. They had been staring at me?! They obeyed and sat down. Harry sat down beside Simon, and Louis sat next to me. Liam, Niall, and Zayn sat across from us.

"You look beautiful, Kashine," Zayn told me. I blushed and looked down, truly embarrassed. Not acting. I wanted this dress off of me as soon as possible.

This time a waiter approached us. He was a teenager about Harry's age (a/n: Happy Birthday, Harry!) and he was kinda cute. He had blue eyes much paler than Niall's and dark brown hair lighter than Zayn's. He glanced at me before resuming to do his job. At least he wasn't drooling over me.

The others ordered their drinks, saving me for last. Something simple. Oh, I know! A Coke. I wrote in my journal. The waiter looked at me expectantly. "She'll have a Coke," Louis said quickly. The waiter--I read his name tag and saw that it was Ben--cast him a disapproving look before walking away.

I shot Louis a glare. How did he know what I wanted? He shrugged. "I saw what you wrote," he said simply. I still glared at him. Then why cover for me

"You don't want to embarrass yourself in public." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I thought you would like to keep your... you know... a secret as long as possible." I never thought of that, but as soon as I did, I was grateful to him. He could be so smart when he set his mind to it. I took some of Keith's advice and hugged him. He seemed surprised, but he hugged me back. "You're welcome," he said pleasantly.

"Things are getting heated already?" a voice asked loudly and I reddened. I pulled away and glared at Harry. He only chuckled.

Ben returned quickly with our drinks. I took mine gratefully and flashed him a smile. He smiled back. I put the delicate glass down and felt something at the bottom of it. I detached it and held it up to the light so I could see the faint handwriting better. The paper was damp from the glass but I could still read it:

Call me, babe. xxx-xxx-xxxx

I blinked in surprise and my mouth opened slightly as I gaped. He wanted me to call him? Tough luck.

Before I could put it away a hand snatched it away from me. I gasped and looked at Louis. He was scowling as he read the paper. He crumpled it up. I punched him in the arm. He ignored me.

He showed it to Zayn, who showed it to Niall, who showed it to Liam, who showed it to Harry. He tossed it in the trash can. I folded my arms and glared at them. "For your own safety," Louis murmured in my ear. It took all of my willpower not to spit in his drink. I didn't need protection! I could take care of myself! I might've been mute, but I wasn't dumb!

Ten minutes later Ben took our order and then he left. He had a nice, deepish voice. He smiled at me again, this time exposing his teeth, and I did too. Normally I didn't flirt, but I was just doing it to get on the boys' nerves.

"Kashine," Simon said suddenly. "When did you start choreographing? Or dancing, for that matter." I held up a number of fingers. "Four," he said in surprise. "And you taught yourself?" I nodded. "Did any of your family go into dancing?"

Not that I know of. I only know John and Martha. They never really told me about their family, so I never met them. I think they were saving me from judgement. And I'm grateful for that.

John couldn't dance to save his life. Martha doesn't dance. Period. You might think that's surprising, considering her normally girly attitude, but when it comes to dancing she has lead feet. No dancing whatsoever. I shook my head.

"Not even your parents?" Simon pressed. I shook my head again. I wrote in my journal.

John and Martha don't dance, but they are very proud of me.

"I'm sure they are," Simon said kindly and I blushed. "You refer to your parents' first names?"

I'm adopted.

"Oh...." His voice trailed off and I could tell he really didn't know how to respond to that. I smiled.

It's alright. I doubt anyone could love me more than John and Martha. They're awesome.

Harry laughed and Simon relaxed. "Do you still go to school?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you get good grades?" Another nod, but I added a shrug this time. They weren't excellent, but average is always good enough for John and Martha.

The interview went on until our food came. Louis had ordered something piled with carrots, and I rolled my eyes. Harry got tacos, duh. I had some pesto cavatappi, and Zayn decided to have the same thing. Niall had... something on his plate. Let's just say it was huge. Liam and Simon had something Chinese.

Ben smiled at me again. Harry glared at him and he backed off.

After dinner, Simon walked us out. "I'm glad we got to know you better, Kashine," he said as he opened the car door for me. "I still think that you are the woman for the job." I blushed again. Now I was a woman, not a mere girl.

Before I could get in, I heard Niall whine: "Can't Kashine drive with us? You're overprotective, Simon!" The other boys nodded and mumbled their agreement. I would never let Simon or the boys know this, but I kinda wanted them to drive me home instead.

Speaking of home, where am I staying? I knew I was staying with Simon, but I doubted for long. I wrote the question in my journal and showed Simon. "I was thinking you could stay at my place--" he started but Louis cut him off.

"No!" he shouted. "Kashine stays with us!" Simon raised a warning eyebrow, but they went on. "Yeah!" Harry agreed.

"Kashine!" Zayn whooped. I ducked my head, embarrassed. Simon sighed. "Do you want to stay with them, Kashine?" he asked. "The choice is yours." I pretended to think about it, then gave a shrug and nodded. "Yay!" Niall cheered and squeezed the lights out of me. I coughed to show him I couldn't breathe. He let go and I took deep breaths. That boy had a strong grip for someone so small!

Liam and Zayn each grabbed my hand and almost dragged me to their car. I waved to Simon and stepped inside carefully, not wanting to get my dress torn or dirty. I sat between them.

Louis took the wheel and I gulped nervously. I wasn't sure if I could trust him on the road. Liam sensed my nervousness. "Don't worry," he reassured me. "Louis is a good driver. He won't get us killed." Thanks for that pretty picture, I thought sarcastically but gave him a weak smile. Louis started the car and began to drive before the passenger door was closed. Harry wasn't even sitting down yet. Uh oh.

They laughed and joked the whole car ride and I couldn't remember the last time I've had so much fun. I became one of them, as it had been my life's dream to be with them, and laughed at almost everything they said, even if it wasn't funny. Literally, Harry told Louis to turn left and I nearly died from laughing so hard. What was my problem?

They dropped me off at Simon's house before Simon even arrived. Niall picked the lock and got inside. I'd have to keep an eye on my new bathroom door from now on. Louis brought down my stuff and we were in the car again before long.

We arrived at the bungalow where they stayed and I got my very own room. I smiled and looked around. It was small, just the way I liked it, and had a walk-in closet and large bed with a side table. I put my suitcase down beside my bed. "Do you like it?" Liam asked nervously. I giggled and nodded. They visibly relaxed. I giggled again.

I wrote in my journal, a whole paragraph, telling them how grateful I was and that I would see them in the morning. They seemed reluctant to leave but I managed to persuade them. Yawning widely helped.

I changed out of my dress and hung it up in my new closet. I unpacked my pajamas (an extra-large oldies Mickey Mouse t-shirt and oldies Mickey Mouse pajama pants) and put them on. I brushed through my long hair once more and went into the bathroom to wash off my makeup and brush my teeth.

I plopped down on my bed and took out my journal. I began to write.


Best day ever. I met the One Direction boys today and had the time of my life. My old self came out again and I dropped water balloons on them. I feel guilty and ecstatic at the same time.

Simon bought me a beautiful dress and took me out to dinner with the boys for an interview. The waiter gave me his number, if you can believe it! Unfortunately, Louis took it and crumpled it up. He said it was for "my own safety". He can be so overprotective, sort of like Simon.

They drove me to Simon's place and I was given to permission to stay with them! I can't believe it! I am staying with One Direction! I guess they were right when they said anything is possible, because the impossible just happened! Although, I'm pretty sure humans can't fly yet....

During the dinner Simon asked me about my past and I told him. Just not everything about me. He doesn't know about the bullying, or Keith, or my cuts. Come to think of it, he almost doesn't know me at all. He only knows that I can dance and choreograph, that I'm adopted, and I get average grades in school.

I should probably get to bed now. The boys will no doubt want to wake me up early tomorrow or something.

Until next time,
Kashine Douglas

Suddenly, I remembered something. How could I forget?

PS, I almost talked today! I could feel my voice inside of me, sort of stirring, just waiting to come out.

Remember in that past entry when I said that maybe Keith was the one to help me tick right? Well, maybe it's the boys. Maybe they'll be able to help me. I got so close! :D

I set my journal down and put the pen cap back on. I put them both inside my little secret compartment in my suitcase. Not even John or Martha knew about the compartment. No one could read my journal. I was going to kill Miley when I finally got the confidence to.

I snuggled underneath the blankets and smiled to myself. Life couldn't get better than this. I fell into a deep, happy sleep.

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